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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. numerous studies and data from trustworthy sources have proven that electric cars catch fire less frequently than internal combustion engine (ice) vehicles. this fact has been discussed extensively on this forum, and you're not the first to repeatedly question it without some serious research ... there's a dedicated topic specifically for ev fires where you can find more detailed information on this subject. please use that thread to support your claim. thanks a lot! https://aseannow.com/topic/1335967-icev-ev-fires-worldwide/#comment-19323800
  2. did I read that right, 3'480 usd per month??? that would be 41,760 usd per year ...
  3. i wonder where the unknown comes from; perhaps it's from people who don't know much about the tax situation ... however, i do agree with you "anything could happen" ... but "nothing at all" i think is more unlikley ...
  4. @ all DUI is driving under influence (DUI) in thailand also considered a criminal offense? does that mean i can call (you) those people criminals? by the way, when i was 16, a good friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver ...
  5. OR ... What happens for you or me today, may not happen for either to all of us -- and anyone else -- tomorrow or the next day or next week or in a few years ...
  6. as sad as it is, at least he didn't kill some innocent people because of his speeding ...
  7. at least in pricey 5 star hotel "the guest should be the king " ... and not educated like a child ...
  8. seriously, what's wrong with you ...
  9. wishing you all the best and a smooth recovery ... thank you for the positive report. even though i have health insurance, my first choice has always been the government hospital, especially for emergencies ...
  10. they should ask "fatty" to lead the watch investigation ...
  11. the new byd seal 2025 has arrived at dealers in china ... the big question is, when will the seal 2025 come to thailand?
  12. for sure, we all can see that ...
  13. AQI 75 is equal with about PM2.5 of about 23.5 µg/m3 ...
  14. just as i thought, no reliable proof for the claim about good air quality most of the year in chiang mai ... but never mind. people who live in chiang mai and think it’s great, they can continue to believe that. but please don’t spread complete falsehoods that you can’t back up with reliable proof... thankfully, not all foreigners are easily fooled! below look at the evidence of the poor air quality in chiang mai, with some improvement during the rainy season:
  15. can you please provide some reliable proof for your claim (good air from june to february), like air quality data or studies? foreigners who say "chiang mai is great" and that the air quality is very good, while looking through rose-colored glasses, are not considered as a very trustworthy source...
  16. no.8: traffic accident and death ...
  17. some thai people really dislike khun toni, and there are many reasons for that ... hopefully, this time they will find a way to remove him and his family for ever from politics ...
  18. you're absolutely wrong ... why do so many people give completely wrong information even when they know the true facts? based on all the data, the air isn't great at all outside of the burning season. the air quality in chiang mai is more or less good for only about 4 months of the year ...
  19. Construction tycoon Premchai Karnasuta was released from prison, seven weeks before the end of his sentence ... . The former head of Italian-Thai Development Plc had been serving time in Thong Pha Phum prison in Kanchanaburi for hunting wildlife — including killing a rare black panther — in Thungyai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary in 2018. The Department of Corrections said Premchai, 69, qualified for early release because he was suffering from diabetes.
  20. as far as i know, the written TRD regulation makes it clear who needs to apply for a TIN and who needs to file taxes. for now, i do recommend just wait and see ... you have until the end of march 2025 to submit the tax return ...
  21. the safe level for pm 2.5 in thailand is set at 35 micrograms per cubic meter, but the world health organization (who) has a very different standard ...
  22. sorry, wrong post
  23. so, if this people don't do the 90-day report 4 times in one year, they will have to pay a fine of 4 x 2,000 thb!!! you seem to know some unusual and very clever people ... for most people of us, it's best to follow the rules and not ignore them, especially if you plan to live in thailand long-term.
  24. what does a year's worth of bank statements look like? i have a "pra-jam" bank book, and for years, it automatically makes 12 fixed deposits. there are no withdrawals, only the interest at the end of the term ... a one year statement will look exactly like my bank book ...!?
  25. if not back to jail, at least back to dubai ... for a beginning
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