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Posts posted by Cloggie

  1. I bought the book Essential Thai - a guide to the basics of the Thai Language from James Higbie (Bangkok Post) in 1998 when I came to Thailand.

    Over the years I lost the tape that came with it. Did somebody convert this tape to MP3 and would he / she like that to share with me using Dropbox?

    Thanks for your help.

  2. If the suspect would have been a Thai National it would have taken years - or maybe even never.

    Sentenced within two months, lets have a look into my memory, I see a motorbike / police officer dead / a ferrari and that was years ago and guess what, nothing still has happen...

    Of course that was a Thai person from a wealthy family but that has nothing to do with it....

  3. Never heard about to take a witness with you, new for me.

    I know that it is possible that Immigration will come to your house to check everything to make sure you live there and not somewhere else with somebody else.

    The pictures with my family are in front of the house with the house number clearly visible, don't know how you took your pictures.

    Anyway, good luck!

  4. For my extension of stay I need to prepare the following documents:

    1 Form TM. 7 with one photograph attached

    2 Copy of passport and all passport pages with stamps
    3 Birth certificate, registration of child legitimization, letter from school
    4 Updated bank passbook showing money in the account of not less than THB 400.000 at day of application, letter from the bank certified the account in the bank of not less than THB 400.000 only 1 day old (first time 2 months, after that 3 months)
    5 Photographs showing members of the family, residence, front view of house and interior of the house with household appliances, daily life
    6 Handwritten map to residence
    7 Lease contract, with signature owner house as in house book
    8 Copy house book owner house / copy ID card owner house with signature owner house as in house book
    9 Copy notification from Immigration owner house with signature owner house as in house book
    10 Copy house book / copy house book child, with signature wife
    11 Copy ID card wife, with signature wife
    12 Fee of TB 1,900
    Map must be handwritten no Google map print
    Letter bank must be 1 day old, not two or more
    Update bank book must be the same day as application day Immigration
    THB 400.000 must be my name only NOT again NOT shared with my wife
    - all copies double
    - take original with you for verification
    It's a total of 29 pages x 2 = 58 pages
    Make also sure you are dressed as if you go to a 'wedding party', no flip-flops, brush your teeth and NO Beer Chang T-shirt!
    In Chonburi the lady at Immigration will reject people if they are not dressed properly.
    I have seen lots and lots of Russian girls send away to dress properly first, the girls in a go-go had more clothes one if you understand when I mean, one came to do her paperwork in a swimsuit.....
    Last tip: write down exactly what the Immigration Officer wants - next year it will only take you 10 minutes :-)
    If you move to another province with another Immigration Office, you may need more or less documents - up to them
  5. I know that sometimes if you want to install software, it asks you to switch off your Antivirus software. Again, the repair shop in Tuk Com told me this so that's all I can tell you.

    They installed AVG on my computer when I picked it up and at home I installed my Avast Internet Security license again without any problems.

    PC is now running fine and even my Logitech Webcam 4000 Pro is supported - this webcam is more than 10 years old, bought it March 2005 !!!!

  6. I prefer not to install a wireless network when I have 30 desktop PC's in the office, besides that I then also need to buy 30 wireless network cards...

    In general I just look for a company that can install a professional network with 220V, CAT6 and telephone cables in cable trays (220V separated from CAT6 and telephone) - see pictures post

  7. Last update.

    The main problem in my case was that Avast Internet Security was running and I did not receive any warning from Windows 10 as well as from Avast to switch it off - strange.....

    After they removed Avast in Tuk Com my PC worked perfect, kudos for Microsoft but Windows 10 (in my case Windows 10 Professional) is great and I do not want to go back to Windows 7 anymore.

    I hope some people can learn from my big mistake, switch off your virus scanner first when you upgrade your PC to Windows 10!

    Thanks for your advice and solutions.


    Somebody saved it for me in my dropbox, I installed it at my computer and did the updgrade to Windows 10.

    Everything looked okay but after the update my NVidea card needed the Windows 10 driver as the resolution of my screen was not correct, installed it and now I had my correct resolutions again (not a problem, was installed and my old resolution worked again) but......

    - all short-cuts on my desktop didn't work anymore

    - no Windows 10 menu, just a 'red windows' at the left corner and when I click on it nothing happens

    - as I have no access to any menu could NOT uninstall Windows 10 :-(

    Decided to go to sleep and continue tomorrow.

    Next day I switch on PC and the lights go on, fans are working but PC will not pass the POST (Power Up Self Test) screen - it's D.E.A.D - no OS

    Over 35 years of experience with PC's (first one was Acorn Atom with black/white monitor where I had to save my programs on a casette tape) but never see this before. I have a normal PC with a NVidea graphics card and Microsoft is not able to install their OS on it? Can only say as of today that I am extremely disappointed in Windows 10 already and I didn't even worked with it!

    Coincidence that my hardware is broken now after I switch on again my PC, don't think so but everybody will tell me now that software can't damage hardware, I have seen it with my own eyes it can....

    This morning up to Tuk Com and see what they can do with

    PS: luckily my Linux Mint PC is still working as well as my 10 year old HP laptop with Lubuntu. You work with Microsoft products, always make sure you have a backup plan :-)

  9. I can download every file on internet but not this file http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/C/8/1C8BAF5C-9B7E-44FB-A90A-F58590B5DF7B/v2.0/MediaCreationToolx64.exe

    As a result I can't upgrade my Windows 7 => Windows 10

    All my friends tell me, if you don't want to wait download the tool but whatever browser I use Internet Explorer / Firefox, Google Chrome they all give me the same 'error' message:

    "No data received"


    Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data

    Do more people in Thailand have this problem or only me annoyed.gifannoyed.gif

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