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Everything posted by cracker1

  1. The only way to fix things like this is to demote the Mayor as he was responsible for supervising this person, and failed in his job.
  2. Why do Deputy Governor of Chiang Mai, Weerapong Rithrod, and the city’s Mayor, Assanee Buranupakorn, believe that thousands of tourists are going to put their lives at risk to visit the fourth most polluted city in the world ?
  3. I hope the maintenance program extends to the exterior cleaning of the rail units that have been in a filthy state for the past few years.
  4. Please help me understand this? In my country a "Culvert" is a small bridge over a stream of gutter. So is the structure in the photo going to have the road built up on either side and allow vehicular traffic to pass over the railway tracks without impeding the trains? A bit like an "overbridge".
  5. I have been here 20 years and also have no Thai male friends. I have found it difficult to find many males that speak English but quite easy to find females that do so. It is also difficult to find Thai men drinking in bars, as I suspect they lack the funds, and find it more sociable to buy a bottle or two from 7-11 and share at home of work.
  6. I think the QR code may only recognise Thai Banks, so the customers were probably mostly Thai people?
  7. If you feel as you write, then it is definitely time to GO !
  8. "disobedience towards officials due to his lack of cooperation." That is a very interesting charge, that I was unaware of ? No right to remain silent in Thailand ?
  9. "Suvarnabhumi Airport experienced an electric system failure in its driverless automated people mover" Can someone tell me more about this machine as a frequent airport visitor for about 20 years, I have never experienced it ?
  10. WORDS, WORDS and more WORDS ! Nothing will change,
  11. NO. All Thai's entering NZ must apply for a Visa before arrival.
  12. Take the Samsung to one of their dedicated Service Centers and you will get professional help. Have you paid your Netflix subscription ?
  13. I would suggest you set up "Internet Banking" so you can access and view the account regularly and if your bank insists on transactions, say every 3 months, then just top up a sim card from the account.
  14. She could also be avoiding Thailand because her shows are all in English language and there is not a lot of that here, even though all Thai students have had six years of English language in schools for more than 20 years.
  15. I think you may be confusing the Head Gasket with the Rocker Cover Gasket ?
  16. And also while the engine is running, is the coolant water bubbling ?
  17. No
  18. I watched a couple of his videos and seems this fellow wants money to prop up his bar and some are giving to him. No where in the videos does he say "If you give me money now when I desperately need it, I expect to repay you in the next year or two" It also appears from the videos that he is a very poor "Money Manager" and there are many people like that ! He does not say why is "Good little Bar" does not have the money to survive ?
  19. Why do you cancel ?
  20. Does this make the site supervisor, Pimpisa Phinijmontri somewhat responsible for this accident ?
  21. cracker1

    Isaan Funerals

    Thanks for your sensitive story.
  22. I think this is a good decision for those working without a Work Permit. The band has been treated well.
  23. Are these people committing a crime ?
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