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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. Since we're dreaming, I might add a point or two:

    Anyone who is overweight must correct the problem within x months or suffer financial penalties thus relieving the strain on the NHS plus making people look more appealing and generally improving the outlook of the general population;

    Those convicted of murder, assault or sex crimes also lose their entitlement with their monies going to the Police Authority budget - those convicted would be incarcerated on the Isle of White for life;

    Illegal immigrants would be required to work off their passage home , plus any associated costs - the cost of repatriation to be worked off, under supervision (on the Isle of White) , beforehand;

    Government employees caught fiddling expenses or abusing perks and/or their position to be relocated to live a life of their choosing, on the Isle of White.

    I'd vote for you, except i'd take away most the police budget as i fcuken hate them.

  2. Just when you thought it couldnt get any worse ......


    Joe Kinnear is to make a sensational return to Newcastle as manager today. Owner Mike Ashley has turned again to the man he asked to take charge last September as the club, whose future remains uncertain, lurched into another unpopular move.

    In a crushing blow to Alan Shearer which will infuriate already angry fans, the 62-year-old is expected to step into the breach as Newcastle approach life in the Championship without a takeover imminent.

    Kinnear took charge of 26 matches last season, but was forced to step away from the game when he suffered a heart attack in February which required a triple by-pass operation.

    The former Wimbledon manager, whose Newcastle contract had expired, has a history of health problems but claimed recently that he was back to full fitness and prepared to become interim manager once again.

    'I've gone from bad to being much, much better than I was. I've got the all-clear,' Kinnear said. 'Things are working out well. I feel as fit as a fiddle.'

    Chris Hughton has been in charge of Newcastle's pre-season matters this summer while Ashley has tried, so far unsuccessfully, to sell the club. He is said to want £100million.

    Shearer was initially involved in planning for life after his doomed eight-game bid to save the club from relegation but has grown frustrated at the delay of any appointment. Representatives of the former Newcastle and England No 9 insist he is still very keen on taking charge despite Ashley refusing to appoint him on the basis that he may not be the choice of prospective new owners.

    However, the return of Kinnear casts doubt on his future at St James' Park because the former Match of the Day pundit is unlikely to stay on the bench once the new season is under way.

    Ashley has antagonised the Toon Army with a series of unpopular appointments but the latest one will also upset players. Goalkeeper Steve Harper claimed this week that Newcastle are 'dying a slow death' and a long list of first-team members have called for the appointment of Shearer.

    With key players said to be on the verge of revolt over the chaos at the club, captain Nicky Butt admitted that relegation from the Barclays Premier League and the ensuing uncertainty has brought the toughest period of his career.

    The former Manchester United and England midfielder, who has taken the armband from the departed Michael Owen, said: 'I have never experienced anything like this. I don't think anyone has, in football or at Newcastle United. We just have to wait and keep our fingers crossed.

    'It's been a difficult summer. Everyone was disappointed at going down and the way we went down but we've got to try and put that behind us now. The Championship will not be easy and will be a massive challenge we have to match.

    'It's difficult for some players because they don't know where their future lies and the job needs someone of Alan's stature. I do feel Alan is favoured by a lot of people and I do feel that he would do a very good job.

    'But we're fed up with waiting to see what's going to happen. For the last five or six weeks it's been, "Something is happening at the end of this week, or that week", and it never does. We're all in the same position - young lads or old - no-one knows.'

    Kinnear's appointment is unlikely to assuage the concerns of Butt and his team-mates unless the club are taken off hold.

    Ashley had hoped a sale would have been completed by now and long-term commitments appear to have been avoided.

    There is thought to have been interest in buying the club from Malaysia and America, but Kinnear's reintroduction suggests a takeover is still some way off.

  3. but I too am worried it will be canceled especially as one epl player -micah richards- already contracted swine flu this summer

    When there is money to be made it would matter if Bangkok had an outbreak of the Bubonic Plague, besides we've got more Swine Flu then you here in Blighty.

    When is this match the build ups gone on for an eternity.

  4. Alot of Subway haters here, but they are the only place that I have found consistently good, fresh and quality.

    Subway have done to the sandwich what Mcdonalds have done to the burger, made it completely tasteless .... they are edible but it isnt really something that after youve eaten youd think how lovely it tasted, more well at least im full now ...... The tuna mayo they sell has a few flakes of tuna and a hugely disproportionate amount of mayo, then they try to put extra mayo on at the end .... and their cheese is that processed crap IMEO that stuff doesnt deserve to be called cheese.

    always drawn to the doner kebab carts like a moth to a flame, which is a form of sandwich so also deserves an honourable mention.

    Never had the pleasure to try on of these delights in LOS, they look like they could come with a guarantee of food poisoning.

  5. I've been at Chelsea when there was nearing 60,000. They were far bigger than any of their London rivals with gates in excess of 50,000 for home games. Check it out. And you obviously don't go far enough back to remember their reputation when they were relegated to the old Division 2 ? Believe me, there's absolutely no love lost between West Ham and Chelsea and I've never liked them anyway -- but you'd be very hard pushed to find anyone who wouldn't categorise Chelsea as being a large club by any modern criteria -- and as I've said, I remember it all in historical terms as well.

    They got promoted in 1984 alongside Newcastle and Sheff Wed and were getting 10-12k us Sheff Wed and Man City who came 4th were selling out every week, but it cant be argued they used to get big crowds in the 60s but this was long before my time.

    If you took Chelseas money away from them in the present day and they were coming midtable theyd struggle to get 30000.

