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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Have him buy a ticket on Air Asia to Penang and obtain a single visa there. The city is very easy to get in and out on one bus, very easy to navigate, chockabloc full of inexpendive places to sleep and its a great city for eating. Plenty to see in the few days while getting his visa.

    When that visa is finished, fly to PNH and head up.to Siem Reap on one bus. See sll that and re enter Thailand with the plane booked to return within 14 days of entry.

    Problem solved.

  2. An interview is one thing but I have always found it amusing wearing a suit to teach a conversational english class. My suits even though made in Thailand are = to about half months of my would be wages.

    When I see English teachers in suits, on public transport I smirk. Siuted fellows going to jobs paying 20k a month.

    Of course, if you work at a big legit private school and that is required of all staff, that is different.

    Seems like only people in bkk that wear suits are English teachers.

  3. I have read that a TEFL course is very helpful to a teacher, but not neccesarily helpful in landing a job nor does it allow the teacher to command more money.

    So, it appears the only value is that it perhaps provides the classroom with a better teacher and perhaps provides the teacher with a bit more control of his environnent and his sanity - thereby allowing the teacher to remain working as opposed to quitting.

    These courses seem to start around 30-45k baht and at those prices I am really questioning their value. Amortized the first (2nd?) year, that is easily ten percent of a starting teachers salary off the top.

    Next, I have serious issues with some of these courses sending "student teachers" into classrooms in which students have paid for "qualified" teachers. Does not seem ethical. I seriously doubt the courses I looked at are offering students to come in fir free lessons so they business is also making money on the student as well as the teacher.

    Finally, I question the competence of some of the teachers of these courses. Do they solidly deliver teaching and classroom.skills and not simply basic public speaking and presentation skills (which I personally would be qualified to teach).

    Comments please.

  4. a restaurant owner told me he dont like backpackers and teachers. btw he seems to be offended at me for ordering a promotion meal with just mineral water instead of the typical sugary beverages or alcohol and he is assuming me to be either a backpacker or a teacher. eventually i got really pissed off and did a stupid move by giving him a 1000 baht note for a 200 baht meal and asked him to keep the change

    I know these types well. Smart enough to stay afloat in business, but not smart enoigh not to open it in the first place. They have soured on their marriage or really greasy gay guy and just have this sour, smug condecending opinion of anyone not throwing money at himself. Of course, if you were he'd slag ypu later for being a dumb bastard tossing your money about.They are simply floating, existing and the rest of their life will be as thus. They know it and hate it and hate you and your freedom.

    My second trip.to Thailand I stayed at this Swiss guys upscale gh in Chaing Mai (a place I really dislike for its dmoke, boredom and general pollution). Booked it for 300b mind you at 24b to usd. Thai wife smart enough to know at 30% full.gh is better than a 20% full gh as no way I was paying 500. I was only staying a few days. That asshol_e gave me total grief for three days, accused me of stealing a section of his bkk post (!!!). He was a true ass.

    I got the best of him in the end, but what a chump.

  5. I taught a year in Korea a decade+ ago, maybe teach next year or year after if I can sort all the paperwork out and find a job that pays decently. That's why I pop into the teaching forum myself.

    In the end, you simply need someone that can pronounce the vocabulary correctly. You're sort of on your own after that. If your teachers vocab sucks + your vocab compounds that...

    You're gonna have a bad day.

  6. Someday I will.start a thread on.how annoying the Philippine accent is. I am instantly.turned off by its sing-song nature. The fact that I find them some of the most dim witted people of the planet doesn't help.

    I've noticed that many Indonesians, Malay and subordinate Singaporeans now speak.with this atrocious accent.

    Thailand would well be advised not to develop this accent.

    Isn't the accent due to the fact that the Philippine schools prefer American teachers.(No offense meant to American teachers).

    Indeed, Asians learning spoken English nearly always prefer to have American teachers.

    The accent is indigenous, nothing like anything in USA.

    Preference for standard American accent I believe comes from:

    So many people already speaking as such (Canada included). Europeans also eant a clean British accent or American/Ca.

    Aus and ghettoized British, Scotyish and N Irelsnd accents are just as unnerving and perhaps less comprehenisble than even a working class Boston or Jersey accent (or perhaps some cracker southern accent as well)

  7. Someday I will.start a thread on.how annoying the Philippine accent is. I am instantly.turned off by its sing-song and slang-y nature. The fact that I find them some of the most dim witted people of the planet doesn't help.

    I've noticed that many Indonesians, Malay and subordinate Singaporeans now speak.with this atrocious accent.

    Thailand would well be advised not to develop this accent.

    Further, like spoken Indian english it is casual and coloquial at it's core, parochial even. Ghetto.

    One very cool thing about English snd why it id so popular is because it is dynamic, fluid and open. That is fine for fun and conversation - not what is desirable to learn and esp pay for.

  8. Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in the gaps left by the Constitution. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"

    Anyone born inside the United States *

    Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe

    Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.

    Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national

    Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year

    Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21

    Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)

    A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.

    * There is an exception in the law — the person must be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. This would exempt the child of a diplomat, for example, from this provision.

    Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President. These provisions allow the children of military families to be considered natural-born, for example.

    Why is she not qualified to run for President?

    My vote is for Liz Warren 2016

    You basically have to have been born in the US or a territory the US controls to be considered a 'natural born' citizen and be eligible to be president. She was born in Thailand and thus she is not eligible. The rule was created because at the founding of the US they were paranoid that an immigrant who was secretly working for a foreign country could become president and allow them to take over.

    That's why some right wingers are obsessed with trying to prove that Obama was really born in Kenya and not Hawaii, it would make him ineligible to be president.

    Possible the rule could be changed some day. There was talk among Republicans about wanting to change it so Arnold Schwarzenegger could run, maybe some day Democrats would want to change it so this woman could run.

    Except John McCain was born in Panama ...

  9. I wore a cream suit jacket and black slacks. Changing to a white ss shirt. My wife wore a pretty little long dress, changing to the full blown formal costume for the ceremony and then changing into some nice casual clothes after the climaxof events.

    Costs were b5500 for all costumes invl her makeup job which started at 0415.

    My slacks, shirt.

    Marriage eas in Sisakhet.

  10. My wife came home last night quite excited - Obama gave Thai people a job!!

    Took me a few minutes to piece it all together.

    I explained as best I could, I think she got her head round it and was more proud as she won the seat. The people chose her - and yes, I guess Obama did give her a job ♥

    She was very proud of Ms Duckworth's complishment (GW grad, pilot) and sad for her injury.

    I only knew Ms Duckworth from the congressionsl fight she was having with one of the biggest <deleted> on the planet.

    We both celebrated for a moment.

    I love my wife.

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