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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Not sure where you were but you don't need to lug anything across tracks anywhere. The trains leave from inside the station and the MRT is in the basement and directly connected, you don't need to exit the building, you just go downstairs and there it is.
  2. Maybe pay them better? I employ many Thais and don't have a problem with any of them - extremely hard working and no trouble and we have a very minimal turnover of people (lost one or two in the last five years). I have only sacked one person in seven years. Then again we pay them properly and give them proper benefits and we get loyalty and hard work in return. It's no different than anywhere else.
  3. ...as is using childish terms such as "the aaaah boys"whatever that means.
  4. They are Thai. However the Indian Thais you speak to in the shop are just middlemen, most of the tailor shops use the same bunch of Thai seamstresses (and whatever a male seamstress is called) out in Pratunam if I remember correctly.
  5. That's all you've got? She has answered this question many times in an open an honest way. And your best response is that? Not a single hint of evidence that she doesn't write them herself? It's really quite childish to be honest.
  6. She has been asked many times and categorically says she writes them herself. I have no reason to believe it is not true and no-one has ever come up with evidence to suggest the opposite, nobody. "And yes, I write my own speeches. But since I know that what I say is going to reach many, many people I often ask for input. I also have a few scientists that I frequently ask for help on how to express certain complicated matters. I want everything to be absolutely correct so that I don’t spread incorrect facts, or things that can be misunderstood." If only people on this forum could follow that idea. And to anticipate your next question, no, I haven't ever sat and watched her write one.
  7. Exactly. A 16 year old child giving a speech to world leaders and the world's media might have notes. What is the issue there? Even experienced presidents have a teleprompter (and also usually have their speeches written for them). She wrote it and delivered it herself. And it really triggers the nasty old men which I find endlessly amusing (as well as very sad).
  8. Here we go again with making up random things and stating them as fact. It's well known that Greta writes her own speeches. Please give your evidence that she was reading someone else's speech. And if you can't you have to accept you are a liar and / or a troll.
  9. Hilarious. "Crazy conspriracy theories" says the man who said "climate change is a hoax" (or words to that effect. "Emotional Outbursts" says the man who has had a post deleted for calling her "retarded", who constantly calls her names, makes fun of her "mental problems". "Lies constitute facts" says the man who keeps spouting lies and conspiravy theory nonsense with no evidence to back himself up. Just keep calling her names and feeling good about yourself, it is a very sad sight to see a (I assume?) grown man behave in such a way towards a young girl.
  10. Not exactly. First of all if you want to hire someone you first need to apply for permission to hire a foreigner for that role. Whether you get permission or not depends on your company status and the details of the role. If you receive permission you can issue documents for that person to apply for a Non B visa and travel to Thailand with the intention of working. Once they arrive you then apply for that particular person to fill the role you have approval for. Wether permission is granted or not depends on the qualifications and experience of that person. At least that is the process for BOI companies, I assume it is the same for non BOI companies (I have never worked for one). Sorry, I thought you were being facetious. No, none of the examples you cited would be classified as working.
  11. Do you really need help to understand? Really? They are published, unambiguous, specific and clear. You can look them up. You cannot legally employ a foreigner without a work permit. To obtain a work permit you have to meet certain (published) criteria. And some very specific jobs are reserved for Thais only. This list is regularly updated and published, there'll usually be an AN article about and everyone in here laughs at it.
  12. Well done Inspector Clouseau, I bow down to you and your scene inspecting skills. She is not to blame, it was the hedge. And people have been getting mown down there for years, they really should have done something about the hedge. So, tell me Inspector, if she was driving so conscientiously, why did she not even know she had run someone over and killed them? She was oblivious. Can you go and inspect the scene again for us and try running someone over and tell us that you don't feel a thing and that nobody would have realised or hit the brakes when they felt an impact. Oh, and what is a "KW"?
  13. Well done Inspector Clouseau, I bow down to you and your scene inspecting skills. She is not to blame, it was the hedge. And people have been getting mown down there for years, they really should have done something about the hedge. So, tell me Inspector, if she was driving so conscientiously, why did she not even know she had run someone over and killed them? She was oblivious. Can you go and inspect the scene again for us and try running someone over and tell us that you don't feel a thing and nobody would have realised or hit the brakes when they felt an impact.
  14. Erm......it was broad daylight. Not sure what you are going on about to be honest. Why should I survey the scene? Would that tell me what time of day she ran someone over? (It was mid afternoon which is generally referred to as "broad daylight"). Are you just another defender of her because she is from a Western country? Would you deny the same clear facts if a Thai had run over and killed a Westerner? I wonder, hmmm..... No one is saying she did it on purpose, of course not. But the facts are facts, and the video is clear that she should have seen him. And how distracted must she have been to have not even noticed she had run over a human? The mind boggles. (But if boggles more at the defenders of her, it's unbelievable)
  15. What are you talking about? I haven't made any assertions. I merely stated that she had someone over in broad daylight - killing them - without even noticing. That's not an assertion, that is just the fact of what happened. Saying she is facing criticism just because she is white is an assertion, a ridiculous one. So again, what are you talking about?
  16. No idea, I was replying to Freddy's ridiculous claim that she is only facing vitriol because she is white. Why don't you ask him?
  17. Yes, of course, poor persecuted white people. It's got absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she ran someone over in broad daylight, killing them, and without even noticing, nope, nothing to do with that - it's because she is white.
  18. Here you go, you can go through and count them yourself. It doesn't give their ages but just look any at picture of the event for a decent guide. cp_inf4.pdf
  19. Yes, agree totally, I was just pointing out that the attacks on her are completely unjustified and often very personal. Maybe her Aspergers has helped her be this singular and driven, I don't know enough about it. Either way, Sweetie has done well. Bitter people on this forum have also achieved great things though to be fair, I am pretty sure of it, possibly.
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