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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Reputation. Personally I wouldn't want to have a reputation like that bunch and if I did I'd be very quiet after all that's gone down. Streisand effect - I'd never even heard about this February event till now 555.
  2. So Reichsburger/SovCit dupe. Like I said, can't be bothered.
  3. "Health risks include the potential for bacteria and germs to enter the human body through the fish, especially for those with foot wounds. Additionally, the tanks can become a breeding ground for germs after multiple people use them. Animal rights activists also point out that the tanks are not suitable habitats for Garra rufa fish, also known as doctor fish, and that dead skin is not their natural food source. The fish are starving, so they have had to eat dead skin to survive." Wow! Petch's reporting take s a huge leap forward for accuracy and clarity! Kudos!
  4. This is pathetic AfD brownshirt sewage. Edit: AS are all the following posts I've flown over because I can't be bothered to waste my life on such twaddle. To many of your sorts hiding in LOS as well.
  5. Are they paid to call a jury's integrity into question even before a verdict has been reached (or after for that matter)? Anyway Habba is the last lawyer I'd want defending me - she's thick as porcine faeces and utterly incompetent to boot. Of course that makes her a hero to the Maga mob because they can all identify with that. Besides which her 'arguments' here are also utterly specious. The defense had plenty of chance to challenge the jury during selection and accepted it as seating. God these clowns are so damn tiresome. Yet so many dupes buy into it.
  6. Maybe she wants to be his Veep choice now the puppy shooter's out of the way. Not a crowd I'd want to break bread with.
  7. Because s/he is important, connected, or even a police officer.
  8. Yoga. Sorted all my back problems.
  9. Neither comprehension nor compassion are in high supply on AN threads.
  10. If this is the video it sounds like I believe the oldsters foolishly threw the first blows in this episode. It's about a decade? old. (May be wrong - I haven't bothered to login to YT.) Disclaimer: I'm not trying to justify what unfolded - but I've never had ny head kicked in in Thailand presumably because I don't run around throwing punches at the local population.
  11. He ain't got the physique ...
  12. Nail. Hammer. Head.
  13. Interesting. As of this posting you got not one 'sad' or 'confused' emoji for that one.
  14. Agreed. Done it a couple of times recently (everything seems waaay fuller these days). Thais are extremely accomodating with a little politeness and a polite smile.
  15. I crashed a bench table (after asking of course) where a woman and her daughter were dining - I stayed at the far end and left them alone without trying to engage in conversation. The mother then made a concerted effort to pick ME up 555. Sadly she got too heavy too fast so I let it go after a few days ...
  16. Just happy she has been found. I was worried she'd be found in bits in plastic bags scattered around the Alps. Seems she is vulnerable and her boyfriend apparently has history although you never know with AN 'news'. So happy happy. This one ends well.
  17. Speaking as a singleton who frequently dines alone in food courts that line sums it up ... even at rush hour I've never failed to find a table within a couple of minutes. I still find it arrogant of people who do that though and I'd have no sympathy if their belongings got stolen or trashed. I've also learned to simply envy those who have partners/family to hold the fort - or hold a space in a queue at the check out or the check in or the ticket desk or ... Swings and roundabouts really: there are huge advantages to being single as well. Autonomy, freedom and owing noone an explanation to mention only a couple. Just part of life - just gotta deal with it. And if I've got some deadline to beat I make sure I'm early enough. Easy really.
  18. Just say you're happy for him and ask how they met. That should elicit a landslide of information if he's interested in telling the story and easily forms the basis for a broader conversation if he feels like it.
  19. Dedicated to his profession ;D
  20. TEN THOUSAND containers full of chicken feet. Picture that.
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