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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Sadly there is no al-anon in LOS. If there was he'd either soon change his ways or fairly soon he'd find the condo empty when he returns from another 'adventure'.
  2. Chiang Mai would be a definite possibility if it wasn't for the smoke. Overall I prefer swimmable beach availability.
  3. I think I might have broken one Thai woman's heart. But it was necessary for me and my life.
  4. Funny, they all ''Lubb me lubb me lubb me'' whenever I got near 'em. And ''take care me take care me take care me''. Something I made plain I didn't want.
  5. He's at least as creepy as any of the other orange sick bags we read about all too often. Sadly. Considering the high addictive potential of methamphetamine, I think it's fair to say that at least most of those men were addicted. As such they were desperate for the next fix and willing to prostitute themselves for it. That's not valid consent in any business. The 'abbot' was abusing their vulnerabilities to obtain sex where in fact he should have been helping them to overcome them. Sex may be the 'abbot's vulnerability. But then he has the teaching and training to overcome it and pass that on to his victims. Instead he chose to abuse his congregation and his cloth for his own immediate gratification.
  6. Oh not only ... by a long chalk ... These guys have a whole series devoted to tracking down romance scammers.
  7. https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/le-tout-nouveau-testament Expiration dates is exactly what this really dark-funny film is about ...
  8. In the days when we used to deal with real people, they wanted a letter of confirmation that I was still employed by the company I worked for. That's what I'd upload now as well if I was still working.
  9. Oh dear. What a mess to get into over a pack of rubbish bags.
  10. Based on current performance no. Just look around you. Some struggle to get their acts together in a supermarket at the check out. I'm not advocating arrogance, merely a realistic look, coupled with compassion not condemnation. And I do remain somewhat hopeful. Don't forget the other 50% ????
  11. Thanks for the reply. I'm a lot closer to reality than that though. Of course there are some nasty bits of work around. And I don't go to Phuket any more since about 2006. I've been around a bit but I've never come across a more egregiously corrupt and greedyrotten dump for tourists. It's also the only place in LOS I've been threatened with violence by a Thai in over 20 years (tut tuks again of course - another story). I've seen some unpleasantness in Pattaya that I wasn't part of and was over fast. My experience, and like I said in almost annual trips for 3-4 months and a couple of 6 month long stays, has generally been no worse than back home. The police of course are a disgrace to the uniform and profession but that's a story in itself. Yeah, sure, situational awareness is paramount. The place is fulll of gypsies tramps and thieves. But I worry more about impromptu violence on the streets of English towns than I do on Walking Street. You won't find me anywhere near Beach Road after 8 in the evening either. And I've had to (successfully) fight off a visa company's attempt to scam me on a border run. I ain't naive or soft in the slightest. I don't wear gold chains but I know that just the clothes, glasses, watch and sandals I wear marks me out as very rich by local standards. I approach Thais in the knowledge that most of them would give their right arms to have the global privileges and income I have. And who would blame them - many wonder where tomorrow's meals are coming from and it pays to remember that they struggle with problems I've never had. I tend to find if I smile at the world it tends to smile back. If I growl, it growls. And when it growls I tend to find, especially in LOS, that a smile does a lot to solve the problem. And sometimes crap just happens wherever you are.
  12. Used that one a few times myself for just that reason, although I settled for Fairtex near the Dolphin Roundabout - seem to recall there's a lot of green outside in front of the running machines (and/or tennis courts?). I used to stay at the Palm Gardens round the corner but that seems to have disappeared along with the Kiss Food place when Terminal 21 muscled in. All a sad loss for Pattaya. ???? P.S. Just noticed OP budget of 120. Don't think that'll stretch to Fairtex, can't remember about above Mike's. But otherwise my post stands.
  13. I don't know where you hang out but that's not the way I've experienced Thailand in over 20 years of snowbirds and long stays.
  14. Sub-standard graduates are the results of a decades long development in which both parties have played a role. Trying to 'save money' and also dumb people down unless they pay for private. It's not about Dem/Rep. The whole country really is potty: 'the Democrats turning out sub-standard etc etc'. No-one seems capable of real political analysis and awareness - and the Rep would-be presidential line-up just confirms that. Those are the nutters that the Reps think will attract your votes. Who you will willingly vote into positions of phenomenal power over you. And then wonder why you're so unhappy. Meanwhile the Dems are mulling snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by possibly fielding someone called Munchkins (Exhibit A in the evidence about the establishment capture of the Dems) and/or a distant nutcase relative of JFK who's a borderline Trumpist in all but name. Sad, sad. Just breathe deeply. In. Out. In. Out. Relax.
  15. Just listening to the whole bunch of 'em they all strike me as pretty potty. Though Christie at least seems to have seen the light and ain't afraid to say so.
  16. Unfortunately too many Americans think he can as well.
  17. They don't target the smart ones, they go for the vulnerable ones because they're the ones who fall for it. Too easy to blame the victims of what is a serious crime involving fraud, kidnapping, trafficking, extortion and forcing people into prostitution. How good that we on ASEAN Now lead such pristine lives and are so knowledgeable - especially about people we've never met.
  18. I think it's pretty clear that too many fall for the razzamatazz, and the ones with the most cash can make the most razzmatazz. Statistically 50% of voters are of below average intelligence.
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