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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. It's definitely an inside job ...
  2. Anyone willing to vote to put this cretin back into the WH has outed themself as cretinous.
  3. Indeed! Despite all my own flaws and mistakes etc., these guys certainly seem to have a different moral compass to the one I was issued with. I hate cultural relativism, but the fact is it's culture from time immemorial here. And therein lies the nub. I see no chance of effecting any change here myself.
  4. In the emojis. But I usually can't be bothered to go through the process so often on this site ... 💩 🤮 ... also handy.
  5. Sorry. Correction. I should have said 'potential' markers.
  6. Ever hear of Steven Yaxley-Lennon? Does he speak and represent all British people?
  7. OK, let's just settle for weird, hate and bile fueled instead.
  8. Funny ... I thought the source was 'Truth' Social.
  9. One of the markers is an erratic CV. (Quite apart from the other symptoms listed in the article.)
  10. Because of ignorance, bigotry and hatred. There are some seriously deranged posts on this thread.
  11. I've worked with (and even dated some - fantastic gals) loads of moslems in my rather long life. None of them, none at all resemble your mutant ramblings.
  12. It doesn't 'throw away 500 years of history'. It merely turns another page in (the Georgian church building's) history. Not too long ago even a café or museum would have been fatwah'd by the CoE.
  13. A quick survey of the numbers released from death row or life without parole is enough argument against the DP. I don't wish to be associated with the killing of an innocent person, nor do I wish to risk being that person. It doesn't matter if this disgusting piece of filth is 100% guilty. Someone else may not be. That someone may be you as well. Life without parole, in enhanced measures. Also gives him many years of corrosive regret later in life.
  14. Sounds like there's a market gap for muzzles?
  15. It's only a few months ago a god in white was struck off in the UK. He'd been the head bogwallah in a transplant unit - he signed his initials in patients livers with a laser that he'd just inserted into them. Feared and revered. It went on for years. I hear what you're saying in your posts, but a lot of the staff worry about the power of these people to affect their careers. That's why the complaint was made anonymously some time after the incident. The fact that the hospital has kept below the parapet tells its own story. Something's gone terribly wrong beyond just allowing a young observer - which as you say is itself a great thing. And hospitals are great at circling the wagons. Very very reluctant to allow outside inspection as I'm sure you've experienced. The hospital won't want to lose an experienced and valued brain surgeon. At the same time the behavior as it's been reported should see him struck off immediately. Rock and a hard place. Edit: Added last paragraph and removed a less relevant paragraph to keep it shorter.
  16. The things people do just to avoid AA 555
  17. Yeah that's pretty much the reaction I expected. Hope you feel a tad better now you've 'vindicated' yourself, if only for a short while.
  18. Oh dear. You guys are so full of hate and anger. It'll be pitiful for the average citizen if you ever do take over. I live in a country where they did once. I recognize the language and the policies and the attitudes and the bullying. They left a heap pf rubble behind. Otherwise I really can't be bothered. Hats off to Chomps and a couple of others who seem to have the time and patience for dialogues here. But if you really are interested in facts Placeholder's served us all a little tidbit: remember - you have been warned. McCarthyism was a minor irritation compared to Trumpism and Project 2025. Somehow I suspect though that the majority of US citizens are too sensible and nice in the end to go along with it. Certainly most of the ones I know are. Just normal, law abiding nice people. Minnesota nice 555
  19. Remind me please who was in charge the last 14 years ... And remind me who elected them ... The UK has the government it deserves.
  20. Unfortunately in the US even the election doesn't decide who gets into the WH. Or Trump would never have been an issue. The US has nothing to teach the world in terms of democracy.
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