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Everything posted by mania

  1. Read my post again That is exactly who I am saying the dropping baht will help In the form of more tourists whose dollar goes further same for exports Which is why I said "During troubled times for economies many a currency was happy to race to the bottom"
  2. Ah right! I forgot that one & yes internet is a great deal in Thailand! Cell Phone rates too!
  3. Why defend it? During troubled times for economies many a currency was happy to race to the bottom Talk about increased tourism? More will come knowing they get more bang for their buck Exports? Many countries buy more when they too get more product for their currency The only to suffer is who? Thai travelers? You think Thai sellers in the night markets care if the dollars now buying more of their products were exchanged for 37 instead of 33 baht when exchanged? Save your reserves BoT let your currency seek its level & enjoy the shoppers who will now return & the increased exports
  4. I think the list your not worried about is far more valid than Thailand ever becoming a "vassal state of America" Thailand is & always will be "chummy" with anyone they think they can get a check from but, #1 if America wanted it they would have taken it period long ago or installed a puppet regime #2 Nobody including the USA actually wants Thailand for anything more than what it always was "a recreational stop" Same as during the Vietnam war #3 Thailand would never be a vassal to the US as it has no inherent value but has tons of liabilities Take somewhere like Hawaii with its Pearl Harbor for refueling large ships & aircraft to cross the pacific & you have something worth taking & they did. Take Thailand & what do you have? Liabilities period
  5. That is a good question & one we are considering now We lived in Thailand 2011 till 2017 left for our reasons but still had our home in US to go back to. Now we still have a home in Thailand & are about to visit after 3 years away due to C19 craziness But your question above is what we are wondering at this point We want to go look & see & decide whether we want final years here or in Thailand "But" if we move back we would likely sell here this time as it would be easier Biggest concern would be health insurance going forward. We are both healthy no preexisting probs but read all the posts about increasing rates & I am now 65 so do wonder how that would go
  6. Outpatient diagnostic type medical tests are of good value in Thailand Sadly inpatient has gone the other way with prices spiking up & of course the dual pricing but worst of all there are operations etc being recommended when not always necessary (Yes I have first hand proof of such)
  7. That is of course 100% true & troubling at the same time Of course the answer is obvious and indicative of who owns the media & that is again troubling Because once upon a time journalistic objectivity was neutral wasn't it?
  8. Electricity , albeit tends to have more faults/brown outs etc
  9. Sorry (lag) Dbl posted
  10. Yes reached it quite a few years ago & it is probably quite paltry compared to what most want Funny I was cycling down the road in beautiful countryside & wondered what would I do if I was rich /had a million etc? I said it out loud...I would do this! It was at that moment I realized I was already rich & had what I needed ???? That aside when I was younger I was a Sys admin & on a executive committee at the company I was working for. The owners took a liking to me & treated me well & I got to know them very well. I saw first hand what big money did to folks & it was not pretty...at all They raised a bunch of useless spoiled kids who as adults were quite useless & were never really happy... not any of them Many rich folks never get any rest for fear of who might be trying to take it from them. They own so much that in reality it all owns them So yeah nah I'm good ????
  11. There is a triple witching this Friday Sept 16th
  12. I am no expert but imagine any non load bearing exercise will be good. Hence the swimming. I would have also thought the cycling would be fine & perhaps your initial pain is too high a gear. If you can sit & spin 90-100rpm you will get a good workout with no heavy load on the knee but again I do not know the extent of your injury. If it was just a fracture the pain you feel now could be stiffness from non use etc too But that aside & back to swimming. Do you know how to swim laps do distance? I mean not splash around but do continuous laps & do a few thousand meters or a mile+ Trust me it is exercise. ???? The only reason it comes before the bike & run in Tri is many would die if it came last 555???? Good Luck with your rehab hope you feel better soon! Just keep moving!
  13. For this purpose it is hard to beat a simple AeroPress Buy at any coffee place in Thailand like Hillkoff etc At the same time buy the reusable metal filter & you never have to buy paper ones Put some nice fresh coffee in it add hot water *& press Get a "fresh" cup of coffee not a burnt overdone one ????
  14. I just did one from here in the USA as my Thai license expired pretty painless now & all done online to send photo, pay fee etc I did mine here & it was sent to me quckily https://international-permit.com/en-us/price.html There is also this one which is cheaper but has to be done thru mail https://www.aaa.com/vacation/idpf.html#overseas
  15. Mostly true but, if you have spent time in the country you see they are quite handy at breaking down firearms as well as actually building some homemade zip guns
  16. Yes all true...The world in general is headed for hyper inflation but this is not new. For many years in the USA the FED has been throwing money from helicopters & the debt has gone vertical Truth is for some time now all the taxes collected does not even pay the interest on the debt About not being on the States tax radar...Really I thought the same but there is no burden unless earning BIG money still. Also I note many expats had no problem saying yes to the Federal Stimulus ????
  17. This chicken or the egg question has actually been getting quite popular in Europe these days
  18. Yes but even a buffalo could keep this country moving in this so called decrepit "direction"
  19. True that is is a stupid move to go illegal But about the ballistic fingerprints of a gun for the knowledgeable that is really only true of a revolver As any "1911" style semi-auto pistol can change its barrel in under 5 minutes & tons of new barrels are available both normal or improved match barrels. also barrels are not subject to regulations as it is a part. Only the lower or receiver which is serial numbered is a regulated firearm Since the fingerprint comes from the “rifling” marks that road is closed once barrel is changed
  20. Unfortunately that is not possible from a Western Country No airline will risk transporting you with a expired passport as they would be liable for your return flight But again all of this "talk" is a storm in a teacup 1- Yes very easy to renew That Passport once back in Thailand 2- You can do a emergency travel document but it is a long haul that can only be started 30 days before your exit not sooner 3- Dual citizens are not frowned upon in Thailand My wife applied for her 90 day type O to visit family with her US passport directly thru [email protected] That is Thailand Immigration themselves not the LA Consulate. They started the emergency travel paper & when we decided to use US passport instead to make booking etc easier their answer was Ok Ka So if anyone was going to complain it would be Thai immigration themselves. Instead they issued her a 90 day Type O on her US passport to visit family At that time yes we will renew her Thai passport for next years 3 month visit Lastly I hope this actual/factual of one Thai/US citizens return might help other expat Thai's in the same situation as many were caught out due to Covid country closures & US Thai consulate mobile services also being shut down at times
  21. Not sure if this will help most US expats but take a look https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/taxes/state-stimulus-payments-2022-residents-in-these-states-are-getting-checks-this-month/ Many States if you filed a 2021 State tax return you will get a direct deposit ????
  22. Thanks & glad to hear that! I did look up their reputation before booking & it was as you said quite good!
  23. We booked for Thru United 3 of the legs are United operated by ANA & the final leg home United Purchase summary 1 senior (65+) $759.20 1 adult (18-64) $759.20 Taxes and fees$224.14 Total$1,742.54 You need to know how to look Use Google flights & see then go direct to site & book Difference between a few days if your flight date is flexible makes a big difference Yes we use to fly Korean/JAL & China for 1400-1800 Pre-Covid but this was pretty much the same Plus United had a deal to drop the price another $250 to apply for their Chase Card Worth it so we did So actual price for two round trip US to Bangkok was $1492 So yeah not kidding ????
  24. My wife & I have had the Single J&J shot. (we only got it because at the time seemed like Thailand would require it for re-entry) Since Then... Flown all over the USA on mask-less 6hour+ flights & Stayed in a few states all mask-less & have not gotten covid either So who knows eh? ????
  25. Silly man does he not know This is the only stance a foreigner has in Thailand Politics
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