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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Well, I really really do not like red ants πŸ™‚ Regards
  2. Oh, when I see texts like this one, I often just reply 'Jealousy will get you nowhere'. 😊 And this word 'hate', I do not recall ever saying or writing that word. And I keep in mind this thought that I ended up having, after reading on notions like 'I do not like it', vs 'I do not know this'. So when I hear this 'I do not like it', I ask: "Tell me something that you know very well, that has merit, and that you do not like". So might be that you simply do not know this guy Bill Maher. As an example, just close your eyes, and think about him being your father, a father who is successful, perhaps witty in a way that is just not your style, but ended up successful in his style of entertainment.... Entertainment that you would not particularly like, and maybe just saying "Dad, geez, modify your content a bit". But would you end up 'hating' him for not modifying it to your taste? And just a quote here: "Hate goes beyond the simple dislike of something. Hate is true venom at the core of your being - it’s an emotion that is toxic to your heart and soul. Hate breeds resentment, grudges, and creates a victim mentality. Ick - who wants to carry that around?" Regards.
  3. And using types of excuses reserved for Thai people only....
  4. I am not your 'bro'. Do not wish to be your 'bro'. Calling me your 'bro' will not make you smarter. Our genetics are too far apart. Try it with someone else pls...
  5. Treating people like children, and wondering why they do not seem to grow up...
  6. Please, please, describe for all members, all that you see that is so civilized in this country. So what I describe can be looked at as untrue. I am describing what I see, and you describe what I see as something bad, even refer to my description as Thai bashing. You are the one who is using this word, not me, So for you to use this word, means that what I DESCRIBE, is something that is bad. If you cannot describe how untrue it is, then you are the one Thai bashing, by using this word....
  7. Yes quite right. But for people who have a history of not respecting the laws. In the United States, the device became known as a "Denver boot" after the city of Denver, Colorado, which was the first place in the country to employ them, mostly to force the payment of outstanding parking tickets.[4]
  8. Quite right, so a trophy from me. These products are the the worst scam in history. If these tobacco products did not exist now, and a manufacturer would approach a government to get approval on such products, wow would they ever be shown the door. Crazy as they would appear.... These products were approved at a time when people did not know the impact it would have. And because of the money involved, the taxes involved, the lawyers involved at any sound of reducing their use, just no way now, too late. People lose on average 10 years of their life because of these products. My friends, my family, most of those who got hooked on nicotine, are long gone now.
  9. Perhaps just an unlucky girl. Perhaps having to get away from a family that made her an unlucky one, for many reasons. Trying to find herself through travel. Trying to find some healthy experiences, learning experiences. Quickly ran out of money. And the result for her might be better than to still be amongst her family. I would buy her a meal. Just the way I am, the way I think, just the way that I find to pay it forward, because I do find that, unlike her, I ended up having some luck. And I will give for that sole reason, thinking that I was one of the lucky ones. Just have enough because of a regular pension, and enough to share. Wishing that when I die, these are the thoughts that will come to my mind. The thought of having given, and having in return, many 'smiles'. Enough for me....
  10. Appears to me that the use of these drastic means to immobilize a motorbike, is because of the non-respect of road laws by Thais in Thailand. So as a Farang, it appears unfair to prevent someone from using his own motorbike, to go pay a fine, for example. The motorbike gets LOCKED. I remember thinking how stupid that was. So much inconvenience, as a result of not understanding parking rules here... Must lose time, pay for a taxi to get to the Police station, pay the fine, get back to the motorbike, and wait for an officer to come and remove the lock, proof of fine payment in hand.... But then any civilized way of doing this, like just writing a ticket, would not be respected by Thai people. Would not pay. So some drastic actions are taken by Thai governments, because Thais do not respect the laws. These road divider separating the two directions of traffic on the same road. Very inconvenient, but the only way to prevent drivers to drive in the fashion of sailboats... Laws will not do it. But then, we have to get used to it.... The law of the land, no matter how unfair they appear....
  11. Strangely, my living-room chair feels a lot more comfortable today....
  12. Uncivilized country, religious beliefs is hanging from their necks, nothing left to support any form of morality. Scamming, these people have always been at it....
  13. Oh.... So you found an exception that would confirm the rule.... Much obliged....
  14. Ok, better question. Makes me understand more also... hehe Well after your question, I looked back to identify where this cutting-in happens. It does not happen where people can assess how much time the customer will get from a store clerk. So does not happen in mini-marts for example, where everybody choose a line, where they assessed a reasonable time that they will have to spend in line. Exception is when another clerk will open another cash, then Thais will definitely try to obtain first access, ignoring other customers in front of them. But this seems always acceptable, as it is not an obvious sigh of impoliteness. But I would typically tell a person in front of me to go first, saying 'Khun yuu gawn', you were here before me. I do not think that Thais would do that. Now in open markets, Thais selling clothes, for example, where people can start discussing about a piece of clothing with the seller, where the expected time is unclear, I have often being interrupted by a Thai, hijacking the attention of the seller. I even discussed this with a seller that I have become friendly with, and she replied, 'yes, Thais are like that (in her type of service perhaps), and she even said that once, a Thai came to park his motorbike in-between two racks of her clothing that she displays for sale. Too few parking spaces left... Once I got interrupted by a middle-aged lady, and when I confronted her about it, saying that I was not finished, she backed up a bit. And some 15 seconds later, she came back between me and the seller to try to hijack again the attention of the seller. In two different shops, the sellers turned back towards me and signified that her attention was for me. And they do not accept that... trying again. And mainly Thai women in my experience, in these clothing stores...
  15. Load of nonsense what you write... Nobody said that most Thais are cutting in line. It is just that there are just too many, such as I have never seen in my country anyway. And then someone else starting a post on this subject, so certainly not just a few Thais who do that. I had quite a few do that to me, to my greatest surprise. I remember in Plakias Crete, a German saleslady told me that many Greek people did that also... And again, not most of them, so you get to understand.
  16. A few traits that are part of the culture in Thailand comes into play here. First, Thais are very very selfish. The list of examples are just too numerous to make a list here now. So this will make them just hijack the attention of a person, to affirm the selfishness. Now the person whose attention has been hijacked, a salesperson perhaps, will automatically give his or her attention to the hijacker, because failure to do so would make the hijacker lose face. One heck of a no no here in Thai culture. Then as foreigner, it is incumbent upon us to call out the hijack, since the Thai individual is more likely to take a bow, as he, or she, instinctively knows that foreigners are not part of this culture... And while doing so, they strangely still totally ignore the person that they are trying to sidestep... Of course, for any foreigner, it is total lack of respect, total impoliteness. Thais may never understand that....
  17. I cannot find any post here from an 'Admin'. But whatever this individual has said, it could not be that "It is impossible to change the policy'..... Ah, where is Anthony Robbins when we need him, and his quotes: such as: "I like it when you say that something is impossible, and you do it anyway."
  18. Nah. Better not to offer any means for these idiots to express themselves. Just by definition, there is nothing that these people can contribute to the site. (Hopefully, do will not pro-create).
  19. I was not feeling very safe lately, for some reason. Knowing about this, if I still feel unsafe, I will know that this was not the cause.
  20. Andre0720

