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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I think the clue is in the label: NEAR Death Experience. Or it would be called resurrection.
  2. I once heard it said that at 20 you have the face god gave you. At 50 you have the face you gave you. I've often found there's at least a smidgin of truth in it.
  3. The very 4 I took on my first SE Asia trip! I didn't follow the GH/hotel recommendations religiously, and generally found equally good stays close by (the pricing policy of the recommended ones often reflected their new found fame), and used them as mines of information - often about things that didn't even concern me, I just wanted to absorb as much info as I could. I also bought well produced maps which I still prefer to GPS. I haven't bought an LP (Asia) for donkeys now.
  4. Can you imagine the danger and the scene if this lot were to try and (illegally but these types would try anyway) to retrieve their cabin baggage during a crash landing? Well done for dumping them.
  5. Repeating here: His much practiced and coached attempt to look fierce makes him look foolish - and thus betraying a home truth about himself.
  6. His much practiced and coached attempt to look fierce actually makes him look foolish - as such betraying a home truth about him.
  7. Kinda sad in a way - they were a quaint part of scenery that gave some atmosphere.
  8. Manson actually looks like the more pleasant of the two.
  9. The problem is that these people are simply not up to admitting they've been gamed and taken on a very toxic and destructive ride aimed at turning the US into something of a Putinesque mafia state. Facts are irrelevant. Best not to sweat them too much. They are actually in a noticeable and loud but small minority.
  10. As usual, half the story (and I have no idea who or what 'The Hill' is. Tucker asked Trump if he was concerned ''the left'' may decide to kill him, having already impeached him twice etc. Trump's answer was that they, ''the left'' are sick and savage. Although he was careful enough to say some Dems are OK.
  11. Marginally better than SS uniforms I suppose.
  12. Like when he was pretending to be president at international conferences like the G7. He'd be nice and friendly glad handing everyone face to face, then leave early and as soon as he was out of harm's way on AF1, start tapping out the insults on Twitter like the demented, cowardly keyboard warrior he is.
  13. Krav maga.
  14. I was wondering if maybe he's running out of time or suspects it. Let's see if he makes it to 80 in jail. (Or if he stays there that long ???? )
  15. When I posted that the perp wasn't known. That was a fact. You sound really chuffed with yourself.
  16. Biased, corrupt and deranged all give us a good look into the true person of Donald Trump. The man will be used for decades to come in psychology seminars on projection. I think it is fantastic that this disgraceful mysoginist, sexually abusive and racist bully is being brought to book by a black woman. Imagine what that does to his brain cells. Or better not unless you have a strong stomach.
  17. The families are all tucked up in bed by that time.
  18. He should have said his bone spurs were playing up.
  19. MF doesn't have to vote for or against. It can abstain. Keeps hands clean by not supporting the junta as promised, doesn't vote against the party which is its more natural partner thus deescalating, and then bides its time till the next election ... where history will most certainly not be forgotten. And in the meantime shows its prowess as a powerful and positive parliamentary force in opposition that the electorate can trust not only for its policies but also to keep its word and behave like the only genuine democratic party available. The OP its a massive junta friendly smoke screen, purporting to be political science, with the sole aim of obfuscation and smoke-screening what is shaping up to be a grotesque perversion of the election result.
  20. I'm surprised. They used Thailand Post for the things I imported from Germany. A parcel not a letter. Both DHL and TP were fast and efficient several times, with no hold ups.
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