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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I remember seeing exactly this phenomena at exactly the same place (I think the Hilton orbital is just behind the road there) in 2006.
  2. Things like this can and do happen anywhere. But it happens in LOS far more frequently for far less reason than anywhere else I know of. Several a day on average. An argument about their hot rods. Lordy.
  3. That would require REAL courage.
  4. Surely the problem in this almost anarchist country is not the laws - it's the rule of law and its enforcement. And for that I thought the police are 'responsible'.
  5. And another thread I won't read. Does anybody?
  6. Another thread I won't be reading. Lordy where do they get them?
  7. I found early on that they are indeed a kind of working animal, especially in rural areas. They're actually doing their job. It ain't the mutts' fault.
  8. In a perfect world perhaps. But it is another extra fiddly task for a check-in agent so extends check-in queues. Said agent or another would also have to input the number to immigration computer, which I can't see being allowed. It would still need checking against PP or you could use your pal's PP number. Or immigration would need access to airline systems without a warrant - not likely. Or PP numbers would have to be put on pax manifests and handed to immigration for data entry - not a popular and also an extra task for immigration. Not sure about the legality of that either. Basically a hopeless cause. Surely they have smart BMWs for all this?
  9. I agree with your sentiment. I wasn't whinging. I was merely pointing out the gargantuan illogic of this 'policy' if it was actually aimed at overstayers. It would have required a Herculean organizational effort with chaos at check-in counters, or have been utterly ineffective as regards the stated aim. As I have read in between times though the government release apparently did not mention overstay. It was, as I also guessed, a Nikkei news 'interpretation'. (Perhaps after a sake lunch.) So same same but different.
  10. ''The tighter rules are intended to prevent unlawful overstays by foreign nationals.'' Dunno if someone else has already said this but that will only work if check-in staff are also checking visas. That will require a major round of training and lengthy lead times under immigration supervision. Or an immigration officer at the check in desks. And will be of no use in that respect if the Thai driver's license or similar is used for ID. Sounds more like another liquid lunch inspiration or a 'journalist's' sensationalist take than a workable policy.
  11. A major thought with me too. But last year the smog was as bad as I ever saw in Chiang Mai (shame also, it too is a lovely place). The hills over the back were barely visible and the place stank of burning wood. See what it's like this year. AFAIK it's not a problem in Pattaya which would be my alternative.
  12. I understand that, but these exocitist tropes that the Japanese are all cute and well mannered also don't sum it up. Taxi drivers sometimes return cash wherever you go
  13. I certainly hope so. I still hold to the belief that most Americans are too smart for these loonies and their grifter. Fact is though they were too smart in 2016 as well, where he lost the vote for the first time. He was Selected, not Elected by a ridiculous, not fit for purpose system that chooses the loser as the President. That was the really fraudulent election. And not the first of its kind either.
  14. Engine failure indeed! Stalled on the ramp more likely.
  15. ''A single parent ...'' You do not know this woman or her circumstances. But bash away on your keyboard if it helps ease the shock of the story for you. It's a nasty one certainly.
  16. Cut price disciplinary militaristic solution to a public health problem. Can't work meaningfully.
  17. Not only that, but if you make the booking and pay the fee, you do actually have a flight out as it is a genuine reservation. Onwardflight.com issues a PNR with all bookings. Then if they don't hear from you within 48 hours the booking lapses.
  18. Turns out he wasn't their boss as I've just read. It looks like he was being replaced slowly by a new team and the argument was about who did what (Thaiger) ... They don't seem to have been much use - one of those shot was their trainer ... ye gods ...
  19. Health insurance companies can ask to see them with claims as well. Anyway I always keep mine for years 555 - more as souvenirs.
  20. Funny what you can do with red notices eh?
  21. Yeah, my eyes just got wider as I read ... conquer European skies, graced, European escapade, whisk passengers, the banner of TH(really?)954 ... It's hard to sift out the actual flight details which are the real point of the post. It should be short, pithy and crisp, with perhaps 2 classy metaphors/adjectives for color. People want the info not literary pretensions. As I read I was feeling sorry for those who have to churn out such verbal blancmange just to pay the rent.
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