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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. When he was presenter of Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson appeared on The One Show and said that striking public sector workers (nurses, teachers and civil servants) should be shot in front of their families. “I’d have them all shot,” the 51-year-old said on the BBC’s prime-time One Show. “I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families,” he added. “I mean how dare they go on strike when they have got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?” Nothing happened to him. At all. But call out the current government for their policies and you're immediately off the air.
  2. No, they have no water in them at all - they can't wash utensils, they can't boil anything, they can't make anything that requires water in the recipe. Well done you!
  3. You know he has actually taken refugees in to his home, right? And he is continuing to support them long term. So he's not feigning concern for the poor, he is actually helping. But all you can do is criticise with pathetic "wokeism" comments. Rich people are not allowed to help poor people because it makes them "woke"? He is sticking up for what he believes in and I support him. And I love the fact it winds up all the bitter right wingers on here (and elsewhere). And the UK government are making a mountain out of a molehill to deflect from the racist, illegal policies that they want to shove through next week.
  4. Actually very common to leave your engine running in Dubai, Saudi, and elsewhere in the middle east. Never heard of an explosion. Personally I always turn off for the reasons others have posted but to suggest it is not common anywhere else or it is only because Thais are stupid is not so. https://practicalmotoring.com.au/car-advice/myth-busting-dangerous-refuel-car-engine-running/
  5. This sums it up perfectly for me. The hypocrisy. The government are using this as a smokescreen, it is so obvious. It is also sad and pathetic, just as their policies are. The most awful government the UK has seen in my lifetime.
  6. Not necessarily. It was only ten years ago that that Thai teenage girl lost her legs after falling on to the tracks on the MRT. And Singapore denied her any compensation as she "fell of her own accord". There were no platform barriers.
  7. Guaranteed at least one person will make a comment of this kind in any high speed rail thread. Yawn.
  8. More AN paranoia. Who is blaming it on "us"? Please do tell. As far as I can tell she has gone to police to file a complaint against her abuser, nothing more, nothing less. That massive chip on your shoulder must really weigh you down.
  9. Why do you think every train will stop at every station? It makes perfect sense to have stations along the way just like in any other country with high speed rail - it doesn't mean every train will stop at every one.
  10. That's because Emirates has other flights earlier in the evening so check in is open. If you're on an airline that has one or two flights a day then they will only open the check in counters three hours before. If you are flying Thai you can check in as early as you like as the check in counters are always open.
  11. I've been in one 7-Eleven today and they weren't selling. Went to the next one up the road and they were. Also the supermarkets are selling today. It is supposed to be only tomorrow that has the ban.
  12. Yep, yellow line is not complete as the OP claims. A lot of it is but not all of it, around me they are still finishing Hua Mark station and that looks three months away. So whilst you may see stations near you looking complete it doesn't mean the entire line is finished. I can't wait for it to be opened and applaud the extensive investment in electric commuter lines throughout the city. I just think it is criminal that there is no common ticketing system.
  13. I came through yesterday afternoon. The airport was packed with many arriving flights coming out of the gates as I trudged along from gate F6. First immigration was busy but moving and showing an 11 minute wait. The sign said the other one was 8 minutes. I had Fast Track access so was through in two minutes. A few minutes later the carousel started moving and I had my bag within 10 minutes. From exiting the plane to exiting a busy airport was under 30 minutes. The taxi queue was busy though and I had a 20 minute wait for a "short ride" taxi. Those horrendous immigration queues are very rare and generally caused by several delayed planes arriving at once. Never experienced it in hundreds of entries. They definitely need to do better on the taxi front though.
  14. You are correct. Thai females refer to themselves as Nhoo all the time, it is very common indeed.
  15. What are you on about? It's just a news report about a young Thai doing well at an unusual sport, that's it. "Thailand" is not claiming to have helped her do this. With any report of a successful Thai (especially female) there is always at least one bitter poster who will look for reasons why it shouldn't be celebrated, usually by questioning their Thainess. You are the guy in this thread, congratulations.
  16. So news reports should just be about normal people not achieving anything? Or should it be about notable success stories? What a weird comment, especially your last one about her not living in Thailand.
  17. For Suvarabhumi it has been approved and done. Satellite concourse approved a few years ago and finished a year or more ago adding 28 new gates. Not opened yet due to Covid but will open this year - connected to the main terminal by Automated People Carriers. The third runway approved a few years ago and nearing completion.
  18. So there aren't tons of tourists then? Wow, you speak the truth! And all the tourists packing the BTS are fake. I flew out of BKK yesterday and the airport was rammed. Obviously I imagined that and it was fake. What is wrong with people like you?
  19. What a ridiculous comment. Big cities are not to everyone's taste but Bangkok is an incredible world city and I have loved every one of the 28 years I've lived in it. To say it is nothing but a crowded polluted filthy city is really over the top.
  20. Interesting that you've never been, have no intention of ever going, don't even know where it is, but you know there are better places to go. How can you live in a place for 34 years and be that ignorant of it? I'm not a massive fan of KSR, rarely go there, but I've had some good nights out down there in the past. I can't believe anyone can live here that long and have no idea where it is.
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