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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. 10 pages in and I think we can sum up and move on: * some people like cannabis. * some people don't (mostly ones who have never tried it). * some people think it is appalling that a country can even think of urine testing tourists entering a country. * some people think this is fine and would be in favour of it in more countires. I think we all know which of the groups we fit in and what type of person fits in the other. That's it, no one is going to change. Pretty boring now.
  2. Seriously? It's mostly a bunch of bitter old, racist guys who look down and belittle the Thais at every opportunity - they are stupid, greedy, dishonest, can't do an honest day's work, etc. And half of them don't even live in Thailand. I hope to God it isn't monitored by the government lest they think we all look at their country and their people this way. To the PM (who is no doubt reading this now): we don't.
  3. You're hilarious. So I am only allowed to comment on things that involve expats? It's a heinous policy, I don't care who they are doing it to - why should that make a difference? I am not a racist. If unacceptable things happen to Thais I care about it. Maybe you have a different outlook and only care when expats are mistreated, not Thais. Up to you. And "keep banging on about it". Like you're not banging on about it being totally acceptable / reasonable.
  4. Well it is a 95% Expat forum so hardly any surprise there really.
  5. Unbelievable that we have people on this forum advocating the urine testing of tourist arrivals. And I bet you moan about Thailand making things hard for "us expats" and tourists with their "draconian immigration policies" (Yawn) Yet you'd have no problem if they decided to start urine testing. Unbelievable.
  6. You don't think urine testing tourists at the border is outrageous? What if they started doing that here and you needed to do one each time you came in. You'd be happy about that right because laws are laws?? What about policemen stopping tourists in the street for a urine test. No doubt you were fine with that too when it used to happen?
  7. And when Kofi Anan sent someone to investigate his horrendous human rights abuses who can forget his "The UN is not my father" response. I think it was The Times who got hold of a copy of an official document with the names of their drug suspects and the order that the only way someone could be removed from the list was "Arrest, extrajudicial killing or loss of life". An official order. No idea why some posters have any respect for the man at all. An absolutely despicable, self serving human being.
  8. I don't think that is a fair argument. Covid has decimated the country, of course people are poorer now. If Thaksin was in charge now we'd be in the same situation, but we probably wouldn't have the same mass transit investment we are seeing, he would just be making himself richer somehow. Sorry I don't buy your logic.
  9. I have lived here since long before Thaksin came in when it was genuinely an "anything goes" fun place (mid 90's). More fun under Thaksin?? Those are some mightily pink lenses you are wearing. Thaksin had his murderous war on drugs. Now we have legal weed which is pretty fun. Thaksin appointed Purachai - the most anti-fun person in power that we have ever had. He was a man of regular bar raids with urine tests for all patrons, he enforced early closing, he enforced the ridiculous 2pm - 5pm ban on alcohol sales. More fun under Thaksin? How could anyone say that.
  10. OK. Course he will. Everything was perfect when he was in power, the railways were developed, Bangkok had massive infrastructure and mass transit development. Oh wait, no, neither of those things happened. We got a new airport though and he didn't make a penny from it.
  11. "Complain With Police". The journalistic and English language standards just go from strength to strength here. Really poor, and see it in almost every "article".
  12. Utter nonsense. "Draconian immigration law" - ten points for the ragged old TVF cliche. Thailand offers visa free entry to nationals of 64 countries. Probably 95% of them don't reciprocate.
  13. Shhhhh, logical thought is not welcome here - it spoils the anti-Chinese racist narrative. It's the same as the people who make the ridiculous suggestion that this railway is really for a military invasion. Really? If China had any desire to invade Thailand they could do it any time they liked, by air, by land, by sea. Who invades by train? So really they are going to load their military might on to high speed trains, get off at the Thai border, unload, load everything up on to a Thai train, continue the invasion. And all anybody would have to do to foil this invasion is to destroy one section of line, or one bridge, or one tunnel.
  14. Sells papers? The headline is "Man extradited from Thailand over murder". It is mentioned that he was a father only in the text of the article. But yeah typical sensationalism from the Katherine Times, a rural weekly paper. Adding the word "father" into the text of a non-lead story just to generated more sales!! They should be ashamed!
  15. No, no-one has thought of that at all, only you it seems, best you get in touch with them. Sigh.
  16. I don't think any drainage system could handle the volume of rain that fell last night. In most areas it has drained after a few hours.
  17. I think you're over analysing things a bit. He's a four year old kid putting stuff in a toy truck. Do you expect him to check what the axle load capacity is first? Did he check the tyre tread depth? Should he give it an MOT? And if all the trucks around you were driving around empty would he have not put anything in? He's a kid playing with a toy truck. Kids like to pile stuff up.
  18. Yeah Thais are so dumb!!!!!! Actually it is a very common marketing initiative, even in big and clever America which is obviously a lot smarter than Thailand. https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/03/chick-fil-a-spelling-why-so-many-brand-names-have-spelling-and-punctuation-errors.html Do I like Lotus's? No. But I know the reason for it and it really doesn't bother me. And I certainly don't belittle Thais for it as CP are more successful than any of us on here - they seem to know what they're doing. And it obviously works as I have seen so many threads on here about it.
  19. I would love to know why the anti-maskers insist on using ridiculous childish names for masks - it makes their arguments seem very ranty / childish. "mouth and nose covering moisture dispersant material" "face nappy" "face muzzle" "face condom" If you want to debate the virtue of masks just call them masks and have a proper conversation.
  20. Your comment reminds me of someone who doesn't understand sarcasm. Ever heard of it? You actually thought I want people to walk around with ATK results sellotaped to their heads? I guess now I know the level I am dealing with... Wow!! You are so het up over this and you are not even here!! Why? Why does it bother you that Thais wear masks when you are not even living here!! My God, you mustn't have much going on if this is what you fill your days with - checking what people are doing on the other side of the world and then getting upset by it. Guess what? Asia is different than Canada. The people have different sensibilities, the culture is massively different. The UK has dropped masks. When I was there I didn't wear one! (Incidentally their Covid cases are much much worse than Thailand's and are spiking again). In Thailand the people have decided - like in much of Asia - that the common good is better than their so called "freedom" (even though freedom has nothing to do with it). So when in Thailand on a packed train just put your mask on mate, it is not hard. When at home, or when walking in outdoor space you don't need to. It is simply common decency and respect for others. You can't bring Canada to Thailand, nor would we want you to if you could. And probably best you stay there too where you can embrace the freedom. Brilliant, NY Post, a right wing, anti mask Murdock rag. No respect for it or its agenda. Now your true colours are apparent (actually they were before). https://nypost.com/tag/mask-mandates/ "Covid alarmists" is what they called teachers who wanted masks in schools "Deranged Covid Clingers" another class description in a recent headline from the NY Post "Covid Milking" another. I will say this for one final time. In countries where no-one wears masks I won't wear one. In Asia where people still do (out of respect for others) I will do the same - it is common courtesy and respect for the culture, nothing to do with paranoia. Please try to get that through your head - you seem to be really struggling.
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