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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Nice one, looks amazing. I really hope the people who made the ridiculous comments about a single door and no emergency exits mean an evacuation would take an entire day will watch this and see how wrong they were (but we know they won't - they bash and run).
  2. Actually they give a range of, erm, ranges. They say a charge can last between 2-4 hours "on the water" which obviously depends on tides. So what are you talking about? No one is trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, they are just giving some average facts and figures about the boat. Really not sure why everyone is getting their knickers in a twist and picking holes in sentences. There is a large fleet of these boats that will be introduced and over one billion baht invested in this project already. The same company is also investing $3 billion dollars in battery factories (their 800kwh lithium-ion battery packs are designed in house) and will introduce electric buses, trucks, taxis. The company has been around since 2006 by the way so it is not an overnight pop up. It is publicly listed and has foreign investors, being 20% owned by UBS Switzerland - the second largest single shareholder (we know foreigners are smarter than Thais so maybe they sorted out the doors). But TVF geezers know better - small doors, they haven't thought about going against the tide, emergency evacuation will take an entire day, Somchai will run out of charge in the middle of the river, brake failure (ooooh this one is a hilarious TVF favourite) blah blah blah. So boring and predictable, really small minded gripes by small minded people, whilst other people are investing the money in future technologies and actually making it happen. This is to be applauded. The negativity and snide remarks in this thread are pathetic.
  3. There are two fairly wide doors (one one either side) plus four emergency exits. Do you really expect everyone to file out one tiny door? (Yes of course you do)
  4. I bought normal old school monopoly in Toys r Us.
  5. Yeah, interesting. Lived in BKK 26 years and had never heard of this place. Thanks.
  6. No it doesn't. My post was sarcastic. Anyone that believes the US has ever invaded a country to spread freedom and democracy needs their head testing.
  7. Very true and difficult for many to stomach. But the US only invades countries to spread democracy and freedom don't forget.
  8. I never found a good toy shop here. There are a few ToysRUs dotted around but mostly selling plastic <deleted>. Central Chidlom has a not bad toy section in their department store but that's about it. Those were my two go to places, but a little underwhelming compared to London for example.
  9. Sorry about your friend - I hope he/she recovers. But what's to say they wouldn't be in the same situation if they had a different vaccine? Is your friend old, does he/she have existing conditions? You are implying your friend is in this state because of the "Chinese vaccine". Perhaps if not for the "Chinese vaccine" they would be dead. Sinovac was the first vaccine available and it has undoubtedly saved many many lives. But TVF geezers know better than tho WHO who have rated it as highly effective............simply because it is Chinese and not made by Western white people, it's as simple as that, just latent racism. But you seem to hope Anutin dies for vaccinating people with a highly effective non Western vaccine. "A real-world study of tens of millions of Chileans who received CoronaVac found it 66% effective against symptomatic COVID-19, 88% against hospitalization, 90% against ICU admissions, and 86% against deaths.[12] In Brazil, after 75% of the population in Serrana, São Paulo, received CoronaVac, preliminary results show deaths fell by 95%, hospitalizations by 86%, and symptomatic cases by 80%.[13][14] In Indonesia, real world data from 128,290 healthcare workers showed 94% protection against symptomatic infection by the vaccine, beating results in clinical trials.[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoronaVac The WHO organisation on Sinovac: We cannot compare the vaccines head-to-head due to the different approaches taken in designing the respective studies, but overall, all of the vaccines that have achieved WHO Emergency Use Listing are highly effective in preventing severe disease and hospitalization due to COVID-19. AZ is by far the most widely administered vaccine in Thailand BTW. This anti Chinese thing is just racism, and so so tiresome.
  10. Unbelievable that people believe Chinese navy ships would actually sail in to Sydney harbour unannounced. Is the anti-China propaganda machine really that effective? (Seems so on this forum anyway)
  11. I am actually, thanks. I am upbeat, happy, fun, I do not complain constantly about my host, do not make snide negative comments about everything they serve me, do not insult their intelligence or look down on them. Would you rather party with a positive person or one who is full of negativity?
  12. What a dose of negativity you provide on every single thread, without fail. Thank you.
  13. Don't forget the actual station is a fraction of the land, a tiny tiny portion. Once the station is not being used then there is about 1km of land up to Rama 1 Road that is currently all train track, signalling stations, buildings and other infrastructure that caters to serve the numerous train lines - all stuff that is no longer functional or required. That area will be developed in to condos, hotels, malls, and HLP station will be kept as is and turned in to a museum. That is my understanding, but of course I am not in charge. Look at the land, the footprint of the station is insignificant compared to the total that can be developed.
  14. Scala was privately owned, was losing money hand over fist, so the landlord decided to lease it to someone else to do something with it. It was an ugly late 1960's concrete building, not worth preserving - at all. The British Embassy was privately owned by, erm, the British government who sold it for a huge amount of money. What has that got to do with the Thai government? It's a private sale. Blame the British, and chuck out your "money talks" cliche in their direction. Hualamphong is state owned so is a different matter. Plenty of extremely well preserved state properties around the country. Not saying the Thai government are amazing cultural preservationists because they are not, but your argument doesn't stack up with Scala and the British Embassy at all.
  15. Erm.......it is going to be used a history of rail museum, and it is being registered as a National Heritage Site - both of those things were clearly mentioned in the article. Seriously is it too much to ask for people to actually read the article before they comment on it?? Does my head in, it really does. This is just Thaksin looking for a few more column inches - what he has to think is totally irrelevant.
  16. Bang Sue Grand Central is the largest rail station in SE Asia. https://futuresoutheastasia.com/bang-sue-grand-station/
  17. Hardly. Two locations only, limited to pre-authorised charter flights with less than 1,000 tourists this month (780 to be precise). Fully vaccinated, negative test before departure, and only on chartered flights, only on organised tours, and only allowed to visit certain authorised places and "service facilities". I don't think Thailand is quaking in its boots. Vietnam won't open up properly for tourists for months yet.
  18. What on earth are you on about? What a weird and random post. Around 750,000 vaccine doses given yesterday BTW.
  19. The racquet club on Sukhumvit 49 has a couple of good tables. Quite expensive if you have to pay for a day pass just to play table tennis but worth it if you also fancy a swim, playing tennis, badminton, squash or anything else they have. https://www.rqclub.com/membership
  20. Yes, and I agree with that bit, but then you continued to say "unvaccinated people are not putting others at risk any more than vaccinated people" which I am disagreeing with. Ok, let's move on.
  21. Sorry you did not just say vaccinated people can pass on the virus though did you, you also say "unvaccinated people are not putting others at risk any more than vaccinated people" which is what I was correcting you on (I specifically pointed that out in my rpley). But you conveniently ignored that.
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