    Visa Agents

    But the consequence of getting a 'retirement extension' from a remote location, would mean that the IO doing a 90 day for example, would be required to do that 'free' work, while knowing very well that a non-local IO got a share of the money for the initial 'extension' work. Not happy with that. So some Agents who deal with a non-local IO, for whatever reason, will offer a free service of obtaining all 90 day reports from the IO that was used to obtain the 'retirement visa'. This of course would entail having to send the passport again and again through mail to obtain the 90 day stamps. So one could always go again to the same Agent, who will offer the service of obtaining 90 days stamps. This Agent does it by mailing the passport to this remote location, Nakhon Sawan, for example. The remote office will offer the service of 90 days stamps, since this office obtained originally the large fee to obtain the retirement visa. So ideally, if possible, find an Agent who is able to obtain IO services locally.
  21. Andre0720

    Visa Agents

    Hi, just thinking that I might have read wrongly the intent of your post. The last question, one of those, perhaps was just a question, and not a sarcasm... If I was wrong then I apologize. And I am posting some information on the use of Agents. That sometimes is the only way to obtain a reasonable service. " Re-posting this one here... Seems like you might need this knowledge as well..... "Well yes, in this land, situations are mostly related to money and territory. I am located in Phuket, and there are many Agents who offer a service of dealing with an IO on a customer behalf, for a fee. And this fee is shared between the Agent, and at a very high level at the IO, then further shared... And strangely, some of the Agents are able to conduct their business directly with the local IO, while others go through a remote IO, such as Nakhon Sawan. Now why is that, I have no idea. Appears like Agents must be 'accredited' for the use of such a service at a given IO. And those Agents who appear to not be able to be accredited locally here, are always able to find a remote IO that is willing to offer such a service to Agents. But the consequence of getting a 'retirement extension' from a remote location, would mean that the IO doing a 90 day for example, would be required to do that 'free' work, while knowing very well that a non-local IO got a share of the money for the initial 'extension' work. Not happy with that. So some Agents who deal with a non-local IO, for whatever reason, will offer a free service of obtaining all 90 day reports from the IO that was used to obtain the 'retirement visa'. This of course would entail having to send the passport again and again through mail to obtain the 90 day stamps. Something that of course anyone would like to avoid. An IO can tell what process was originally used to obtain a service, through a quick glance at the passport. That is what they do for a living. A few seconds will do it... And to add to the complexity of this situation, once a foreigner has used an Agent, the IO will try as they can to keep this individual to keep on putting money in the system. Lots of money in there. Trying to do further 'retirement extensions' on your own, at the lower fee of course, will get you to be faced with all sorts of problems, being raised by the IO, to make the process as long and difficult as possible. With the aim of breaking you down and getting you back at an Agent's office, and paying the bigger fee. If one is intent on not paying for an Agent, make sure that your income taxes are in order in your country, make sure that your embassy will offer a service of confirming your income, and accept to be patient time and time again when you are told that "Oh, the for that you used is an out-dated one. Use this one, and come back some other day..... I was initially forced to go see an Agent, after the onset of the Covid era, with airport closed here, borders of neighboring countries closed, so not being able to leave the country to extend my OA visa, and not being able to stay in the country, as my visa would soon expire. 2019, 2020. When I explained that at the IO, I was told that there was nothing that they could do. The law was written this way. Then I was told in a whisper, go see an Agent, they will fix it up for you. And Agent, Oh yes."
  22. Andre0720

    Visa Agents

    Well perhaps, but not in Phuket town.... In Phuket town, it is not a fact.... But IO will do their best to make one go through an Agent, for known reasons....
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