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Posts posted by Cloggie

  1. My situation:

    March 2014 Extension-of stay for one year in Hua Hin - will expire March 12 2015

    March 2014 Moved from Hua Hin => Chonburi - registered at Immigration that I now live in Chonburi - did all my 90 days in Chonburi

    February 2015 New Dutch passport

    March 2015 Need to transfer extension-of-stay to new passport (Correct??)

    March 2015 Immigration Office Chonburi will not transfer extension of stay (from Hua Hin) to new passport = go to Hua Hin

    March 2015 Immigration Office Hua Hin will not transfer extension-of-stay to new passport as I do not live there anymore, go to Chonburi

    March 2015 Immigration Office Chonburi will not transfer extension-of-stay, tell me to go back to Hua Hin

    Both Immigration offices REFUSE to help me and tell me to go to Hua Hin / Chonburi

    Who is right / wrong?

    Any advise is highly appreciated.


  2. She would like to learn to make 'salami' sausages and other 'falang' sausages.

    Also she would like to see a working electric machine that put the meat into the intestines.

    Don't want to buy it yet for her as I think she needs more experience with sausage making.

    I know she also has problems with air that will go with the meat into the intestines and she can't take that out anymore....

  3. Thanks for all the info, will not clean the injectors and go for the 'cleaner'

    When I look at the info about Carretex, must be a panacea - but will give it a try.

    • Reduce wear when the engine is started and work up to 80%.
    • Increase horsepower and acceleration up within a short time.
    • Maintain and extend the life of engine oil viscosity.
    • Repair and reduce engine maintenance costs.
    • Keeps the engine running smoothly and silently into the experience.
    • Reduce and control the temperature of the engine
    • Fuel economy of at least 25%
    • Reduce pollution and extend the useful life of the engine.

    Sales department did hire some good people!

  4. Is there anybody in Thailand - if possible in Chonburi province - who can teach my girlfriend how to make sausages?

    She makes them already with help of Internet / YouTube manually but I want her to improve first before I buy her a real machine to make sausages.

    Thanks for your help.

  5. I own a Toyota PreRunner (November 2006), it goes to the Toyota dealer every 10.000km for maintenance and my milage is roughly 11.5km / L (Diesel)

    A friend of mine had to clean his 'tank' as he had water in it (red light dashboard) and he says that AFTER that his milage improved, this sounds very strange for me.

    Also his milage is better than mine although we have the driving style.

    Sometimes they put 'injector cleaner' in my Toyota but I do not think this will really clean the injectors, if you just put soap in a bucket with dirty clothes, your clothes don't get clean and this is the same with that 'injector cleaning' (in my opinion)

    Can somebody with car knowledge explain to me if manually cleaning injectors (can you do that yourself??) will improve milage and if removing water from your tank also can improve milage.

  6. February 3rd I went to the Dutch Embassy, February 10th - yesterday - they called me that I could pickup my new passport which I did today February 11th

    Like Mario2008 said " 'this passport has been issued to replace passport number xxx.'" so we do NOT receive an additional letter.

    Tomorrow Immigration Jomtien to transfer my extension-of-stay, after that 90 days followed by next month new extension-of-stay.

  7. This is what they want:

    - form TM47
    - passport original front page showing name / surname / Passport No.
    - copy of your long stay visa
    - copy of the departure card TM6
    - last entry stamp of immigration
    - last extension of visa
    - Copy of your place of residence i.e. rental agreement, home ownership, letter from apartment manager, rent receipts,
    Every time I give the whole bunch but they NOT even look at it, just give them all papers - with signature of course - and they will give you your 90 days notification.
    Can sometimes take a while :-(
    In Hua Hin for example, they only want the TM47 nothing else, quick lane for 90 days - takes less than a minute, walk in - hello - walk out, super efficient!
  8. Most sensors are wireless (Z-Wave) and if you attach a UPS on the main controller of your home automation system, it should work for a while.

    Electricity is always and will always be a problem in Thailand - just one thing you have to live with.

    Worked at a resort and we had power failures a few times a month sometimes for more than hours - just had to shutdown all computer systems and servers as UPS was running our of power.

    Don't tell me 'buy a generator' - company didn't want to spend money on that :-)

  9. Just did it this week :-)

    • Go to this site: http://www.minbuza.nl/paspoortaanvraagformulier
    • 2 photo's
    • copy passport first page
    • copy visa or extension of stay
    • THB 4.810 (normal / business is SAME price so go for the business as new passport is now 10 years valid !)

    Opening hours Monday till Thursday 8.30h - 11.30h, Thursday afternoon 13:30h - 15:00h

    Whole process at Embassy takes about 10 minutes.
    Next week (hopefully) will receive my new passport so after that have to go to Immigration to transfer stamps.
    >>> make sure you get a letter from your embassy
    Not sure about this, why as we get our old passport back with 'holes' in it.
    Let you know later.
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