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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Another CEO that never got past the potty training stage during the terrible twos. ''No mammy! You can't have it! It's mine! Noone's going to tell me what to do!'' BBC: The sub was built to withstand such pressure. Was it? No outside, expert advanced technological agency was allowed to check that. There were many warnings about the design. And it has clearly NOT withstood the pressure. Certainly not for repeated use, which is what testing would have assessed.
  2. Cos Thailand is a world class retirement destination ????
  3. Two things: Money makes the world go round wherever you are. The only question is the price. Wherever you go you take yourself with you - you're the one person you can't run away from.
  4. Absolutely heartbreaking ... as well as being downright criminal child abuse.
  5. Those gaffs are news to me so not many laughing. You should check her education. She's eminently qualified to be a foreign minister, and is also an effective one as well. Maybe your qualifications and experience are better? Mine ain't. But this is getting way too off topic for my taste.
  6. Revenge usually involves rotten behaviour ... as in the OP.
  7. A whiff of entitlement if you ask me. Either that or crass stupidity.
  8. Having reached my 60s I can't imagine anything worse than looking back on a life spent in jail because of something stupid I did in my 20s 30s or 40s because I was 'jealous' ... and knowing I'd be dying inside the prison walls as well. Infinitely worse than the death penalty. But whatever the other arguments, one overrides all others: just imagine if Kathleen Folbigg had been executed ... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-07/kathleen-folbigg-pardoned-life-after-jail-challenges-ahead/102444982
  9. That's interesting. I wonder what that was about - Germany has a constitutional ban on extraditing citizens. Which is why Mr. Winterkorn (former VW CEO) will probably be a domestic tourist for the rest of his life.
  10. I think they agree that execution is off the table before the extradition.
  11. Depends on your income of course. And if you can afford to pay tax you're generally doing OK where I live. EU/LOS - swings and roundabouts. And I like both. And most people I know where I live in Europe aren't angry. Strikes me there are many more angry and resentful posters on ASEANNow. They'll be angry wherever they go though.
  12. Sound track's a perfect fit 555
  13. Everything. In particular what they've been up to while in office and all the privileges of said office. More broadly, meaningful change which might prevent them doing it again.
  14. The incident is sickening, as is the official attitude and the groveling 'journalism' that slavishly reports the official line. A woman assaulted by a hammer wielding thug (who just happens to be a cop surprise surprise) is faced with the pressure from everywhere that it's not a clear cut case of GBH with intent but 'just' a 'domestic'.
  15. I guess no-one likes a sore loser.
  16. Unfortunately they are. Just look at the alternatives. Like the UK there is a complete dearth of any real political leaders capable of undertaking the fundamental changes needed. Absolutely no-one around of any real calibre whatsoever. But in the end that is a reflection of the electorate. That's the best they can come up with. It's who THEY are.
  17. Everything to do with the Trumps is 'gross'. The adjective is redundant here.
  18. Not in AseanNeverneverland. Here they want to bully the kid even more with corporal punishment and the like. Later they'll wonder why he couldn't be brought back from the brink and integrated, winding up instead as a violent career criminal. Then they'll want to execute him.
  19. When I first read this story the question of bullying was my first thought. In another thread people were wondering about the absence of teachers during break time ... It strikes me there could be a connection.
  20. You brag about playing the field, yet when a woman does that you brand her a 'slut' not worth serious consideration. Why is that? Why does that not apply to you?
  21. And when it became necessary we all pulled together and we did. And we won't go back either.
  22. Stop confusing the poor dears with facts - you'll only frighten them and they become even more rabid.
  23. If you can't handle the rigorous demands of science like calculations, deductions from observation, peer review, repeatable experiments etc. then specialise in fairy tales instead. They're easier to remember when it comes to your master's in 'bible studies'.
  24. Thanks. You saved me the bother. What a load of utter cobblers. And the 'recession' is at a very high level of production and prosperity. We can handle it. And I'd rather be poor (yes we have those too) in Germany than anywhere else, especially the UK or the US.
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