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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Is there any reason one should avoid government hospitals for this particular check-up?
  2. But it's also to do with the types of racist violence you see in the west. It's easier to beat up on easily identifiable vulnerable minorities, than actually face off against the establishment where the abuse that affects your own life comes from. Kick an immigrant or someone racially identifiable, but never even argue with your 'betters', much less kick them. Those types don't have the spine for that. Gays get it as well. And Jews wearing their little caps. Just easy targets for losercowards to dump bad feelings.
  3. Don't forget your work permit ????
  4. Yesterday is history, Tomorrow's a mystery, Today is a gift, That's why it's called the present.
  5. mmmhh ... ???? I wonder if there's a market for monastery themed hotels.
  6. Dilapidated and neglected.
  7. ''Upon transferring 7,200 baht from a Kasikorn Bank account to one of her two Krungthai Bank accounts, with the total in the two accounts being 23,000 baht, and giving the fake official the six-digit pass code for both of them ...'' 'Nuff said.
  8. Sadly you won't get one whichever way the vote goes, for so many different reasons I don't have the time or desire to list here.
  9. Thais trying out English which is below your Thai levels offer an opportunity to help them improve.
  10. Thais who know me (juristic persons, doctors etc.) put khun in front of my surname. Thai friends use it in front of my first name sometimes, usually when they are talking about me to guests or kids. Kids obviously say 'khun firstname'. As do the 'outsiders'. Laundry ladies, tuktuk drivers etc. who aren't party to my names usually ask 'you want xyz mister?'. Or if they want to attract my attention like when I'm heading the wrong way or left something lying on a counter, whatever, just 'hey mister'. I felt really offended to begin with and reacted quite unpleasantly at times 'cos it obviously grates. It's highly impolite in the west. But I eventually figured it's their way of saying 'sir', a word they aren't familiar with. Noone's ever said it with malice as far as I can tell. Usually it's someone trying to be helpful or offering me something. Markets are another place. Can we seriously expect Thais to master the vagaries of 'Excuse me sir ...' as opposed to 'Hey mister'? Then just imagine 'Khun, you want tuktuk?'. Pretty weird. A nurse saying 'mister surname' on the other hand is probably trying to be polite or even try their English, not racist. A wise man once told me 'the world is your mirror. What do you see in it?'
  11. Takes some serious skill to slot that into a thread like this one ????
  12. It was one way back then, and always hell to get across. A few years later they decorated it here and there with xwalks and traffic lights.
  13. What's the expression again? In plain sight? Oh dear. This doesn't look good.
  14. Chinese criminals ... operating in Thailand with the knowledge, collusion and frequently involvement of the RTP. Thousands of them living illegally on corruptly obtained visas from RTP Immigration ... same old same old ...
  15. Lindner is not Germany's Foreign Minister. Annalene Baerbock is the FM. He is a 'Minister of State' in the Foreign Office. One of her underlings, a junior minister.
  16. No. Sometimes it feels like it does. But it doesn't.
  17. That is VERY good to know thanks ... I've only ever used 'em once. Guess it must've been office hours ...
  18. I always pick up €600 at departure airport. I'm gonna spend it anyway, and Super Rich gives good rates - even better for large denominations. And if need be onward flight.com can be booked at the departure desk in seconds.
  19. But if you change planes like I had to onto EVA in VIE you might find staff will ask. They don't want the costs of repatriating you if rejected. (It hasn't been 'delegated'. It's self protection.) They were happy when I told them I'd be going for a Non-O retirement visa when I got there. Of course being older I look the part ????
  20. Always read the small print about everything. I even read Apple's and Google's through the first time. Now I just flag 'em through. I just hope I don't end up like South Park's Cartman. In one episode he clicked on 'Agree' which resulted in him being sentenced to death or something for some minor infringement.
  21. What's a few grams between friends. How about the volumes? They are phenomenal. 1.96g = 1l of CO2 192g = ca. 10l CO2 per kilometre. per auto. per day, every day. Imagine the volume of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere every day by Bangkok traffic alone - and there it's even worse, because it takes so much longer to travel a km in Bangkok traffic, so uses more fuel/km, so ejects more CO2. It's an entire city wide smogsworth to a height of hundreds if not thousands of feet, day by day. And that's just Bangkok and just the traffic. It's awe inspiring and frightening when you start to look at volumes and not harmless little gram numbers.
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