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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I have read, and seen, and heard enough of it to know that it is a constitutional blasphemy. A declaration of its creators vengeance fantasies against everything the US supposedly stands for. Essentially a verbally camouflaged mysogynist, white supremacist document of unfreedom and dictatorship aimed at subjugating anyone 'different' who doesn't fit the ideal of a christian extremist perfect person. A US Taliban document. You have been warned. And to its supporters I say as someone who has a close knowledge of history in this respect: What most people don't understand is that when these types have subjugated and packed off to jail and ruined all their initial prey, they need more. That's when they turn on the fools who put them in power in the first place. An inevitable process because they need the 'other', they need enemies just in order to carry on. And by the laws of averages you can rest assured that all those who thought they'd be stood in the watchtowers as camp guards (figuratively speaking or not) are far more likely to be the inmates. And most won't be able to defend themselves against it cos they ain't got the spines or the intelligence.
  2. What amazes me is that the cops don't in the least bit seem to be interested in apprehending a cop killer. Dragged one of their own for a mighty distance under his far too big for him car. And they adjust the speed record. Then they let him walk out of the country. Amazing Thailand.
  3. ... needs banning from ever working with children again. He obviously has no clue about anything to do with them.
  4. Indeed. Just look at the aggression in that one sentence.
  5. She needed the official nomination and she rightly did some work for it. Now she is the candidate. She'll logically take Biden's place at the only agreed debate now as the Dem candidate. And then see what else is suitable after. She's only been on the campaign trail a month. Not hard to grasp. Unless one simply doesn't want to grasp it.
  6. Trump has ruined all his businesses, the GOP and the lives and reputations of anyone who came near him. RFK will be a delicious morsel for this political Hannibal Lector.
  7. That sounds like a recipe for world peace actually. Because noone would vote for a party that was a threat to their (the voter's) own country would they? So all the governments that would be elected would all be benevolent towards each other. You should found a new political movement on that.
  8. His VP pick wrote the goddam foreword for that constitutional blasphemy and Trump himself is a close associate of the perps. You have all been clearly and loudly warned.
  9. Most countries are more impervious to brown envelope culture. This could not happen without collusion by the authorities.
  10. What I was thinking, but as someone further down has pointed out they could be stolen. Edit: And it turns out the 8 version wasn't licensed in LOS in 2017.
  11. You do have to be aware that wherever you go you always take yourself with you 555
  12. Don't think embassy letters are relevant for income method. Requires a full year of monthly bank statements showing money being transferred from abroad AFAIK - but I'm relying on bits I've read, it doesn't apply to me. Some embassies still issue confirmation of income certificates free of charge. In my case pension confirmation. Needs validating at the MoFA. HH accepts. edit: Oh, this is an old thread I say!
  13. Buddhist teachings themselves are as relevant now as ever. Sky fairies are not. Why don't people worship Thor? Or Ra? Or Yog Sothoth?
  14. Quadruple post (still waking up ...)
  15. HAs your house burnt down? Been flooded out? Invaded by pests? Your car been stolen/vandalised? Accident? 🤣
  16. Triple post
  17. Education, not IQ.
  18. Double post
  19. Get a credit card with a SA carrier. Miles don't expire. (EG LH Mastercard Blue/Gold). You also collect miles simply by using it, and that can mount to useful mileage very quickly.
  20. Sounds like the 'problem' is all in your mind. I've always kept it simple - if I don't like a job/place/girlfriend etc., then I change/move/break up etc. Carpe Diem. That doesn't preclude careers or marriages.
  21. I did. She threatened to slap them instead of threatening to help and assist them. Booted them out instead.
  22. Do you seriously think 'Reform's' rabid racist rabble will actually welcome being 'taken into the fold' of Kemi Badenoch just because of her toxic rhetoric. She's black pal - no chance.
  23. Even if that's the case (seems likely) it's a bit much to start slapping customers who've innocently bought a service from him. A decent restaurateur would be at pains, I would think, to try and perhaps even cater to them at another time, whilst also banning Burapa for good (and letting other venues know as well). Slapping them? Wow! Wonder how she treats the staff.
  24. There are so many potential causes of high blood pressure that s/he should see a doctor. It's not good enough to assume that a calcium antagonist might solve the issue. The situation can also become urgent very quickly. There's a multitude of potentially fatal issues could be behind the development. Could be anything from plaque to valve problems to nervous system signaling problems. Or psychosomatic. A decent health insurance will probably apply a reasonable surcharge premium to an issue that is being properly managed. OP see a doctor. Especially if your lower BP value (diastolic) is at 81 or above. The 130's (systolic) is not such a problem although 120 is better. Doctors worry more about the diastolic value. You need a thorough evaluation. I've been through the process and actually take Amlodipin because calcium build up in my vascular system was constricting dilation and contraction and hence blood flow. Now they've found some plaque build up in my coronary blood vessels which is not threatening now, but is obviously a long term threat. I'll probably be on statins by year's end. That process is ongoing with a stress ECG coming up. I'm heading for 70. As my heart specialist said, "It's quite normal as you age. All part of the dying process."
  25. You also need to worry about the people behind him. He'll probably be toast after this election and they'll pick much more carefully next time.
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