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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. No. It's because they can. Same with any commodity. And it's now legally legitimized for medical services as well. So they can, so they scam.
  2. I don't know what you're talking about. That's not my post and I have no intention of even visiting the US. Get a grip.
  3. This was indeed (and by no means the first time or restricted to him) the language the nazis used in the 30s. They then passed laws to prevent interracial sex (then with Jews) to 'protect aryan blood'. Some people don't realize how close to the edge they are and exactly what evil they're cheering on.. That man is a likely presidential candidate for godz sake. Actually I have enough faith in the average American not to give him a majority. But he's never had a majority. That didn't stop the US's archaic and not fit for purpose 'electoral college' from selecting him as president though in 2016. Ludicrous.
  4. You should enjoy it it's the method I'd recommend. Train to Aranya Prathet, overnight there, cross the border next morning and on via road to AW. Did it many years ago when the roads were like Martian open cast mines, nothing but red dust and mud, and the bridges threatened to cave in. Took a taxi back then but believe there are buses now and the roads have been surfaced. It'll still be an authentic experience though. Helps appreciate the distances involved and gets you in at ground level. Enjoy.
  5. You're 100% right but you are on AN you know ... wear wellies when wading here ...
  6. BusyB

    the wai

    Me too. I often deploy a smile and nod of the head. But I often wai as well. It is nearly always appreciated and usually returned out of politeness if nothing else. And I always return a wai. Like RichardSmith above, I just go with the flow and do what comes naturally and politely. No Thai stands there frowning disapprovingly, muttering about how inappropriate it was or that my hands weren't held correctly in a perfect lotus form to the right level of the face. I don't however wai kids first, nor waiters in restaurants. Although if they were good I'll give them a good nod of the head on the way out. Just do what feels OK. A wai nearly always evokes a positive resonance. Missing a clear opportunity to wai will always look bad. At best it'll evoke a ''well, s/he's a farang ... can't expect it''. Not a league I aspire to. Actually I even do it in the west sometimes quite naturally now as a thank you, rather than as a greeting salute. It's not that uncommon any more, especially as Buddhist awareness spreads, and so many have travelled to Asian/SE Asian countries.
  7. Very true. It's changed beyond recognition since I first visited 13 years ago. In terms of crowding and congestion it already matches Pattaya at the weekend and on holidays. Both places are set to become suburbs of Bangkok over the next 20 or so years once the hi-speed rail links, improved roads and the urban/industrial spread have consolidated into another Asian mega-city. Administratively it will become inevitable. Still, it's a shame about the ferry.
  8. When the crowds were given the choice between Jesus, who'd said ''Hey guys, let's all be nice to each other'' and the epitome of narcissistic tyranny, the murderer, who did they chose? A lesson one should always bear in mind.
  9. From what I can gather local businesses don't make very much if anything at all from Chinese package tourists anyway. Russians, Indians and Farangs tend to spend locally.
  10. The entire sector more like it. Even glyphosate couldn't kill that plague of weeds.
  11. I disagree. Massive investment in public transport would negate the need for wasteful new cars and roads. Public transport needs to be affordable, efficient, safe, well run, regular, 24/7, local, regional and long distance. Make public transport something people WANT to use, not as a second best. That's where all this money needs to go. And the neighborhood stuff could then be done safely on bikes, with bike parking lots and garages. All that is available now. It just needs the political will, and for people to realize that if everyone on the planet gets a car the whole place will be worse than Chiang Mai in February. I far prefer train to car, because I can read, listen to music, look out of the window and relax. I think most people have forgotten that and prefer their status symbols which they call a transport solution. But pollution is not their only negative, driving stress is the other major downside. It makes noone at all happy. I haven't owned a car in 30 odd years because public transport where I live is excellent and affordable.
  12. I say again: no amount of gay portrayals could have 'switched' me ... I always liked girls. Could they have changed you? Are there maybe some latent sides of yourself you're worried about? About how gay portrayals may affect your behaviour? Gay is as natural as hetero, if not as common. But also evident amongst wild animals and birds as well who definitely haven't been watching gay portrayals in films. It is natural. And no need to be scared for yourself or anyone else.
  13. One could make some very cogent arguments in favor of ending the human race. But to answer your other 'worry': I've loved girls since I discovered them at 4 years old. No way could gay portrayals ever have changed that. Could they have changed you? Are you worried about something latent perhaps?
  14. Indeed, people are shagging all the time everywhere and most people seem to like watching other people shag. Don't need a story.
  15. We're getting on fine don't worry. We're becoming larger, more integrated, democratic and we're setting up common funding and dreadful things like that. We're becoming something worse than your blackest Brexit nightmares. You really don't want to come back, honest. So don't worry and enjoy your Brexit
  16. My thought exactly to that last question. Thailand: the hub of lobbies.
  17. It's been known and demonstrated for at least three decades that the more roads you build the more cars come onto the roads. That it only serves to relocate gridlocks and the like. https://theconversation.com/do-more-roads-really-mean-less-congestion-for-commuters-39508 Interesting article that looks at all aspects.
  18. It looks like the drunk drivers will be mixing it with the rush hour traffic soon ...
  19. You trying to fly over the cuckoo's nest or what?
  20. I don't think that surprises anyone reading this.
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