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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Neither I think. The mules are just usually poor and clueless. I suspect Thailand tipped Lagos off to facilitate the real haul going through.
  2. The other 15% know something about TV production so don't fall for the Maga alternative facts. And they look online for the whole transcript/uncut version.
  3. But he's obviously somewhere within their gulag - and he's livestreaming it. Or have they released him on brown envelope bond?
  4. Unless s/he 'thinks' Trump's not radical enough ...
  5. Clearly people trafficking. If true she's as much a victim as the victim. Let's see.
  6. Eighty million. Jesus wept. That doubles the country's population and more ... The infrastructure can barely support its own population in low season.
  7. You've obviously invested a lot of commitment here, and I hear where you're coming from. But it strikes me you need to focus on two questions amongst all the rest of the clutter and excuse making: Is that how you want to live for the rest of your life? Is that the kind of partner you wish for in old age? You are not responsible for how she lives after you leave because the relationship has become untenable for you or you have outgrown it. It is her responsibility. She is a grown woman. Anyway, she'll be OK. By staying past time you are preventing her from having experiences which will help her mature and perhaps be a lot happier in the long term.
  8. A much better and more civilized way to travel ...
  9. Projection doesn't get any more obvious than this. Every time they open their gobs it's an admission of guilt.
  10. Looks like he's sold his last durian now.
  11. KFC fries in Thailand are diabolical 24/7 ... what is wrong with those people? Simple enough task. Do the managers eat them? If so then maybe they have weird tastes. The main reason I rarely eat at KFC.
  12. You should never try to rescue a drowning person (exception perhaps: small child) unless you have a floatation device with you to keep between them and you to assist them with. Or they WILL take you down with them. The old guy was right whether or not he couldn't swim (which in LOS he probably couldn't). The lack of swimming training in Thai schools is a catastrophe. Drowning used to be the biggest killer of children in the UK before they started teaching us at school. Very rare occurrence now. See it all too often in Thai news though. All it took was an easily installed solid plastic type tank, 3'6" deep, 15x20 meters, and some changing rooms with benches and lockers. Oh yeah, and a pile of plastifoam floats. So cheap. So easy to install. Junior school, aged 8. But younger were taught. Can't remember feeling cold so it must have been heated in some way. They taught hundreds of us through the years. I went on to be a competition swimmer and diver.
  13. The real disgrace is that a person in this state of mind has been released onto the streets within 19 years of committing a horrific murder. If he's too mental to be deported he has NO business on the streets where he might easily feel slighted at any time of night or day or on any bus or in any shop he doesn't get what he wants. He should have immediately been sectioned after release. Minimum 16 years. What a joke.
  14. Forgot: salted butter or a thin layer of mayo. I prefer white bread because it doesn't mask the taste of the lettuce as much as darker breads.
  15. And it's why he's still teaching ...
  16. Cheese has similar constituent chemicals to chocolate. Gives the same satisfaction. Anyway I'd suggest plentiful lettuce, tomato and a dash of salt'n'pepper. Whatever the bread.
  17. You obviously have no clue how genuine newsrooms and 'MSM' institutions work. No clue at all.
  18. Even Robert Plant can't imitate Robert Plant nowadays. He says himself, "I used to be a rock singer - now I'm a singer."
  19. This is a typical sales tactic: Hurry up and vote for me folks - it's a limited edition and we're almost sold out. Just like his grotty sneakers and 'tokens'.
  20. Just sayin' ... Somethin' for everyone folks.
  21. It's about what he does (and has done).
  22. Exactly. He hasn't even accepted the last one 4 years on.
  23. I've been hanging around this forum since 2004 or so, before joining in 2009. Believe me, hang 'em high is nothing in the least bit new on AN (once Thai Visa). It well predates the US election 555.
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