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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. You eat poison, and then complain about the results. Perhaps stop eating sweets, and this would also include no more Thai food, as it is just about all laced with refined sugar. How harmful is refined sugar? A diet high in refined sugar is associated with numerous health issues. For example, multiple studies have linked consuming added sugar to a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, and unhealthy blood triglyceride levels. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/refined-sugar Refined sugar intake is linked to conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Yet, it’s found in a variety of foods, making it particularly challenging to avoid. This is why I have stopped eating Thai food. No more.
  2. I presume that you mean Thailand, when you refer to 'this uncivilized country". So then you wonder why I have something to do with Thailand. If this is correct, well the answer is that I have traveled quite extensively, and I ended up visiting Thailand. As I used to study Buddhism, I thought this would be after all the best country for me, given that I thought then that since there is no snow here, and that I thought the food was good, and after meeting a girl that I started living with, that of all the places that I have visited, Thailand had a lot more to offer. Then I realized that the food was a danger to the health, all the refined sugar, that I never knew was lacing all the food here, after using bad cheap oil to a temperature leading to oil toxicity. And I thought ok, I will just start cooking al my food, as I never use refined sugar. Then I realized that the Thais identify with Buddhism, but that in reality, there was nothing in the culture that came even close to the precepts of Buddhism as taught in the books that I read. And then when I was riding my motorcycle with my GF, she regularly told me not to look at male rides, that it was too dangerous. She was right, two times that I looked at another Thai driver after a near miss of collision, they turned around and wanted to fight because of that. So ok, I taught that Thailand still has a lot to offer, so i simply followed the advice of my GF. Better since then. And then I realized that all their signs of politeness were actually fake. Just words of politeness, but actions of belligerence after a look that they do not like... And that people in uniforms used the most words of politeness, before and after trying to obtain corruption money. Some strange politeness. And do not get me wrong, I did obtain a service in exchange for a brown enveloped. Found it great. Got justice in this service, no need to pay a lawyer and going to see a judge. Was cheaper, hehe. So my apologies, I just wrote too much, trying to answer your question.... Ok, another lesson learned.
  3. Well thanks for pointing out that the civilized countries are now tainted by the culture of newly arrived immigrants, from uncivilized countries other than Thailand. Thanks again
  4. Well how about: if he was in a civilized country that is not based on fake words and gestures of politeness, the youths certainly wouldn't have beat him up to this extent.
  5. Can you show the contradiction, I would appreciate. I am saying that they do work together, in co-operation, AND I add that some IO's will have some different rules.
  6. You should reword your post, to read: "Agents were completely unnecessary FOR ME. But sometimes, they are a sine qua non. Now that would make it correct....
  7. They are not owned by IO's, they co-operate, under rules that differ (simplified and reduced) from a do-it-yourself approach.
  8. Highly depends on which Immigration office you are dealing with. Some will do their best to keep you using an Agent, to keep their money flow going.
  9. And again your focus is on the individual, rather than politics and outcomes. We all know now that US politics lately has become a choice of the lesser of 2 evils. Now let's go back to politics, and we can see that recent polls show Biden as the worst president of the US. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/dec/6/joe-biden-brings-rear-poll-best-worst-u-presidents/ And now if we can focus on outcomes rather than the personality of Trump, we can see what type of leader he is. Biden would never do such a thing. Did not even take a look the borders. Trump will. And now the voters focused on what they find better politically, and voted for Trump. And yes yes yes, Trump might not go to heaven...
  10. Well, there is a reason why employers hire illegals to do the hard work in building. Because it is hard work.
  11. You will go at any length to support your made-up narrative. Your level of brainwashing is alarming.... Instead of attacking anything that does not fit perfectly with your narrative, just try for once this approach: 'Ok, let's just wait an see". Then take a deep breath. And enjoy the day....
  12. Hehehe. I also think that tattoos are some willing mutilation, thinking that these tattoos are going to be perceived as beautiful. But tattoos look good only to the ones with the ink stains on their skin........
  13. I do the same. I do not think that I am stupid. My reward, I would hope, is when I die, that I would be able to keep a good spirit, thinking about all the people that I have helped, financially or otherwise...
  14. You are about as off-base as they come. Just surmising what Charlie Kirk would have replied....
  15. Thanks for your exception that confirms the rule. Tobacco smoke stinks badly......
  16. In a country where so many men think that tobacco smoke is so so much better than air.... Thai food, with the bad cheap oil, heated to the point of toxicity, then adding some refined sugar to make sure that the food at least taste something, leading to being recognized as food, let alone on top of a positive list, is nothing short of amazing.
