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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Yes vaccinated people can still get infected (two double vaxxed in my household have had it - very mild symptoms) but you get rid of the virus faster and are therefore contagious for a much shorter time, ergo vaccinated people are putting fewer people at risk then unvaccinated, simple fact. https://theconversation.com/no-vaccinated-people-are-not-just-as-infectious-as-unvaccinated-people-if-they-get-covid-171302 I do believe in free choice but also believe society as a whole has a responsibility to each other and it is up to each business who they serve, and up to each employer who they employ. It will leave some people out of things but that is their choice and this is just the way it will be worldwide if you want to eat out, catch a flight, go to an event. In Singapore a company can legally terminate an employee if they refuse to be vaccinated or refuse to disclose their vaccination status. Other countries are moving this way too. In Singapore also there is no free medical care if you willingly decided not to vaccinate.
  2. So what, you only talk about business through letters? Carrier pigeons? Semaphore? You think estate agents in other countries don't use Whatsapp for example? What is wrong with liaising with an estate agent over Line? Or are you another TVF member that is stuck in 1970? Weird comment.
  3. Ah right, of course - must have been an uncivilised immigrant, definitely not a good Western white Swede. And I bet you were apoplectic at the "A Thai couldn't have done this" comment on Koh Tao.
  4. Back in the mid 90s when I used to work in London there was a 7-Eleven on Oxford Street. And to be pedantic the Central Group has nothing to do with 7-Eleven, you're thinking of CP.
  5. You can't beat a bit of good old TVF faux moral outrage at Thais choosing how to develop their land. The moral outrage of people who never even went there or supported it when it was open is even better! (If all you Scala lovers bothered to buy tickets and visit it it might still be open). Modern cinemas are much better which is each and every one of you goes to view your films at one. It was an ugly late 1960's concrete building - there I've said it. Like a small version of Euston station - another ugly late 1960s concrete building. At least the TVF faux moral outrage at the destruction of Hemingways had some merit as it was a genuinely historic and beautiful building. But again the landlord was offered $25m dollars for the land - who wouldn't take that?
  6. Apologies, you are right, I made assumptions about you. I just assumed you haven't built up a $10 billion dollar international business empire from scratch, silly me. Amazing the people you can meet on this forum!
  7. Calm yourself down, every arrival - Thai or foreigner - has the same process, the same PCR test, the same night in a hotel. This "every one is out to get us" and the anti Chinese drivel is very very boring.
  8. Great, so maybe the random forum geezer has greater business insight than the family who built a multi billion dollar international business empire from scratch. He says they are looking at it through a Thai lens and so it will fail. And you go with the random notoriously anti Thai forum geezer. Okey dokey.
  9. If only they read this forum they wouldn't be doing this - if only someone could enlighten them! Sorry, but I think it's safe to assume the Central Group have a bit more business savvy than you - they have a pretty good track record of success globally. https://www.statista.com/statistics/861908/selfridges-retail-limited-revenue-worldwide/
  10. Ok, so you don't have an answer. As I thought. One more chance with the troll: why are you disgusted that the UK is now accepting Sinovac? DO you have any actual scientific reasoning? Something has obviously disgusted you. Or do you just call people Commies and Sheeple (which is incredibly witty by the way, full marks) and then run away?
  11. We accept chocolate ice creams as well as vanilla. Does that mean you need both?? How silly this is.
  12. Yes. We can all rightly criticise Thailand for being slow to begin vaccinations (although the reasons are much more complex than the anti-everythings on here would believe). But since they started they have done incredibly well, outpacing the UK when it was at its peak, even hitting over a million doses a day on occasions. Credit where it is due - very efficient, very well organised.
  13. I'm sorry, I don't agree. Even when they paid for it it was always months away and it was the consumer's risk to make that choice when a national vaccination campaign is ongoing, free, and vaccinating hundreds of thousands of people a day, mostly with AZ. If you chose not to be a part of that then you have no right to moan about it in my opinion.
  14. Rubbish. More AZ has been administered than any other vaccine by quite some margin. Sinovac is not even close.
  15. I'm sorry, if you decide to pick and choose your vaccine - and you're picking one that isn't readily available in this country - then you have no right to complain.
  16. Oh here comes a virologist...............why exactly are you disgusted?
  17. Also waiting for these vaccine experts to come back to say they were wrong. Any moment now I'm sure...
  18. 777 - great aircraft. 787 - flown a few times but now avoid. Too many reports (and documentaries) about dodgy build quality and bad / missing QC for my liking.
  19. You obviously didn't read all the way down to here: So please engage with Thai people in encouraging safety. Forget the stupid trolling of onliners who talk about “life being cheap in the third world”. Thais care about the safety of themselves and their children as much as the next nationality - education about the dangers and consequences of inaction or poor behaviour are what matter. Your bitterness / hatred clouds everything, give it a rest, especially in a thread like this one.
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