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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. The Red Lines (Dark Red and Light Red) run right through the station and the Blue Line (MRT) is in the basement. So they are very much "part of".
  2. Boo Hoo, do you feel victimised? Do you need someone to talk to? It's so boring when farang shout "victim" all the time, get over yourself. It's simply that you can't refuse a Thai national entry to their own country. Anyway, they have rescinded it already so you'll have to look elsewhere for your daily dose of victimisation.
  3. Because by saying, "#2 in the world ..... what absolute nonsense the internet tries to spread. Pathetic" you clearly didn't watch the video or know what is going on. "The internet" is not spreading anything about Pattaya being the second most beautiful beach, the second most idyllic beach, the second most amazing beach. It is the result of Tik Tok announcing where the most hashtagged and most viewed hashtags are, and Pattaya is second to Bondi. It is not "the internet" spreading anything, it is just a factual announcement from Tik Tok. Pattaya is the second most viewed beach resort hashtag. Nothing more, nothing less. And Pattaya is pretty popular for many reasons (the beach not being one of them). You obviously didn't understand that or you wouldn't have made such an old man comment. Ergo you don't follow what is going on as you react to headlines and don't follow the source.
  4. Indeed. And the police spent hours helping him, Chuwit helped him, then the police took him home. Well done to all. And AN add a snarky comment at the end (which was not in the original report) that the police want to know what should be done about the three hours of wasted police time. It is utterly disrespectful to the police who saved a life that night, I find it really pathetic to even add that sentence, they should be ashamed. For all the faults of the RTP (and there are many) in many situations they do act with a lot of compassion that the west could learn from.
  5. Thanks for posting and very sorry for the untimely loss of your friend. I hope the police do their job, they find the culprit and you get justice for your friend. Also sorry you have to read such insensitive dribble on here with people speculating and pointing fingers and coming up with theories about him and his girlfriend. Awful. Those posters should be utterly ashamed of themselves, it is disgusting really. RIP to your friend.
  6. Sleeping in his room. He happens to work as a security guard at a hotel. He was sleeping in his room at the time. Is that not allowed?
  7. Another one that doesn't follow what''s going on.
  8. Don't take the bait. You should be able to see this was written to get replies such as yours. But no, I am sure you will do the same on the next one.
  9. No they didn't. There is nothing like this in the original article on Thai Rath. It is a cheap dig by AN to get the negative posters posting. And the very first poster to reply has taken the bait! Perfect. The original article ends with the police taking the guy home which is the penultimate sentence here.
  10. Ok then. I offered you an olive branch and an opportunity to engage in reasoned debate, I even said I was willing to admit you may be right on some points if you explain them. But you don't want to, why am I not surprised.
  11. Thanks for the pathetic dig about my 12 and 14 year old kids being "unskilled", nice. Like they should have engineering degrees or be qualified doctors by the time they are 17/18 just like you were I am sure. Again always seeking to make it personal, really quite cheap and pathetic. It's not about "opportunity", they will have plenty of that in Thailand. It is about life and world experience when they are young as I clearly explained. You missed the point entirely, deliberately I suspect. Goodbye.
  12. So the central claim that we sent the EU £350m a week was a prediction and not a lie? And that we would send that to the NHS instead was a prediction and not a lie? Farage's racist "Breaking Point" poster was a prediction and not a lie? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/16/nigel-farage-defends-ukip-breaking-point-poster-queue-of-migrants Michael Gove's "The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want." was a prediction not a lie. Boris Johnson promising we had an "oven ready deal" and he just needed to pop it in the microwave and we would be better off was a prediction and not a lie? John Moyniham: "We are the fifth largest economy in the world. We will be able to have a decent deal with the EU. The EU needs a trade deal with us more than we need a trade deal with them." A prediction, not a lie, and in no way delusional? "After we vote Leave, we would immediately be able to start negotiating new trade deals with emerging economies and the world’s biggest economies (the US, China and Japan, as well as Canada, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and so on), which could enter into force immediately after the UK leaves the EU.” A predication and not a lie? "Taking back control of our borders" was a prediction and not a lie? (Our border security had nothing to do with the EU and has got much worse since leaving) Seems none of these "predictions" came true. Bad luck hey?