  17. That is what I like about Musk. Always has a very polite way to express an opinion...
  18. "where the suspect reportedly accused the victim of staring at him in a confrontational manner." And again, the culture here of forcing kids to WAI at adults, showing that kids are inferior beings. Creates a culture where men are still kids in their mind, and waiting for any opportunity to show the world that they are adults, and that they will no longer tolerate staring and confrontation, as if they were still kids.
  19. And I will say it again. This culture must do away with he fake polite expressions, and get the parents teach politeness, the way it is done in civilized countries. Children here are taught to say polite words. But they are not taught how to be polite, what politeness really is. That one's freedom ends where the freedom of another starts. That politeness is expressed not with words, but with behavior.
  20. Well, the culture here includes doing anything that might make someone avoid taking responsibility. And regardless of how many signs of politeness are uttered, this does not make for a polite society. "In various situations, polite individuals actively listen, show empathy, and demonstrate proper etiquette.".
  21. Just about always about someone going too fast... The lady crossing the road, hummmm. Maybe not
  22. So sad that God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. We are being warned about women as well. Darn. And appears that we cannot even say 'God help us' with this last warning.... 🙂
  23. Hi BKKready. A bit surprised by your nice response .... ''But I have been looking at this subject for a long time. Including my own addiction to tobacco, when I was young and easily brainwashed. No longer the case hehehe. Peer Pressure and Teen Behaviors Let's take a look at some statistics: 70% of teenagers who smoke cigarettes say they began smoking because they had friends who smoke, or because they felt pressured to try it. 55% of teenagers who tried drugs self-report doing so because of peer pressure." (end of excerpt). All about silly teens wanting to feel part of a group, as I was. But nowadays, vaping came into the picture, and is either replacing tobacco as a means of feeling part of it, or simply having moved on to being wiser, but unable to shake off this drug, which is surpassed by heroine and fentanyl currently, as level of addictive qualities. So these wiser people turn towards vaping, because it more socially acceptable. But the problem is the same, this highly addictive product, 'nicotine', is not going to let anyone shake it off easily. And it has to do with genetics. Drug Addiction, Genes, and Your Environment WebMD https://www.webmd.com › mental-health › drug-addiction... May 23, 2567 BE — Studies suggest that about half of a person's risk of developing a drug addiction is based on their genetic makeup. There is no single gene that is responsible for drug addiction, but multiple genes are associated with it. Some of these genes include: DRD2: The TaqI A minor (A1) allele of this gene is associated with alcoholism. It is also involved in other substance use disorders, such as cocaine, nicotine, and opioid dependence. CHRNA2: Low levels of expression of this gene are associated with cannabis use disorder. CUL3, PDE4B, and PTGER3: These genes are related to smoking or alcohol use. HIST1H2BD: This gene is associated with cocaine dependence. OPRD1: The rs1042114 (G80T) and rs2234918 (T921C) SNPs in this gene are associated with drug addiction. OPRK1: Genetic polymorphisms of this gene have been studied in association with substances. Environmental factors, such as stress, can also trigger the development of drug addiction. Stress hormones can induce epigenetic changes, which are regulations of gene expression that affect the expression of genes. But there are studies that identify one 'gene' as a main vector for drug addiction. But then, I thought that pointing out that the problem of addiction in this instance was about "nicotine', which is found highly in tobacco, and also in "vaping' products. They both originate from the biggest scam of all times, Tobacco manufacturers. If their products were not already generating so much money, they could never today obtain governmental authorization to sell this poison.... Regards
  24. Ok, so for your benefit, Replace all iteration of 'smoking' in the description, with the word 'vaping'. And there you have it. Same concept....
  25. How do friends influence smoking? Adolescent cigarette smoking behavior is related to the behaviors of their friends and parents. There are several ways in which friends can influence cigarette use, such as through the modeling of risky behaviors and through normative peer pressures. The number one vector that determines if someone will start smoking or not, are the friends they have.. Why do people start using tobacco? Peers who use tobacco. Parents or siblings who use tobacco. Tobacco use in movies, TV, video games, and on social media. Tobacco products that are candy or fruit flavored. Tobacco marketing that uses images to appeal to younger people, including messages that smoking makes you thin.
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