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Everything posted by JulesMad

  1. Sh*t, you can't even smuggle pig carcasses anymore. There goes my brilliant business plan to get rich easy and quickly ????
  2. Kick ALL Russians out and don't let them enter Thailand!!! They are the only ones that can get rid of Putin, war criminal No 1 (of this moment). Principles are more important than money (in some places, at least.....) Allow them back in ONLY when Putin is gone!
  3. Ban ALL Russians from Thailand! They started the war and only Russians can kick out Putin. Don't allow them to escape their country; they have to stop Putin! But as we all know, money is No 1 in Thailand and all the rest is just not important.
  4. Asking for a friend who was found driving - against the traffic (2 pts) - not stopping at zebra (1 pts) - with no license plate (1 pts) - without driving license (2 pts) - way too fast (1 pts) - while talking on the phone (1 pts) - drunk as a skunk (4 pts) - straight thru red light (2 pts) - in a road race (3 pts) So, he got 17 pts in 10 minutes ???? Lucky for him, there was no enforcement whatsoever (as usual) and he did not have a license to subtract the points from.... He is still driving around ????
  5. micro sleep for a macro idiot ???? How difficult can it be to find the road where you came from?!?
  6. Just spend the 600 Million on some useful, instead of that stupid football...
  7. Really?!? It could be some bogus 'news' as well???
  8. Send ALL Russians back to Russia and do NOT let in!!!
  9. Keep the Russians in Russia!! They are the only ones who are (potentially) able to topple Putin... Don't allow them to escape/travel!! Of course all countries want (Russian) tourist-money, but very few have enough balls to close their borders for Russians!
  10. As long as it is in the mother, it is an embryo. As soon as the embryo comes out, it is 'promoted' to baby. A baby can live independently (on its own), an embryo can not... Using republican words, such as 'executioner', 'huge syringe' (mind the spelling!), 'stabs', 'suck out the brain', 'yank it out' and 'barbaric and sinister' shows pretty clearly your distorted views of humanity.
  11. More complete BS from TAT ???? They only seem to excel in any form of BS... You should know by now that whatever TAT says the opposite is often (always?) true
  12. Another Thai newspaper talks about 'a 26-year-old general'.... Of course I am not allowed to name this newspaper (something with tigers ????)
  13. Fines way too low, and there is NO enforcement whatsoever. So yet again another BS law...
  14. Too much TikTok ????
  15. You don't, so do not accept foreign money ???? Taxi rider is just greedy, so Som Nam Na Farang is just a low-life and Karma will get him, for sure!
  16. I do miss the laughing emoji soooooo much............. Please bring it back!!!
  17. I have the feeling that people say 'bike' when they are talking 'bicycle'. This happens most (or exclusively) with English or american speaking people, as most countries have better words for bicycles and bikes. So, in order to be clear(er), a BIKE is a motorbike and a BICYCLE is just a bicycle. This should stop BS articles like the above!
  18. It is ALWAYS someone/something else's fault; the driver will NEVER take responsibility for his OWN actions in traffic (or life). ALWAYS blame: - wet road - rain - brakes - other people - telephone - falling asleep - anything you want as long it is not driver self! Drive/Ride safely and be watchful of the idiots (they are everywhere!)
  19. Dog is NOT on a leash and in the public space, and as such has NO rights and is basically unprotected; free to attack people and lie in the middle of the road. If it gets killed, som nam na. Owner does not take responsibility, so he should shut up.
  20. Maybe she is smarter and just gives him a bottle of Lao Khao; that keeps him quiet ????
  21. Overdose on cannabis is impossible! Stupidity-overdose is very common...
  22. Yes, he is Russian; that's wrong enough these days.... And YES, the world should have gone after usa billionaire's assets! By far the majority of weaponry is produced and sold by usa. But the world is way too hypocrite, again with usa leading the pack. War is business...
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