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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I haven't flown EVA for several years so can't comment. I fly Thai often but only on regional flights and have no complaints - often I am on new A350 or B787 aircraft and service is good, aircraft are good. I wouldn't fly Thai long haul.
  2. I always go Emirates. You can choose the shortest connection - 1 hr 15 minutes or so - which is stressful but there is normally another option with a 2-2.5 hr connection so I always take that. I've done the short one when we've been delayed and it is no fun to run between flights especially with kids. The extra time is worth it.
  3. Thanks George, I really appreciate such a fast response! This is on a Macbook Pro, iOS Big Sur 11.4.
  4. First of all we all appreciate what we get for free and advertising is necessary - no arguments there. But this site now has more advertising than any other site I have ever come across, to the point that I am probably going to leave - just as many have done already. Seriously when you get an ad on top of an ad and you can't close them what is the enjoyment of the site? This is too much. And I have clicked so many times that I don't want the newsletter so why does it still ask me? No way to close an ad because it is being covered by another ad, it is really bad. I literally have nowhere to click to remove the newsletter thing - it is appalling. <removed by Moderator>
  5. So you think a publicly listed and heavily audited company can just make up a figure for profit and publish it? It's not me who's dreaming here. And what, exactly, would be the reason for them to lie about it to the stock exchange when it is a criminal offense? What would be the point? Their accounts are public and published. So, come on, tell me why they would lie and falsify their accounts, and why Deloitte and Touche would go along with it? Plelase enlighten me oh extremely insightful non dreamer. Try and give some reasoning and not just childish digs at the poster.
  6. So you think they just make the figures up? Why didn't they just say they were profitable last year then so they didn't need to go into restructuring? Should be that easy in your mind and those of many ridiculous posters in this thread who have no idea about how companies are run. Thai Air is a publicly listed company, all their accounts are publicly available, as is the independent auditor's report. You think they can just make numbers up? Seriously? Our company is audited each year by PwC and it is unbelievably thorough. For a publicly listed company it is insanely detailed. Read the auditor's reports and financial statements for yourself and then come back and tell us which bit was made up: https://ir.thaiairways.com/financial-statements/
  7. Eva Air's 777s are on average 10 years old, so not a young fleet at all. Thai's fleet are a similar average age, some very new, some older, but overall about the same as EVA. Service is subjective. I find Thai's regional service good, their long haul service poor.
  8. Yeah, that's handy if you want to fly to Dubai. There's actually no other choice. Agree with you as I would always choose Emirates over Thai for long haul but when I fly in SE Asia it is not much use. Thai is a decent regional airline but not a good long haul one.
  9. Weed is everywhere, why not just buy it at your destination to be safe? But carrying weed on internal flights is supposed to be fine and I know many people who have done it, supposedly no risk. But personally I wouldn't, I would just buy it at my destination.
  10. Yes it is, but he wouldn't be going there - he'd be going straight to the actual criminal section so we should be good for space.
  11. Once I was walking from home to the nearest ARL station (about 3kms) as I couldn't find a taxi. Then it started raining. A motorbike came up behind me, stopped, asked me where to, I told him and off we went. When he dropped me at the station I asked how much, and he just said "no no no" waved and drove off smiling. It was only then I realised he wasn't a motorbike taxi but just a random guy on a bike who saw someone about to get drenched and decided to help. On two other occasions I have had random cars stop in my moo ban as I have been walking (it's a huge moo ban) and offered to drive me to where I was going which I accepted and we talked all the way. Thai people are nice.
  12. Thanks for sharing, there are many good people out there.
  13. Two things: number 1, I don't believe a word of any of that. "Cannot she comes to work at 10:00 to 11:00 am after these taken her children to school and had breakfast with her kids and then finished her shooping for fresh food at the market for the family cook to later prepare the family dinner'. etc etc. It's a fantasy. Number 2, you just typed out several paragraphs. How much time did you save by writing "tsfr" instead of "transfer", and "mngr" instead of "manager"? Just curious.
  14. They didn't claim to have been the first to invent them. The article just said the SRT is trialling the first battery powered train.......and they are.
  15. What difference does it make really over a 12 hour journey?
  16. No they don't. Understand why you are doing it and it is a nice thing. Foreigners who just go around randomly wai'ing bus drivers, people in the street, random strangers, may look odd but generally they will be seen as cute even if they are completely wrong - at least they are making an effort and that is always appreciated in any culture. People who refuse to return a wai are simply rude - just as it would be if you refused a handshake., If you don't understand that then maybe just stick to your own kind (which, judging by the tone of your post, I am sure you do anyway).
  17. Yeah!! And if someone puts their hand out don't shake it, just leave them hanging. And if someone says "hello" to you under no circumstances should you say hello back. What an attitude.....
  18. If you really believe that you are either a) extremely naive, b) an extremely right wing Fox news viewer, c) a child. Take Iraq as one example where they "helped the oppressed and abused people from the abusing regime". Why then, did they supply chemical weapons to that same regime that was used against their own people (gassing of Kurds in Halabja)? And why then did the US veto a UN condemnation of the atrocity? Twice. And why, only six months after the mass gassing, did the US lend Saddam another billion dollars? Not showing much care for the oppressed there were they?
  19. And how many "strong countries" has the US challenged in the last 50-60 years? Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Ecuador, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam (got their <deleted> kicked), Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan.... Not many superpowers in that list are there? Seems America just likes to bully the weak countries of Southeast Asia, Central America and the Middle East.
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