  13. Ok, apologies if I have missed some clear reasons in 100 pages of posts but all I remember is generic cliches like "free of EU shackles", "no longer governed by faceless EU bureaucrats", "free of EU tyranny" etc. Seen many of those but don't remember any clear, well thought out reasons (which if well thought out and explained I might well understand or acknowledge). I honestly don't remember any but maybe I missed them in such a long thread - easily possible. So if you don't mind repeating yourself could you explain your reasons? Or point me to the post where you did it if it is not a pain. I am genuinely interested. Would also like to hear which lies the Remain side came out with and how they compare with the scale of the Brexit lies? Genuine question, not a loaded one.
  14. Picking on semantics is the best you can do? It was quite clear the point I was making. Yes, technically my teenage children can work in the EU if they have a solid job offer with minimum salary requirements and probably requiring university degrees in a specialism, their employer can guarantee them, they meet requirements on skill sets and experience, and the government of the country deems that can justify a work permit. How many 18 year olds do you think that applies to? 0.01%? How many job offers like that are forthcoming? So yes, technically you are right that it is not impossible for 0.01% of school leavers. But for the 99+% of school leavers who want to spend 3-4 years working around Europe to gain worldly experience, gain knowledge of other cultures, and generally experience life it is no longer possible. If more people had that kind of experience we wouldn't find our country currently being so inward looking and insular. It's why I always told my children they should travel and experience different cultures. But no worries, they can go and flip burgers in Milton Keynes so all is good. But well done, you picked on semantics and you can feel you got a victory. Excellent.
  15. Sigh. No, there isn't, just as in the same way there is nothing stopping anyone from living and working in Thailand. It's that easy, right? Any 18 year old can come here and work in a coffee shop or a resturant and gain worldly experience? Correct? Ridiculous.
  16. D'oh! Sorry I get it now, I lost track of who was who. It says a lot that I thought you were an actual Brexiteer being serious because that is kind of a believable logic that would be thrown out there.
  17. So you were in favour of Brexit because it would put people out of business and that is good? Right? So you do admit Brexit has caused harm to business then? But you think that's great. Righty ho. Sunlit uplands here we come (apart from those who are now bankrupt).
  18. Meaning? I live here, have done for years. Where else would I run a business except in the country I set up a business in?
  19. What relevance does that have? I run a business here in Thailand and have done for over two decades so it did not affect my trade (not that I run a trading company, I don't). It has affected my family in the UK. It has affected my children who wanted to live and work in Europe to gain global experience and soak up other cultures. I always preached to them the importance of it because I have lived all over the world since I was 21 years old and it opened my eyes tremendously. Now they can't as that right has been snatched away. So it has affected me. And it has saddened me how my country that was built on tolerance and multiculturalism has resorted to an intolerant, inward looking, xenophobic place that cut off its nose to spite its face, and the majority of it was built on outright lies. And when we called them out people put their fingers in their ears and shouted "project fear". Six years later what is better? Name a single thing without using a generic cliche like "free of EU shackles". Name one. Blue passports made in Poland? Anything else? Remember, no generic cliches please. For me, if I disagreed with it on principle but I could see the other side I would admit "I don't agree with it on principle but I can see some benefits much as I don't like them". But I can't see any. And Brexiteers can't bring themselves to admit things are not working that well or that they were lied to when it is staring them in the face. They just gloss over it with "struggle makes you strong" or "you should (magically) adapt", or "it needs time, it'll be better in the future". When? How long in to the future? And how many people will suffer in the meantime? That's the difference.
  20. Do you want to come up with a more childish argument? Should we not want business to be made easier so the country can prosper? Isn't that what a government is supposed to do? Why is making it more difficult a good thing? And when we had easy trade with a huge neighboring bloc for decades and we decided to make that much more difficult and it made our business less competitive against European rivals we should just magically adapt and say "hey ho". But you are ok because you are big and strong so to those small businesses who are no longer competitive through no fault of their own, they should just die. Because they are not as smart as you so they deserve it. You really believe it is that simple? That would explain why you so easily believed all the lies that were spoon fed you too. You may be super strong but you are also gullible.
  21. So not wanting business to be deliberately made more cumbersome, more expensive, more inefficient, and cutting the size of your market is a bad thing? We should want that instead to prove how tough we are? One of the most illogical things I have read in this thread.......and there have been many!
  22. Wow, that is incredible. Yeah, double what I have paid for significantly more expensive cars too. I wonder what is driving that?
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