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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. I was surprised at run of the mill British Cheddar costing 300bht in Tescos in Thailand when it costs 2gbp (100bht at the time) in England.

    Whereas a tin of Thai sourced tuna costs the same in Tescos in England as it does in Thailand 35 bht or 70pence.

    Surely shipping costs are the same.

  2. What I can't understand is that if he thought it was a woman and doesn't remember anything after getting back to his room and the hotel didn't check the ID card, which in itself sounds very odd for a top flight hotel, who has identified the suspect as a ladyboy??

    Good point!

    Maybe the CCTV showed it was a blatantly obvious one and he's only saying he wasnt aware.

    Or maybe its just some journalist benig clever by saying it was a ladyboy.

    Its fairly easy to take guests back to your room without leaving the ID card all you need to do is walk straight to the lift with them.

  3. At least Britain has admited the problem and has started to deal with it , Other Countrys have just ignored it and hope it goes away , or have not exactly told the truth, as to how much trouble they are in ,

    No it hasnt Gordon justs wants to keep on spending, the problem in the UK is so deep rooted ie. an economy based on public sector jobs the taxpayer can no longer fund, Macdonald esq service sector jobs, too heavily reliant on financial services which now arent looking too rosey, the collapsing property market and endless lines of credit which have been funding the high street jobs ...... itll take at least a generation to start turning it around if Britain wants to get back to position that it was in before Maggie and Nulabour decided to destroy the economy for the richest at the top.

  4. In his prime his fights were always fantastic to watch.


    Former world boxing champion Arturo Gatti has been found dead in a hotel room in north east Brazil. The Canadian's body was discovered on Saturday at a holiday resort where he had gone with his wife and son.

    Italian-born Gatti, 37, was IBF super-featherweight champion in 1995 and WBC light-welterweight champion in 2004. He retired in 2007.

    His three-fight series against Micky Ward in 2002 and 2003 established him as one of the most prominent fighters.

    Police are understood to be considering foul play because of reported evidence of injuries to Gatti's head but the cause of death has not yet been confirmed.

    "It is still too early to say anything concrete, although it is all very strange," police investigator Edilson Alves was quoted as saying.

    A spokeswoman for the Pernambuco public safety department confirmed that Gatti's wife and one-year-old son were unhurt.

    The family had arrived in the resort of Porto de Galinhas on Friday.

    Gatti's career spanned 49 fights and he won 40 of them, 31 by knockout.

    He first fought Ward in May 2002 and the pair traded devastating blows for 10 rounds before Ward earned the split decision from the judges.

    The rematch was just as brutal, with Gatti knocking Ward down in the third round with a big right. Ward not only recovered from the blow, which broke Gatti's hand, but managed to go the distance. This time, Gatti earned a unanimous decision.

    Gatti and Ward had their decider at Boardwalk Hall in June 2003, Ward knocked Gatti to the floor in the sixth round, but despite fighting with his right hand broken again, Gatti managed to win the decision.

    Ward and Gatti became close friends toward the end of their careers.

    Ward told The Ring: "I'm walking around in a daze. I'm just dazed by it all. You fight a guy, you go to war with them, and there is a respect there. But with me and Arturo, it was greater.

    "There was a real bond between us. It's why hearing this, hearing what happened to Arturo is like a piece of you is gone, because we shared so much of everything in the ring. We were friends, close friends."

    Gatti eventually retired two years ago following a seventh-round knockout defeat by Alfonso Gomez.

    Kathy Duva, of Gatti's promoters Main Events, described his death as an "unspeakable tragedy".

    She said: "His entire boxing career he fought with us, we've known him since he was 17.

    "He just captured the imagination of so many people."

    Duva added: "I remember walking away from his last fight and somebody walked up to him in the casino late at night and congratulated him

    "He said 'Why did he congratulate me?' and I said 'He was excited to meet you' and he kind of looked very surprised by that. He had no idea what an icon he was or how much he meant to people."

