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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. I'd go with Golden tree snake too, although bit hard to be accurate with the pics provided.

    Wouldn't handle any snakes unless you are 110% sure of what they are but most will move on with a bit of gentle encouragement.

    Lucky you to have 1 to dinner though :)

  2. Yes, thanks for the info, I am nearly put off it all already. I mean if he thinks I am going to go over there, man handle these people throw them out and gain control of properties its just not going to happen. If I have to go down the route of lawyers and all of that taking a long time I am not doing it for free. I mean if the guy is truly the owner, has all of the papers and this can get done without fear of danger then I would do it, but if this is going to involve mafia and all the other BS that comes with it then I will just tell them I can't do it and to find someone else.

    There you go...

    You knew the answer already :)

    • Like 2
  3. "There are some things in this world we can't change- gravity, entropy, the speed of light, and our biological nature that requires clean air, clean water, clean soil, clean energy and biodiversity for our health and well being. Protecting the biosphere should be our highest priority or else we sicken and die. Other things, like capitalism, free enterprise, the economy, currency, the market, are not forces of nature, we invented them. They are not immutable and we can change them. It makes no sense to elevate economics above the biosphere"

    David Suzuki

    • Like 1
  4. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation;violation: the rape of the countryside.

    I'd be glad if people remembered that animals are not the equals of humans.

    I'm in favor of safeguarding animal species and the environment, but with the goal of conservation for man's benefit, not for the benefit of the anthropomorphist idea of "Nature".

    Thanks to treehuggers, Switzerland's last dolphins will be sold away at the end of the year, import has been banned by Law. This is just plain wrong. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to the tigers.

    Are you for real !!!!

    Whilst I agree that animals are not equal with humans on some levels, your idea that conservation should only be carried out for the benefit of man is the stupidest comment I have heard in a long while.
    Do you seriously believe that everything in the natural world is there for us the plunder and rape ??
    This is not our planet, whatever you think we are an integral part of one big eco system. The planet will survive no matter what we do. We won't survive for much longer with attitudes like yours..

    Unless you were just trying to wind people up, it which case, nice one...
    "plunder and rape" are not applyable to animals, since these terms describe criminal human behavior towards other humans or other humans' property.

    "This is not our planet" ok, whose is it?

    "whatever you think we are an integral part of one big eco system." agree with that. so we have to preserve the ecosystem for our benefit.

    "The planet will survive no matter what we do." partly agree, but the "planet" will not "survive". it simply does not care about anything, because it doesn't have a conscience. The planet will be destroyed no matter what we do. We can make a nuclear war down here, there is nobody to care about it, except us because we would have destroyed ourselves.
    and in some billion years the planet will disappear anyway with the next cosmic event, and maybe humanity will have found a way to migrate away before it happens.

    playing anthropomorphism on the planet is nonsense.

    seriously, dump Rousseau and read more Descartes.

    an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation;violation: the rape of the countryside.

    The planet was here long before us, it is not 'our' planet just because we are supposedly the most intelligent species.

    We will end up destroying ourselves but the planet will recover, it what form who knows.

  5. I'd be glad if people remembered that animals are not the equals of humans.

    I'm in favor of safeguarding animal species and the environment, but with the goal of conservation for man's benefit, not for the benefit of the anthropomorphist idea of "Nature".

    Thanks to treehuggers, Switzerland's last dolphins will be sold away at the end of the year, import has been banned by Law. This is just plain wrong. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to the tigers.

    Are you for real !!!!

    Whilst I agree that animals are not equal with humans on some levels, your idea that conservation should only be carried out for the benefit of man is the stupidest comment I have heard in a long while.

    Do you seriously believe that everything in the natural world is there for us the plunder and rape ??

    This is not our planet, whatever you think we are an integral part of one big eco system. The planet will survive no matter what we do. We won't survive for much longer with attitudes like yours..

    Unless you were just trying to wind people up, it which case, nice one...

