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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. Used to get the magazin one week beforehand but has not yet received it.Some other people got it I wonder? Yes,I could try to contact UBC (True vision),but it is usually not a nice experience...By the way,talking of that,they made an appointment with me to come and install the new HD receiver on 21/11 last year.Haven`t even heard from them yet.Before that,on an other occasion,when my receiver didn`t work and they also promised to come,they at least called and told my wife,that they took care of another customer instead,because "he lived closer" to them....

  2. Nazi paraphernalia is tolerated in Thailand because this country did not suffer much from WWII. If they'd lost 25 million people like the Soviet Union did for example, they would have been wearing different sort of uniforms.

    Sweden was "neutral" in WW 2. There is zero tolerans to anything to do with nazis or their symbols....

  3. .

    "I recently went to Immigration in Khon Kaen, for what was supposed to be a 90 day report ... At no time where any of these supposed new requirements mentioned or asked for during this visit"

    "four days ago,when I made my 90-day, Khon Kaen had this new ... rule enforced"

    Interesting! Two conflicting reports from the same Immigration office where Expats had a different result. Apparently validates the theory that your result will vary with whatever direction the wind is blowing, or the mood of the moment of the Immigration Agent.


    Reading daiwill`s post,I get the impression,that he mix up the 90-day with something else. Pay 1900 Baht every time for 90-day report!? Certainly something very new...!!
  4. Surfrider;your biting humor makes me laugh,keep it coming! jfchandler; I am very much like you,want to go to bottom with things and also have some kind of order and logic to them,which always lands me in trouble with my thai wife,who,like most thais,thinks that doesn`t matter,just take things as they appear,something I try to do,but old habits a hard to change....Oh,by the way,four days ago,when I made my 90-day,Khon Kaen had this new (or is it old?) rule enforced.

  5. Surprisingly low interest from the expat-farming community.Guess most of them did miss to read your post AA1.Of course a thing like this would have to be "handled with care",so as not to upset the authorities......In my case,I do not live near any borders.If you start from Khon Kaen and travel west along nr. 12 you will pass Chumpae after 80 km. and soon,after another 25 km,you will reach Khon Sahn.Then to the North uphills and that`s where I live.Not of much interest to anyone of course;I mention it because around here are a LOT of rubbertrees! Almost everybody has taken away whatever they had growing on their land and planted rubbertrees instead.To state that it completely dominates this area,is an understatement..! As it stands for the moment,2-3 rubberfarmers, 1 pigfarmer and some big (?) wives,not much of a club he,he!

  6. Good idea!! With or without pigfarmers.Or other kinds of farming..I would wellcome them all.! But why only "route 24" ?? Could be a more or less countrywide thing,or at least all of Isaan,for instans.The get to gethers could be hosted at different locations each time,and the people who had time and not to far to go,could join. There could be some kind of report,available to everyone.I am,for various reasons,not able to organize something like that (as if anyone would want me to...) but I am sure,there must be many out there who would be perfect for that role.Some more input,please!

  7. we are all on probation,all of us that have been married a long time 21years in my case why cant we pay up front for a 5year ext.of stay and report every 180days how hard is that,saves them a lot of time and us,maybe they cant work out 1900bht x 5.

    My thoughts also!As I wrote in my first post;it is all to keep us aware,that we do not belong/keep their staff occupied.And I must admit that it works,my reasons for living here are not love of the country and those crazy rules.If I could have the same climate and get the same value for money in my homecountry,well......

  8. Well,I know people who has lived here many years without reporting,ever! It seems,that if you don`t report a first time,nobody will miss your reporting...Also,let`s think about it a little; How difficult can it be,to just report any place and not live there?! In my many years here,nobody ever came to crosscheck my address with the one I give in my report...Furthermore,I think the "honest"people,who has nothing to hide,give an accurate address.(I do)But what about the ones,that don`t want to be controlled for one reason or other,you think they have no way of beating this system,by lying or simply,not give any report.?! How naive can one be?! So much for keeping tabs of the could-be-terrorists,lopburi3..To my second point in my earlier post; It seems to me,that in most activities and lines of work,they are always overstaffed here i Thailand.(Or I come from a very efficient country..) It could be,that someone,in this case, knows the fact,that you always must try to keep your workers or whatever,busy,for their own sake and for the company/country/or what have you.Not overworked,I don`t talk slavery here,but occupied.

