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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I keep all the ones I was given on my first trip to LOS 20 years ago on a bookshelf at home. Next to the glass elephant box thingummy my darling gave me as a going away present 555 ...
  2. No use howling at the wind ... better to rejig your sails.
  3. Indeed, it was a great trip even if you weren't going anywhere and just wanted to kill time ... But the e-boats on Saen Saeb look like a great improvement.
  4. I was wondering about that 555. Many thanks for putting my mind at rest.
  5. 1/ Can anyone please tell me what this means? 6. Applicant is required to upload his/her passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 12 months (1 year) since the last international trip. My last trip abroad was 2017. That is the only stamp I have in my latest passport (issued 2016). Am I supposed to upload the empty pages? How can I have travel records SINCE my last trip? That sentence is gobbledygook. Maybe Ubon Joe or someone knows what they're getting at. Or maybe I missed something staring me in the face. 2/ I also note that German e-Visa site doesn't mention flight booking for this visa type either. Is that really the case or are they likely to demand it?
  6. Motorcycles are death traps, but sharks ain't interested in you as a diver. Swimming with them is an interesting experience nonetheless ...
  7. Felt invincible all the way up to a terrible bicycle accident at 50. That changed my perspective ... quite dramatically. But I did what this guy did on Heidelberg Castle's battlement - a 200' drop if I'd come off on the wrong side ... I was thirtyish at the time ... people I was with were terrified but that's what I wanted. Same 'surfing' on the outside of city transit trains - turns other passengers' faces white 555 I'd never do anything remotely like that now - I'm too aware of my mortality. Keep my kicks to things like flying or diving. Certainly wouldn't ever ride a bike in LOS again after trying it once only. Autos have absolutely NO respect for or possibly even awareness of cyclists as the death toll of experienced cyclists shows. I've been very lucky in life in many ways. So sad the way this young lad ended.
  8. Thanks, I was toying with the idea of using that, but really felt I couldn't be bothered in the face of such willful ignorance ... To quote William Stafford: "The darkness around us is deep."
  9. True, but another truth is that THC can induce psychosis in some.
  10. I think that's not just true of costs ...
  11. At last someone who's grasped it and saved me the bother - thanks. Despite the filters and cabin airflow, the risk is still real if minimal.
  12. I know, they've attached quite a few conditions to entry. And as a layman your limit is roughly 6 weeks unless you want to ordain AND they want you. Suan Mokkh - Garden of Liberation rather than the actual Wat - was all English language instruction when I was there a few years ago. (Including much by a German guy whose English sense of humor and irony was stellar!)
  13. Thanks for all the replies guys. Much food for thought. Monk4-30 gets the nod on the basis of actually ordaining and living quickly and English language teachers - the process also looks appealing. Phananachat gets the nod a) for it's basic and more traditional approach and also b) because it was founded by Ajahn Chah. I know more about him and his teachings now having followed the Buddhist Society of Western Australia's Ajahn Brahm since 2020, who effectively got me through the lockdown. He was taught along with a few others by A. Chah himself. Anyway, plenty of time ... see how it pans out. I'll let you know.
  14. He'd have opted for a fan anyway ... the middle way ????
  15. Yeah that's the Flying Saucer bunch. Wikipedia: The temple has been referred to as the only influential organization in Thailand that has yet to be subdued by the ruling junta, which has shut down most opposition since it took power. They seem to be regarded as heretical and corrupt by establishment media and institutions. I'm not all sure I like their approach in terms of self/non-self anyway. But the retreat on Samui could be a good way of testing the waters. Otherwise there's always https://dipabhavan.weebly.com just down the road if I feel like it. That's a branch of the Buddhadasa Suan Mokkh school.
  16. Yes I will, thanks. I'm aiming to be in LOS before September and staying till mid next year, so it's all still in the gestation phase right now. And thanks for the Phananachat info. I don't want to have to struggle too much. Especially if it's only for 2-3 months or so. (Who knows? 555)
  17. That sounds r e a l l y good as preparation. Thanks so much (And I've never been to Samui either 555).
  18. Thanks very much. I've seen their videos and they are nicely done which only added to my (mild) misgivings. However the Thaiger article presents them better than they themselves ... Indeed interesting.
  19. Indeed. It is the confluence of largish sums of money and potential effects on spirituality that I was wondering about ... Nanachat is the more 'regular' place I had in mind. I wonder if this monkfor30 is recognized by the Thai Buddhist Council ... I'll check that out and get back.
  20. Nice to read your post again Simon43 ... Should that not be 'my ex-hotel' ... I seem to remember something about that with the lady who now runs it ...? I've never considered Kanchanaburi for living and it just didn't get on my travel agenda in all those years. Maybe worth a closer look later this year ...
  21. A lift is one place I most definitely still sport an FFP2 mandatory or not.
  22. Right. The source of 'political instability' in Thailand is an establishment that refuses to accept a democratic verdict. And whilst Thaksin indeed really tore the ring on corruption even by Thai standards, if he can't return and be pardoned, why can the general continue as normal and not have to atone for the coup and all that has entailed? A democratic vote is a democratic vote - the people would have sorted Thaksin back in 2006, it was only a matter of time. Democracy is also about compromise and awaiting developments - something parade ground minds can't even grasp.
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