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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Yes these goons are dangerous in that they can (and have in some cases already) hurt and even kill some people. They are not in any way systemically dangerous. They are pathetic little garden gnomes, heroes only in their own shriveled hate filled minds. It's worth noting they are now all in court and held in jail, which has provided the legitimation for this scaremongering article. That's what newspeople do. The AfD will never form a part of German government because they will never get the majority they need. Like Trump's gang they are fascistic manipulators who feed on the fears of society's losers.
  2. A lot of the buildings still had bullet holes in them. So yes, a long time ago ????
  3. Bob's posts are always good for a laugh, and anyway it's been ages since we had a bargirl thread. They used to sprout like weeds on this forum. Next up: Would You Pay Sin Sot And If So How Much? Been a while since we had one of them as well. Maybe's everyone's getting too old now.
  4. Yeah, but they don't put out for money, and are particular about whom they date.
  5. True story: When I was working with the MPs back in the day in Berlin, there was an old woman with no teeth who was renowned, who plied her trade down at '5 Mark Alley', down behind the Central Park. Seemed like no shortage of customers.
  6. I think partly xenophobia in certain quarters, sadly, though LOS is not unique in this respect. And also perhaps envy. Both of our lifestyles and perceived riches. In comparison to them we are fabulously rich, and even most of the less well off among us 'live the dream' most Thais cannot even aspire to. I can remember the darkness and anger that befell the IO's face as she saw my pension statement as I went through the process. It's probably many times her (official) income as an Immi Captain. And how they threw stones in my way and even asked outright for a 5 figure bribe to sort problems they themselves had raised. I skirted round it all and simply did the footwork that was obviously being required, even though it is nowhere stated in the requirements IB itself puts out. If Hakporn is serious that's where he has to start. With his own. Or in my case at least it'll be good guy out, bad guys can stay. I'm neither on the run from my home country, nor am I addicted to sex with barely articulate rice farmers' daughters. I first came here 20 years ago and have been in love with and a friend of the country and some people here since then. But if he insists, then OK, I have a good life back home as well.
  7. Some fairly similar ones in this list: they even have names apparently: Yim thang nam taa: The “I’m so happy I’m crying” smile. Yim thak thaai: The “polite” smile for someone you barely know. Yim cheun chom: The “I admire you” smile. Fuen Yim: The stiff smile, also known as the “I should laugh at the joke though it’s not funny” Smile. Yim mee lessanai: The smile which masks something wicked in your mind. Yim yaw: The teasing, or “I told you so” smile. Yim yae-yae: The “I know things look pretty bad but there’s no point in crying over spilt milk” smile. Yim sao: The sad smile. Yim haeng: The dry smile, also known as the “I know I owe you the money but I don’t have it” smile. Yim thak thaan: The “I disagree with you” smile, also known as the “You can go ahead and propose it but your idea’s no good” smile. Yim cheua-cheuan: The “I am the winner” smile, the smile given to a losing competitor. Yim soo: “smiling in the face of an impossible struggle” smile. I assume 'yim' means smile, but I stand happy to be corrected.
  8. It varies with the type of smile and situation. And I acknowledge that I don't know enough to interpret it most of the time so I can't answer your question. But fake it is not. It's telling you something if you are able to read the signal. Thais most certainly can.
  9. It ain't fake, it's a signal.
  10. I can confirm own experience: amorolfine and vinegar soaks. The latter also helpful with athlete's foot gave a turbo boost to clotrimazole powder.
  11. But surely nowadays you only get a visa if you've shown means of support (bank statements the last 3 months etc ...)?
  12. An average 40 posts a day since you joined lends weight to your claim of being bored ???? But I don't know either, sorry.
  13. I went to Lop Buri on a day trip from Ayutthaya on my third day ever in Thailand in 2003. Easy to reach by train for a pittance. Interesting and historically important palace, very 'Thai'. And of course the monkeys. Thought it was a gas. Why not if you're in Ayuthaya?
  14. So they're cowards as well as all the other unsavory characteristics one could reasonably label them with. But then again we already knew all that.
  15. And anyway it's the electoral college tumor embedded in the system that decides, not the voters.. Which is why the loser of the election can still be selected as president. Like Trump in 2016.
  16. Quite. It's silly season in industry parlance. In the northern hemisphere anyway.
  17. You forgot mysogyny, sexual abuse and defamation. And pure downright hatred of the nice things in life like decency, love, forgiveness, tolerance, civic responsibility, paying your bills ....
  18. I hope that poor girl gets the special support she needs after an experience like that.
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