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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. It was one way back then, and always hell to get across. A few years later they decorated it here and there with xwalks and traffic lights.
  2. What's the expression again? In plain sight? Oh dear. This doesn't look good.
  3. Chinese criminals ... operating in Thailand with the knowledge, collusion and frequently involvement of the RTP. Thousands of them living illegally on corruptly obtained visas from RTP Immigration ... same old same old ...
  4. Lindner is not Germany's Foreign Minister. Annalene Baerbock is the FM. He is a 'Minister of State' in the Foreign Office. One of her underlings, a junior minister.
  5. No. Sometimes it feels like it does. But it doesn't.
  6. That is VERY good to know thanks ... I've only ever used 'em once. Guess it must've been office hours ...
  7. I always pick up €600 at departure airport. I'm gonna spend it anyway, and Super Rich gives good rates - even better for large denominations. And if need be onward flight.com can be booked at the departure desk in seconds.
  8. But if you change planes like I had to onto EVA in VIE you might find staff will ask. They don't want the costs of repatriating you if rejected. (It hasn't been 'delegated'. It's self protection.) They were happy when I told them I'd be going for a Non-O retirement visa when I got there. Of course being older I look the part ????
  9. Always read the small print about everything. I even read Apple's and Google's through the first time. Now I just flag 'em through. I just hope I don't end up like South Park's Cartman. In one episode he clicked on 'Agree' which resulted in him being sentenced to death or something for some minor infringement.
  10. What's a few grams between friends. How about the volumes? They are phenomenal. 1.96g = 1l of CO2 192g = ca. 10l CO2 per kilometre. per auto. per day, every day. Imagine the volume of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere every day by Bangkok traffic alone - and there it's even worse, because it takes so much longer to travel a km in Bangkok traffic, so uses more fuel/km, so ejects more CO2. It's an entire city wide smogsworth to a height of hundreds if not thousands of feet, day by day. And that's just Bangkok and just the traffic. It's awe inspiring and frightening when you start to look at volumes and not harmless little gram numbers.
  11. Sadly there is no al-anon in LOS. If there was he'd either soon change his ways or fairly soon he'd find the condo empty when he returns from another 'adventure'.
  12. Chiang Mai would be a definite possibility if it wasn't for the smoke. Overall I prefer swimmable beach availability.
  13. I think I might have broken one Thai woman's heart. But it was necessary for me and my life.
  14. Funny, they all ''Lubb me lubb me lubb me'' whenever I got near 'em. And ''take care me take care me take care me''. Something I made plain I didn't want.
  15. He's at least as creepy as any of the other orange sick bags we read about all too often. Sadly. Considering the high addictive potential of methamphetamine, I think it's fair to say that at least most of those men were addicted. As such they were desperate for the next fix and willing to prostitute themselves for it. That's not valid consent in any business. The 'abbot' was abusing their vulnerabilities to obtain sex where in fact he should have been helping them to overcome them. Sex may be the 'abbot's vulnerability. But then he has the teaching and training to overcome it and pass that on to his victims. Instead he chose to abuse his congregation and his cloth for his own immediate gratification.
  16. Oh not only ... by a long chalk ... These guys have a whole series devoted to tracking down romance scammers.
  17. https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/le-tout-nouveau-testament Expiration dates is exactly what this really dark-funny film is about ...
  18. In the days when we used to deal with real people, they wanted a letter of confirmation that I was still employed by the company I worked for. That's what I'd upload now as well if I was still working.
  19. Oh dear. What a mess to get into over a pack of rubbish bags.
  20. Based on current performance no. Just look around you. Some struggle to get their acts together in a supermarket at the check out. I'm not advocating arrogance, merely a realistic look, coupled with compassion not condemnation. And I do remain somewhat hopeful. Don't forget the other 50% ????
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