  6. owen played 30 games last season not bad seeing newcastle was out of the cups early so no crock,think he scored 10 goals in a very average team give him service at united he will score at least 20 goals.

    Saying Newcastle were very average is an exaggeration, Owen scored all them goals before New year after this he was absolutely dreadful, he didnt try and missed many a chance even his mate Shearer dropped him for Andy Carrol.

    Still i think he's worth a punt for a season he might put in a bit of effort at ManU the horrid little fcuker.

  7. There's no logic in saying that Man City can claim to be a big club -- whatever criteria you judge that by -- and Chelsea not. Chelsea always had a very large and passionate support. That now their supporters are largely tourist, kids and cants is beside the point.

    In the 80s in the old 2nd division Chelsea used to get 10-12,000 a game and had an away following of about 12 people, whereas Man City would get 40,000 and would fill out away ends. Even Chelsea's success under Ken Bates was with money they could never pay back and they were on the brink of bankruptcy. Historically Man City are a far bigger club then Chelsea as are teams like Villa Everton Spurs Leeds etc...

  8. Many that I know are also disappointed with Tevez. Although he's no saint I realise. But I don't think it'll do his personal dignity and self-respecting ambitions a lot of good going in this direction. Here endeth ...

    Tevez sold himself to that agent guy he's purely in it for the money, no disrespect to West Ham but he obviously only joined them as theyd pay more then anyone else.

    I just wish i had the same Sunseeker fund that Tevez has got.

    As much as i hate this foreign money thats in the Premier League i'd sooner see Man City buy their way to success ahead of Chelsea, at least Man City can claim to be a big club Chelsea cant.

  9. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Petite Planete next to Tukcom. Real good and affordable Belgian style sandwiches (~100 baht each).

    The bread is ok there but the rest of the ingredients are terrible, it consists of that congealed milk aka processed cheese and slithery pieces of tasteless ham .... if anyones looking to open a business and can find the right ingredients a sandwich shop is as good a bet as any.

  10. Best home made style sandwich I've eaten anywhere in Thailand. Proper large, door stopper size slices of fresh white, or brown, bread, real sliced ham, real cheese and sliced tomato = 250 baht (approx)

    About 5GBP for a Cheese and Ham Sandwich in a run of the mill restaurant is a ripoff.

  11. I worked at a 5 star hotel as a school kid purely making sandwiches of the highest quality, and there isnt one place ive been to in LOS that even comes close to them.

    Anyone who likes Subway when not drunk needs their taste buds testing, Deli France is an absolute rip off something like 100bht extra if you want a slice of cheese in your ham sandwich though the bread is the best in Patts.

    The one id go to which isnt the best but passes the test is Au bon pain at the Avenue.

  12. I agree but you are talking short term. Gordon may say he is not cutting but that does not mean he is not doing so. There is a lot of spin and changing of definitions on how figures are calculated going on. Look at pmq and the faces of the cabinet when gordon is confronted with his own treasury figures by Cameron.

    Yes both parties will cut public spending by tinkering around the edges and raise taxes, but there needs to be a huge cull in public sector workers and their over inflated pensions that those in the private sector are funding .... this isnt going to happen IMHO, and Britain will muddle along in denial.

  13. I have got to admit I remember during the miners strike that more shops struggled in the area I live in and a lot of local business closed then, everyone suffered in the town I lived in has the miners not working and not spending had a knock on effect to everyone. I also remember kids in my class at school lost there houses. Also my dad was a lorry driver and he had now work as they moved coal. So I remember things being alot worse than they are now.

    I lived in Newcastle at this time and it was a similar situation plus you had the shipyards closing at the same time so things were fcuked in this area then, but if you went down South it was boom time as usual and you wouldnt have known there were problems anywhere .... this time IMO it seems to have affected everywhere.

  14. CRAP ! Speak for your own area (I have posted before about pockets of sh!te) my High St has 2 empty shops and one of those is Woolworths. In the last recession there wrer 6+ commercial properties vacant. The reasons are obvious.

    Your saying the High St isnt suffering which is quite clearly wrong, it has been funded by credit and money that never existed for the last 10 years, this has dried up for many.

    Ive been to Rotherham, Bournemouth, Beverley, Hull, York, Newcastle, Sunderland, Southampton in the last 6 months all of them have masses of shops closed that includes the shops before you get into town. The only town ive been to that seemed it didnt have problems was Oxford this was absolutely jam packed with students last week, and the out of town pubs were full on a Thursday.

    Ive also been to several towns in Holland and this is the only place where there wasnt a noticeable amount of shop closures.

  15. I was also talking about the "doom & gloom" with a friend yesterday, we were reflecting on the fact neither of us had managed to park in a very full shopping centre and were having problems trying to find somewhere to eat because restaurant queues were too long. Recession...what recession ?

    If you were in any High Street in the country you couldnt have failed to have noticed that shops are closing down on a scale that has never seen before.

    I still think that the institutions and the fundamentals are strong and transparent and we will weather this,

    Which fundamentals are strong?

  16. But in the last year England has had less new homes built then in anytime since the 2nd world war ... im too lazy to find a link to this but it was said in the last 2 weeks.

    There were about 30,000 mortgage products at the height of the boom there are now only 3000 approx many of these you need a deposit of 30-40%, furthermore unemployment is rising rapidly, taxes are about to rise, i just cant see how there could be private property getting built on a scale even close to whats happened in the last 12 years, and it is still way overvalued in comparison to people wages hence its unaffordable.

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