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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I actually agree with you. I was initially replying to a poster who said it was madness and greed to let "the Chinese" in, when it clearly isn't as we need to move on. Thailand did a good job in removing inbound restrictions, it would be ridiculous to bring them back again. Get vaccinated / boosted, take sensible precautions and live life.
  2. True, but I think a high percentage of those deaths were unvaccinated people. Get vaccinated, move on. Nearly everyone I know has had it at least once (some up to three times), I have, sadly, known two people who have died but both were unvaccinated. We can't keep the world under lock and key forever. Get vaccinated, move on.
  3. Yeah we should all just lock ourselves up forever. The world has moved on.
  4. Why do you come here if it is so disgusting and abhorrent? Genuine question. (And maybe stay in a nicer hotel next time)
  5. Yes, the Thais just made it up and said the IATA predicted that, they never thought they would get found out. Well done you!! (I found it quite easily - actually predicting up to 258m by 2037)
  6. You literally just copied and pasted that from Quora and posted it as your own opinion, that's one of the saddest things I have come across. Why would you do that? https://www.quora.com/Is-Thai-food-overrated-or-is-it-all-down-to-the-taste-buds And then you didn't include the last sentence, or the first one. Do you not have your own opinion?? Wow. Just wow.
  7. I'm pretty sure people just generally eat what they like and no-one bases their dietary choices on "faux polls". And amusing all the Thai food haters on here with the predictable "Thai food is junk" comments. Yawn. Personally I love most Thai foods but I really can't get with Kaeng Som, it's not for me at all. But who cares?
  8. And how do you know Thais were not being charged the same? Any evidence? Have you been to Safari World? 100 baht for a small bucket of half rotten bananas to feed the giraffes......the same price for Thais and foreigners. Rip off? Yep. Worth making a big deal about? Nope. Should I let my kids just enjoy the experience and make a note not to go back? Yep. Should I go with my kids, buy some overpriced bananas then go back to the vendor if the giraffes don't eat them, call my wife and get her to ask for a refund? How ridiculous would that sound? That is exactly what the OP did.
  9. You think someone as tight as him dines on steak? Maybe he bought one once but after the chef cooked it he asked for a refund because he wasn't that hungry. Edit: sorry, got his wife to ask for a refund.
  10. I would wait for someone like Ubonjoe who knows his stuff to give you proper advice and not listen to any forum conjecture. Having said that here is my forum conjecture. I have worked here for 20+ years. At one of the companies I worked for a friend got laid off, his visa extension had 10 months to run. I advised him against it but he stayed in Thailand until the date his extension ended, even making overseas trips and coming back in to the country. Don't take my word for it as things could well have changed, but it didn't seem like immigration and the department of employment were connected, and when I fly out of the country they just thumb to my last entry stamp and then stamp me out - I never see them looking for my re-entry permit as why would they care? If your employer took you to immigration to cancel your extension of stay you have a problem, if they didn't then I don't think you do as immigration look at the stamp in your passport. Then again with biometrics maybe it is linked now, that might make sense. Like I said I am guessing, as are most other people here, wait for one of the experts who can give you proper advice. Ubonjoe is the absolute oracle when it comes to this kind of stuff. If you are worried PM him, otherwise I wouldn't listen to anyone here (including me).
  11. And to think you called other people "brainwashed idiots" and then you come out with this! Poor little persecuted Tommy. Has a better ring than Christopher Yaxley-Lennon doesn't it? Did you donate to poor little Tommy? That is all he cares about.
  12. I generally agree with you. But vehemently disagree with this: "This forum is quite a positive space" It really isn't.
  13. No. It's a monorail. Also it doesn't go along the Hopewell route.
  14. Another vote for Peppina - it's very good. The best I've had though is Pizza Massilia. Amazing pizzas. The Pattanakan outlet used to be from a truck with a wood fired oven in it parked outside the Londoner which served incredible pizzas. However when they made a permanent base there they went with an electric pizza oven, sorry it's just not the same. Still very good but you lose 15% of goodness from it not being wood fired. So my advice is try the Suk 49 or Ruam Rudee branches, you won't regret it. They use the absolute top Italian ingredients. https://www.pizzamassilia.com/
  15. Reading is obviously not your strong point. Maybe you don't live here and don't understand how it works. Go back and read it again, slowly. I said Easy Pass serves the same purpose as M Pass. And that is correct.
  16. Moronic post and nice attempt at baiting with your "one week Pattaya" jibe, grow up. Lived and worked here for 27 years, speak fluent Thai, and know Thailand very well thank you. Now move along.
  17. So then it's an M-Pass problem, not a Thailand problem. M-Pass have obviously decided not to issue new tokens for a service that is being replaced. Seems a bit premature but there you go. Why not try and get an Easy Pass as it serves the same function.
  18. Nobody walked me, they just pointed me in the right direction.
  19. Sorry that is simply incorrect. You can use fast track, they stamp you out then you walk to the re-entry desk and get your re-entry. In the "normal" channel you do re-entry first then go to the immigration desk to be stamped out, but in Fast Track you do immigration first then go to get the re-entry. I really hate to see people stating things here as fact when they are wrong, especially when they do it repeatedly in the same thread.
  20. I'm pretty sure this is not a problem with Thailand. What a ridiculous thing to say. Seems like K Bank are not supporting M Pass any more as it will be shortly superseded. But yeah, blame it on Thailand. I have M Flow and Easy Pass and I can still top up my Easy Pass using my banking app very easily. And M Flow works perfectly. Maybe try blaming the people you spoke to or perhaps yourself for not being clear, but you can't blame an entire country, that is just stupid.
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