  5. With him being a Navy boy surely it would have been more shameful for a women to have robbed him.

    How the <deleted> he managed to walk out of the hotel with a laptop and 2 bags shows security must have been on the ball, those 6ft ladyboys (in heels) are hardly discrete.

  6. The current plans for ID cards have nothing at all to do with Michael Howard. They're purely a Labour invention.

    Call me a cynic but LIB, LAB and CON are all in it together IMHO.

    But youre right in its present form these cards are a Labour invention, but the idea was first mooted by Michael Howard when he was home secretary in the early 90s.

    I heard the guy from the company who are supposed to be behind the technology talking about what a wonderful idea they are, he also mentioned his company made the cards in freedom loving States such as Singapore and Hong Kong, but mentioned the British version would be far more detailed.

  7. This is part of the ID card/National database that the Labour government is trying to push through. The Home Secretary recently said that ID cards will now be voluntary. He didn't mention anything about the national database which is the scary part of the story. Both the Tories and the Lib Dems have said they'll throw it all out if/when they get into power so there's no point in getting too excited about it yet as a general election looms in the not too distant future.

    Dont be too sure the idea for ID cards was a Tory (Michael Howard) one when ZanuLiebour were in opposition in the early 90s, ZanuLiebour were against it back then.

  8. Starting tonight I shall be taking photos around town to show how lively it still is.

    Can you go into that gogo bar on the right handside as you get into Walking Street where the girls dress as 1950s air hostess, and take a picture of the girl in a red outfit who hands out the Sambuca and Tequila ... The prettiest girl in all of Pattaya

    PS Ive never seen anywhere in LOS as quiet as what Pattaya was last month, maybe itll pick up soon with the summer holiday season only 1 week away.

  9. Micah Richards has Swine flu


    Manchester City and England Under-21 defender Micah Richards is stranded on holiday in Cyprus after being diagnosed with swine flu.

    Richards says he has been confined to his hotel room after being told he cannot fly back to the UK until he has fully recovered.

    "At first I thought it was a really bad chest infection, or maybe alcohol poisoning," he told The Sun.

    "I felt so weak that I couldn't move or eat. My friends had to bring me drinks in bed.

    "When I was told I had swine flu all sorts of things started going through my mind. You see on the news people dying of it."

    The 21-year-old went on the holiday after helping England reach the final of the Under-21 Championships in Sweden.

    He added: "My club have been very understanding. I'll get some stick from the lads when I do return - they will probably all turn up to training in surgical masks."

  10. I was in Pattaya last month and it was absolutely dead, literally everywhere i went i was getting hassled like never before in LOS off street vendors, massage girls, suit sellers, bar girls, motorbike taxi guys etc etc..... They were a lot ruder then when the place is full and it did get to be a bit of a pain in the ass ...... Still id much rather be in LOS then anywhere else.

    Well that finishes it for me then, I was going to the Thaivisa piss-up tomorrow but now I think I'd better stay home where it's safe and warm. Thanks for the warning sanmiguellight, I owe you one. :)

    Where did i hint that one should stay at home as its not safe???

    Your devastatingly witty sarcasm may have been slightly misplaced.

  11. I was in Pattaya last month and it was absolutely dead, literally everywhere i went i was getting hassled like never before in LOS off street vendors, massage girls, suit sellers, bar girls, motorbike taxi guys etc etc..... They were a lot ruder then when the place is full and it did get to be a bit of a pain in the ass ...... Still id much rather be in LOS then anywhere else.

  12. I suspect that the original selling prices were inflated, so any discount is not realistic. Have you ever met anyone who puts a realistic sale value on their pride and joy.

    The reduced prices are still way over priced IMHO.

    How would you know... you don't even know what the property was..

    Because there has been a global property boom in the last 10 years, and property everywhere that Westerners have been buying is way overvalued .... especially in tourist resorts!

  13. The footage isnt exactly like watching a Plasma screen so im probably wrong, but didnt she take the wallet round to the opposite side of the stand and leave it there.

    She puts it down on the 2nd shelf, opens her bag and puts it in, its really very obvious.

    Ah yes i see.

    These educated professionals must just do it for the buzz ..... Silly girl!

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