    • Like 1
  6. Farm dogs are more susceptible to ticks due to their environment, Long grass and bushes are the main culprits. Some years are worse than others. If the dog is a true outside dog, then a weekly rub down with diesel will do the trick. Don't forget between the toes.smile.png If it's a plague situation then spraying outside the home is necessary. (not diesel w00t.gif ) Be careful though, some of the "yar" sold for ticks is not pet friendly.


    Seriously !! You rub your dog down with diesel ?????

    That advice did raise my eyebrow ... but I'm a novice in this area.


    You don't need to be an expert to raise your eyebrows !!

    All dogs in Thailand run better on 95 Benzine, common sense...

  7. Farm dogs are more susceptible to ticks due to their environment, Long grass and bushes are the main culprits. Some years are worse than others. If the dog is a true outside dog, then a weekly rub down with diesel will do the trick. Don't forget between the toes.smile.png If it's a plague situation then spraying outside the home is necessary. (not diesel w00t.gif ) Be careful though, some of the "yar" sold for ticks is not pet friendly.


    Seriously !! You rub your dog down with diesel ?????

  8. Hi Crossy..

    Glad you are having some hatching success.

    But in case you want to be more selective, especially with the goose eggs, my wife found a supplier of incubator kits.

    I was in the process of making one, was just looking for a thermostat to use. Anyway, had to go away to work and all the birds started laying whilst I was away.

    So, Mrs Cornish, in her impatient wisdom found these for 1700 baht.



    The kit includes, heat lamp, fan, thermostat and digital temp/humidity guage.

    Just use an old cool box and away you go. The ideal way would be too secure the perspex cover with the kit on, then use the side access panel (cut a hole and fit some glass) to turn the eggs, otherwise you lose all the heat out the top. Some stones or small glass bottles in the bottom acting as heat sinks are also recommended.

    We now have Guinea, goose and turkey eggs on the go, all developing nicely.

    If you would like the contact details of the guy PM me.. He sends them EMS.

  9. Guinea Fowl...

    Thought about them after I read the positive reports elsewhere but ...

    The Farm got some ducks or geese to control the snail population that was infesting the ponds and the dogs killed them ... so what chance the Guinea Fowl?


    Well when you put it like that, no chance :)

    My dog is kept tied up, therefore the Guineas are free to work their magic.

    He doesn't suffer from ticks as a result.

    Mmmmmm, I'll think of some more solutions for you ??

    • Like 1
  10. Hi,

    I have seen a few around..

    When driving from Surat in the direction of Donsak, about 10km after Kanchanadit chuck a left. Head to the coast where there are 4 massive prawn farms. There are a few along that road.

    Have seen more but can't think where now !!

    It's a nice drive out that way anyway.. Plus the best seafood place I have found, at the end of the road past the prawn farms, take a right opposite the temple (small village, and a sharp left hand bend) then follow that little road around to the beach, restaurant is right in front of you. Literally 200yrds from temple..

    Stay safe

  11. Cheer up mucker...

    Mucker? Not so positive now, are we? Scratch a "positive" person and see what you get. coffee1.gif

    Mucker is a term of endearment for a mate in the Navy....

    You can keep trying to bring me down to your level but it will never happen..

    With over 41,000 posts on here, I guess you don't have that much going for you in life !!!

    All I can say is, try to get out more and see the beauty in everything around you..

    No I'm not a hippy...


  12. Self delusion? I find plastic positivity utterly nauseating!

    If someone considers his views to be positive, this feeling is embedded within his post, unlike yours.

    Thanks for the support Dancing Man..

    Nothing plastic about my positivity. Also, nothing presumptuous in my reply to the OP !!

    Some health problems and a few visas issues ?? My heart goes out to him but take a look around the world, visa issues are the least of some peoples worries...

    I am very happy in life, have my ups and downs the same as anyone, but when you put it all in perspective the majority of the people on here (TV) have it easy.. Lets face it, you have a computer with which to spread your negativity :)

    Cheer up mucker...

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