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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. These 'experts' obviously have no clue that monkeypox is not aerosol spread, but spread by contact with body fluids and secretions, primarily sexually or through families. It has extremely short transmission chains for that reason. OMG! Wearing a mask indeed! Avoid crowded places! Wash your hands! I am utterly speechless at such staggering levels of ignorance and buffoonery. They seem spectacularly incapable of informing themselves or comprehending the information.
  2. ''However, the victim fought back and smashed the suspect’s face with a hard object before running away and calling for help.'' Well done that woman ... excellent!
  3. OP put the scare quotes on the wrong word. It should have read permanent "relationship".
  4. Any decent journalist would be doing their best to find out just who these people are and where they come from ... I for one would love to hear some backstory to this. There has got to be a batch of the creepiest stories ...
  5. China did not warn of war as it says in the headline. It warned of a new cold war. This kind of 'mistake' (being charitable) doesn't help anyone. Anywhere.
  6. No thanks. Pity the poor soldiers whose lives would perhaps one day depend on such cowardly turds.
  7. What I also find amazing is that the report says insurance will apparently pay out despite a lapsed license.
  8. That's the whole point - when the pandemic hit the trains were pretty empty during the lockdowns.
  9. I've heard some awful stories on these threads as well, but the only 2 times I rented a house or condo everything was above board and I got deposit back straight away minus power and water. Same with long term hotel stays. I don't know anyone personally who was scammed this way either.
  10. Let them become jailhouse monks for the length of their sentence. Surely jails if nowhere else have a desperate need of such good and benevolent people. And think of all the souls they could save there.
  11. It's an influx of foreign currency for goods and services equivalent to when Thailand had exported say machinery for payment in foreign currency.
  12. If the brakes don't stop them in time regardless of speed or distance then Thai drivers think they've failed. Didn't do what they were supposed to. Simples.
  13. I don't want to shame anyone, I just believe in calling a spade a spade. These are men who rather than take responsibility for their predicament instead choose to try and take advantage of women they think are easy prey. I have little sympathy when that backfires. But as I said, I do have compassion for the suffering which gets them into those kind of traps. But this is getting a bit too far off topic for my liking. The OP doesn't sound anything like what we're discussing here. Maybe a bit lost or naive or unresponsive to what appears to him to be an alien culture. A couple of guys have pointed him in the right direction. As I said a bit further up - whatever floats your boat. And thanks for helping me get to 1000 posts! Super member me now. Cheers.
  14. Average wage LOS Jan 2022 THB 14892.27/month Lots and lots earn even less than that.
  15. Of course. But what odds would you give on something like that actually working out? Caveat emptor. And whatever floats your boat.
  16. I do know what that means. 'Multiple'? Not what I hear in the stories. I usually hear tales of failure with 1 or - if they're lucky - 2 'fat farang cows' who 'make too many demands'. So they go to Thailand because they don't stand a chance with normal western women. The birds in LOS are purchasable and do as they're told - to begin with at least. I have no sympathy for guys like that when they're taken to the cleaners. Only the basic human compassion when observing suffering. But more for the suffering that got them into that position in the first place. Believe me, I used to know a few guys like that in a couple of my locals way back when. They never had any real contact with women but came back from Thailand trips bragging about the 'boyfriend experience' and thinking they'd hit gold. Enjoy Dave's progress.
  17. I agree totally. I didn't say they 'always' change for the worst. I know several happy couples, but they're not the kind I hear whining on these threads. And some relationships do go downhill, in Thailand and elsewhere. As far as our Dane goes I imagine he didn't do a background check which might have helped him avoid his traffic accident ... but then again, who would?
  18. To answer your question no ... but I think we're on the same page as what you have written is pretty much my point. I also have little beyond basic compassion for those kinds. Look again at the first word in my last sentence.
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