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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Religion. Especially US religionists.
  2. Just listening to the whole bunch of 'em they all strike me as pretty potty. Though Christie at least seems to have seen the light and ain't afraid to say so.
  3. Unfortunately too many Americans think he can as well.
  4. They don't target the smart ones, they go for the vulnerable ones because they're the ones who fall for it. Too easy to blame the victims of what is a serious crime involving fraud, kidnapping, trafficking, extortion and forcing people into prostitution. How good that we on ASEAN Now lead such pristine lives and are so knowledgeable - especially about people we've never met.
  5. I think it's pretty clear that too many fall for the razzamatazz, and the ones with the most cash can make the most razzmatazz. Statistically 50% of voters are of below average intelligence.
  6. Liquid diet ... alcoholic myopathy ????
  7. ''But but ... I thought he'd brought me a couple of croissants.''
  8. She was 11 years old for godz sakes.
  9. I wondered if the author knew what a lingam is. The theme was crying out to be enlarged on.
  10. Enjoy ????
  11. And ignorance, bad education and sheer desperation. A shame they didn't consult with some of the ASEAN Now social scientists and detectives first.
  12. ''Spicer said a Trump romp through Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada could make it difficult for a rival candidate to secure the necessary funding from donors to continue in the race.'' Democracy in action.
  13. It is pure empty conjecture. Faeces in the mixer so to speak. Quote: '' ... might possibly be allowed to literally keep himself outside of Bangkok Remand Prison after he has recovered from “illnesses”.
  14. It makes me want to do something extremely bad to him. The problem is the 'police' and authorities will probably accept that and try and sweep it under the carpet. Or even ask the victim to marry him as a gesture of forgiveness.
  15. Perhaps. But it would have to be applied for and registered in some form. In a family like that with so much alcoholic chaos and hatred it is by no means a cert the father did so.
  16. Owner was 'taken aback' ... Is that all?
  17. Indeed - mental instability in relatives of alcoholics is sadly the norm. He and the mother tried to escape it all. But the whole situation seems to have been completely chaotic and had both father and son in its grip. Domestic violence and murder is commonplace in such scenarios. Usually the alky kills his wife who wants to leave him - read all about it in ASEAN Now almost daily.
  18. Thai-French. He may not have had French citizenship.
  19. ''... tragically killed ...'' As opposed to happily killed? ... Joyfully killed?
  20. That picture shows just how Thailand in many ways is still a developing world country. Absolutely appalling living conditions.
  21. So sad. There is no need for people to drown in a reservoir, especially with these water temperatures. Other than they couldn't swim of course and weren't wearing life jackets. I don't when I'm on a rowing boat on a lake in calm conditions but I'm a strong swimmer - taught at school in the specially installed pool. Teaching kids to swim drastically reduced drownings to almost nil in the UK - it was once the major cause of kids' deaths in areas with waterways or on the coast. I don't think it's national policy in LOS yet. I know my goddaughter's school doesn't do it - and it's right on the coastline.
  22. When you get to 80 if you're normal and healthy your skin does get thinner and more parchment like, you look more gaunt and start to resemble the grim reaper who's lurking a bit nearer down the road somewhere. Trump doesn't look 'fitter'. He's simply padded out by his obesity. And mentally he's a catastrophe which Biden isn't.
  23. Yeah it's a bit reminiscent of the Soviet Union before they finally chose a younger man with Gorbachev. Remember Andropov and all the other fossils in the politburo, all dying almost the moment they were 'elected'?
  24. If it's like and administered like most of the rest of its military, it'll probably fail.
  25. Trump has yet to be reelected surely?
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