  9. mojako,I am greatly impressed with your detailed report,even down to the cost of taxi!! I have another kind of visa extension,but I could not help going on reading..If it isn`t rude and if you feel like it,could you tell me what your occupation was?Just curious....

    I have a graduate degree in engineering and used to be Engineering Services Manager in a corporation. So I guess capturing detail to paper is almost automatic with me after all of those years. I also worked in a Japanese corporation for a while and they are VERY detail orientated in their requirements. They are very successful but there is a lot of pressure working with them.

    I guessed it had to be something like that,thanks for your answer!!

  10. Sounds to me beeing a good prospect,depending of course on location,how old and in what condition the trees are and so on.I live in Isaan and here the price would be about two millions for a "normal" land.

  11. Hi! I guess you will soon hear from james collister,but in the meantime I can tell you,that it is,hm,well,rubbish.......You will need at least 500 trees and probably work them youself,to get a modest,and I mean modest,living out of it! I think you have missunderstood what your gf told you....Perhaps she meant to say one land with trees...

  12. Got sms from bkk post: The police will crack down on crime 1-7 july...!! I stupidly thought that`s what they are supposed to do all year round.Good to know,though,no extortion on the highways and other crimes...

  13. Hallo all! I have a preliminary report. First,my machines have not been in work for some time and I am ashamed to say,that i have neglected to take care of them.But based on earlier results over the years,the weight of the mats was 1.0-1.3 kg,so I use that as a norm.We used 4 kg latex,when we produced the mats before.(Am fixing the machines now and will do a more thorough test soon.)Now to the test I have done:I took 4 kg of latex,fresh from the trees and put it back in 8 cups,which stayed on the trees as usual.After the usual time,when it was time to sell,I collected it,put it in a sack (as usual) and next day, when I normally would have sold it,I checked the weight again:2.75 kg. That day,the price was 77 Baht/kg,which means,that I would have recieved 211.75 Baht.Compare to what I would have had got for mats with a price of 142 Baht/kg x1,3kg is 184 Baht..Now,there is a margin for error,but to me the verdict is clear;no reason to put on a lot of extra costs and work! As everybodu knows,a good test must be one,that anybody can do,so for those who think I not tell the truth;go ahead and check youself!! It must also be added,that perhaps there are local variations when it comes to how the price is set;I am talking of how it is here,where I sell my stuff.It should also be said,that there can be other reasons for making mats instead of cup lump,one being expectations of rising price.To James and all,you do not have to agree on this and I have no time to prolong this discussion,but I promised to let you know what I would find out.So,everyone to his own,good luck all!


    A quick one for you.... I don't remember how many trees you have but in my case i'll have a bit over 7000 trees and I have the opportunity to buy rubber (almost) daily from relatives plots (for a total equal to 8000 trees / liquid latex per day). I still plan to build a small rubber sheet factory in hopes of making a decent profit during our second year - this is with a "buffer" fund kept as well. With an amount like this, do you not think this may be worth the extra hassle? I have a group of dedicated people that are willing to work for this....

    Sorry, I hope you don't mind asking... What went wrong with your machines?



    Hi Scott! Like James,I don`t know exactly how many trees I have,all in all.Most of them will be in their first season for tapping this year.The ones I used to talk about are about 800 (there are more,but I only count those,who are worthy of tapping).About your plan; I am not an expert,(my wife has that role,he,he)but I guess it is a good idea.With a bit of luck,or rather absence of bad luck,if you store the sheets until the price is favourable,you would be able to make a decent profit.Takes a lot of space to do that,though..Regarding my machines and what went wrong; actually not so much,it is was the electric motors,which had become homes to thousands of ants,plus a general cleanup,which now is done.

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