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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Believe me you would not want to come from where they come from and go through what they go through to get away from it. And the vast majority of refugees would love to be able to go home. Ask yourself what it would take for you to become a refugee with all that entails? Ask yourself if you would really regard the 'benefits' a refugee gets in UK as a step up? Ask yourself how low it would have to get for you to think that? You however were born by chance in a rich country free of war and persecution and starvation and drought and press gangs. One that many people dream (hopelessly in most cases) of living in. You presumably think you are a christian of some sort. Then I would just suggest that even if you have nothing material to offer or share with these unfortunates, you at least share some compassion and common humanity with them, rather than judging people whose shoes you have never walked in and making it even more difficult for them. And who is going to profit from boosted bonuses in all the private companies involved in trafficking these people to Rwanda?
  2. As in 98% of cases one's religion ... and the football team one supports ... and in a massive number of cases even one's profession.
  3. Exactly. And that is clear evidence that NI's continued membership of the EU single market and customs union means the economy is outstripping the moribund and slowly failing back to sick man of Europe UK. It undermines the Brexit case completely and that doesn't appeal to the leavers at all levels. It also scares the DUP creationist dinosaurs even sillier than they are because it increases the likelihood that NI people of all colors will tend towards union with the Republic and to leave moribund etc UK behind. Those are the true motives behind the 'renegotiation' of the protocol. Brexit was an idiotic idea going against the whole flow of history and the costs are only just beginning to show.
  4. We can assume this forecast is based on bookings ...? Mmmhh, thought not.
  5. They may feel like pests obviously because their job is to pester. But they're actually victims and it's all organized. And sad.
  6. You're right at least about parsimonious - I don't normally get things that badly wrong. Presumptuous, pretentious, ignorant or just straight rude does it as well. I own the comment. Proudly. I know the voice in which I made it, understandable for anyone who knows anything about Thailand. Especially in view of the second sentence which all my 'critics' have conveniently ignored. I didn't honestly think I'd have to write the word 'sakdina' in bright flashing neon. Puk was murdered while doing an unpleasant and often dangerous job. It's a job despised by establishments and justice systems the world over - something clearly apparent in the sentencing here, which only victimizes her even further. All there in my brief comment - even if it demanded a little extra thought of the reader. Therefore no need to, or intention of apologizing. Oh, apart from parsimonious which is deeply embarrassing for me. But at least sounds like it fits.
  7. I've never been asked for it and never used to carry it, but a few were picked up on it a few years ago ... since then I've always had the corresponding stash of euros in my pocket.
  8. I almost can't be bothered with all this parsimonious lecturing and posturing. But OK. I think most grasped what I meant. Only a handful have come up with such rude and quite honestly ignorant posts. Do you really think 'I' look down on her? Who do you think is more likely to be expressing what they consider as her low 'value' as a human being because she's 'only' a bar girl? Perhaps this who attached a ludicrously lenient 'tariff' for her destruction. Some people just don't do subtlety. But I guess they can't help it. And as for your last 'thought', I really can't be bothered.
  9. There is also no way that any civilian can be trained with firearms the way I was in the military - and even there they were kept under lock and key and only handed out and used under strict supervision. There is no way any civilian can be drilled enough to develop the necessary respect and proficiency needed to handle firearms. Never mind the notion that 'good guys' can use them proficiently to blow away 'bad guys' in their local supermarket. What utter rot.
  10. We note from the foto that they've barricaded it from the wrong side to the traffic flow ...
  11. Seems like US cops are pretty good at killing unarmed black kids, but when the kitchen heats up they stay out in the cool. Their boss was saying a day or so ago that if they'd gone in 'they might have been shot'. Sorry guys it goes with the territory. We all know it can be a dangerous job. That's why you get many privileges. It's why we respect you for taking the job on. But that's also because one day we might ask you to take some serious risks for us. Goes with the territory sadly. I'm speaking as one who has taken serious risks in the name of duty - I'd have been shamed to my core for what happened here. Never be able to look in the mirror again.
  12. Higher risk groups are any kind of sexual - skin to skin - partners and obviously families. It seems that the UK outbreak may have originated in LGBTQ+ circles after 'import'. But that is obviously my supposition. As I mentioned elsewhere the original narrative about AIDS was that it only affected homosexual men, because that's where it spread so far and fast before it emerged. Even a lot of the doctors were fooled by that, although there is obviously no metabolic difference between humans based on sexual or gender orientation. And monkeypox ain't going to be too fussy either. Just don't get into bed with anyone who's covered in suppurating sores.
  13. Yes, I can remember that as well ... it was being recorded as viral pneumonia in Hua Hin as far as I know ... HH hospital was apparently full of people recorded as dying of VP but not Covid. I lost track of the story after that ... (I got my info from local - connected - sources.)
  14. I live in the hope OP's not serious. The story certainly has first class troll quality.
  15. Actually it's all a bit of smoke and mirrors to protect the crime minister - this money will be paid to consumers who will ... yes ... use it to pay the energy companies for their bills. There are far better schemes underway in Europe to target those who really need the help.
  16. I can remember when AIDS first emerged, the word was that it only affected homosexual men. Plus ca change ...
  17. I pay someone to clean my apartment 'cos I don't feel like it ... all these people godda live as well ...
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