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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I saw two farangs getting in a taxi yesterday with no mask. They must have felt so proud and so liberated. Was one of them you by any chance? Extremely rude, selfish and inconsiderate of them.
  2. Ah I love this. America doesn't have a high gun death toll, it's "the media" who are to blame for reporting it - that's why it seems like a lot. Bad media, bad bad media. Got it.
  3. Who has panicked or locked anything down, or mandated masks on?? No one. Calm down. This is a statement by some doctors - who are nothing to do with the government - saying they recommend mask wearing due to the fast spread of the new sub-variants. What is wrong with that? A medical associate recommending people err on the side of caution. Yet you call these people jerks, how insulting. Do you have degrees to match theirs? Jerks, right, of course. And your medical training is....?
  4. It doesn't always have to be about you you know. Poor TVF posters are sooooooo persecuted....
  5. That's different, this is not two mates having a laugh in private, it is a supposed (self proclaimed) international news site and as such a headline like that is disrespectful and distasteful. It's actually pretty offensive. By the way I am a Brit and have the blackest humour, but that's a completely different thing.
  6. That headline is a disgrace and extremely disrespectful. A man has just died a tragic death and they joke it is a "mixed day" for him. The plummet of TVF in to the depths continues....
  7. Wow, she's been threatening to burn the condo documents for a year. Must have lost the matches.
  8. Taxis in London ripping off tourists by taking circuitous routes. Fake theatre ticket sellers in Leicester Square targeting tourists, the people offering to take pictures of tourists near Big Ben who then run off with your phone. Extracting every single penny out of tourists with horrendous extortionate prices for entry to the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, London Dungeon, Madame Tussauds etc. Oops, sorry, no, scams and tourist rip offs only happen in Thailand, I forgot.
  9. 1. What has Cambodia got to do with this? 2. Did you miss the bit about scrambling jets? Why would they do that if they have no clue who is flying over their border? 3. Oh dear.
  10. Strange, I went back last month with Oman. On the way there everyone was masked. On the way back no one was masked, not even the crew, and hardly saw anyone in Muscat wearing one - not even airport staff. When we landed in Bangkok they made an announcement that everyone needed to put a mask on to exit the plane. Flew to Singapore a week ago and it is was fully masked on the way out and the way back.
  11. The irony is that most of the serial whingers who bitch and moan about anything and everything here are the same type of people who, when back in their home country, whinge and moan about foreigners not assimilating etc. Imagine how angry they would be with foreigners in their country not respecting the rules or the culture, complaining that the native Brits are slow learners, racists, lazy, stupid etc. Like you I don't understand why you would want to go through life being that angry and bitter about where you have chosen to live. I don't have any of the problems with the Thais that these people have, maybe because I make an effort to understand them and to - shock horror - make friends with them.
  12. So you hate Thailand, you left Thailand, and you hate complaining for nothing. Yet here you are reading a Thai forum about Thailand and you're complaining for nothing. i don't understand why people who purport to dislike everything here and eventually leave then feel the need to read forums about the place they don't like and tell everyone how much they don't like it (even though they don't live here). Really, why? Yes, you're getting old. Florida is paradise for old people who have no adventure left in them. Enjoy!
  13. Right, so you read a thread about something you're not interested in, then decided you should post to say how much it doesn't interest you. Do you do that in other areas of your life too? Do you go in to a Ford showroom to tell the sales guy you aren't interested in Fords? Pop in to Pizza Hut to tell them you are not interested in pizzas? Walk up to the bar to tell the barman you're not interested in having a drink?
  14. What rules have they changed other than a gradual easing of restrictions? Would you prefer them not to ease restrictions so people don't get confused? And I don't know any Thai who doesn't know about this.
  15. Nope. I recently spent two weeks in the UK and enjoyed not wearing a mask. Then I spent a week in Singapore where there is no mask mandate but most people wear them so I did the same. Not sure where motorbikes come in to this. My comment was simply that it is ridiculous to say the Thai people haven't made a choice when they clearly have......and it's just different to yours. Personally I use my own judgement and consideration to others when I choose to wear or not to wear. If the populace feels more comfortable wearing them then I will do the same when I am around or amongst them. Once they don't feel the need I'll happily remove mine too. And FWIW I think wearing a mask on a bike is pointless but maybe it helps not to get bugs in your mouth, I have no idea as I don't ride a motorbike. Maybe it is easier to keep it on rather than try to put it on and take it off every time you make a delivery or go in a shop - I have no idea, but why should it bother me? (And really not sure why you are asking me about motorbikes).
  16. The people have made their decision based on free will. Just because it doesn't agree with yours it doesn't mean they haven't made it. They have clearly decided, in the majority, to continue with masks for now. No-one is holding a gun to their head. Why can't anti maskers just accept some people disagree with them?
  17. Some people really need someone from the government to fly to them, pack their little suitcase for them and hold their hand all the way back. Real life just seems too difficult for some people.
  18. What a ridiculous comparison. Another ridiculous attempt - if the law said you cannot wear a mask then valid point. But an absence of a law isn't the same thing. There is no law to say masks are not required - there is just no law / mandate to say they are. Really, you must try harder. Anyway, you carry on, it's good to have warriors around - you guys are amusing.
  19. I went out and about this afternoon in the Thonglor area. Without exception every single Thai I saw was wearing a mask. I only saw three people who weren't and they were all farangs. Honestly when all the locals are not comfortable removing their mask then you should show consideration in their company. The three people I saw came across as very selfish. You are in Asia, not the good old US of A. Show some cultural consideration, you can take your mask off as soon as you are in your car / at home, when you are around others who are wearing masks please just do the same, it won't kill you. Eventually they will be dropped by the populace when they feel it is right.
  20. Yep, 30 days was all that was needed. I bought 30 days and used the same policy for two trips three weeks apart - meaning on my second TP application my insurance only had about ten days left to run. I actually expected it to be rejected but it got approved.
  21. Sorry to rub salt in, but you only needed 30 days. 650 baht. And of course you can't now cancel it and get a refund. You would have been able to cancel it before you used it to enter Thailand but not after (at least any insurance companies that I know of). Imagine everyone would be buying insurance to get TP then cancelling it a day after they arrive in Thailand and getting a refund - insurance companies are not stupid.
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