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Posts posted by Cloggie

  1. Hello,

    I look for people who do want to share with me their experience with home automation / smart homes in Thailand.

    I have seen beautiful villa's, 5 - 6 bedrooms, swimming pools, jacuzzi, bars, movie theaters etc etc but I have never seen any home automation at all, nothing.

    They have an air condition, with their Android / iPad they can access their CCTV system, they can open their gate, maybe a video phone so they can see who is at the gate / front door but that's about it.

    All 'stand alone' systems, not connected to each other, can't access it over internet.

    Just wondering....

  2. Instead of Thursday evening, are people interested to have this meeting on Saturday / Sunday afternoon or in Pattaya during a weekend (come over for a long weekend at the beach)?

    Thursday evening is 'difficult' for me as I need to travel to Bangkok with the bus and go back in the evening again.

    Please your comments!!

  3. What do other people use in your Moo Baan and ask them about their speed?

    FYI - I live in the middle of nowhere, about 20km outside Pattaya under the palmtrees, between the cassava fields and use 3BB - 15MB for almost a year and never any problem, never.

    For about 3 months we did not even have running in our house but Internet is perfect. Strange that 3BB can not install ADSL in your house...

  4. Forget to mention that, I receive SMS from Singapore that it transferred the money and then minutes later from Krungsri that I received the money, very convenient in my opinion and safe!

    I say 'safe' as from every withdraw from ATM or transfer / receive from my bank account I receive an SMS - any unauthorised transaction I will see immediately because of the SMS I receive.

  5. Decided to post this because sometimes I read horror stories on this forum about transferring money so today my experience.

    Today around 02:30pm I transfered money from HSBC Singapore => Krungsri Bank in Bangkok who will 'transfer' it to my bank account in Chonburi.

    Within 10 minutes I received a telephone call from Krungsri Bank in Bangkok regarding this transfer and 5 minutes later I had my money on my bank account in Thailand and could use it.

    It only took me 15 minutes to transfer the money, quite fast if I see people waiting days for it!

    • Like 2
  6. Hello,

    Stay already several years on an extension of stay in Thailand (valid till March 12th 2015), I have a Non-Immigrant O (take care child) visa. I live in Chonburi and I need to go immigration at Jomtien Beach.

    I just make sure I have the TB 400.000 in my bank account for three months, prepare all the documents they need, put them in a binder and hand them over to immigration - never had a problem.

    This year I forget to transfer the money to my Thai bank account so now it will not be in my bank account for three months - as required - but only for about 70 days :-(

    Will this be a big issue and a reason to deny my extension of stay again?

    Hope somebody with experience can help me.

    Sleepless nights....

  7. I live in Banglamung and went to the immigration office in Pattaya and even there the information they provide on paper is wrong!

    For example, I read that you have to put TB 500.000 for three months on your bank account but it is only TB 400.000.

    The website mentioned on the road signs www.chonburiimmigration.com does not work / exist - http://www.thailandblog.nl/wp-content/uploads/Immigration-Pattaya.png

    March next year I will post the requirements - if my extension of stay is approved...

  8. Hello,

    This year I moved from Prachuapkirikhan to Chonburi with my girlfriend and 6 year old son.

    In Prachuabkirikhan I renewed my extension of stay two times without any problems, I put the THB 400.000 on a separate bank account for two / three months, as we are no married went to the local office to get a paper that my son is my son, get papers from school that he studies there, pictures from the house, map to my house (hand made!!), rental agreement, papers from my landlord etc etc. At the end I had two nice packs of paper for the immigration officer that he checked and three weeks later had my extension of stay without questions asked.

    No I live in Chonburi and found on Thaivisa the following info: http://www.thaivisa.com/extensionsextension-based-on-support-of-a-child.html

    As I am now over 50 years old does this mean I almost have nothing to show anymore compared to when I was 49 years old?

    • - Application form, gues TM.7??
    • - Copy of the proof of relationship (Birth Certificate, or other papers issued by official organizations or government agencies
    • - Letter from the district office confirming you are the parent.
    • - Government fee of bt1900

    Went to Immigration office already but when I came home I found out that I took the wrong form with me: "Criteria for Consideration ad Supporting for Application for Extension of Stay to Support Thai Spouse"

    As it is quite far I don't want to go back anymore, hopefully somebody can confirm that the requirement above are correct.

    Sound so strange that they require almost nothing compared to last year


  9. There are two letters that I still can't pronounce correctly, ตอ and ปอ.

    My girlfriend can't teach me and even my Thai teacher (who was very good) was not able to teach me these two letters.

    I understand can't pronounce it as a "t" or "p" but what English words can I use to pronounce these two letter?

    Thanks for your help.

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