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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Well, since Thai's all seem to be so jealous of white skin - we should just take being called whitey as a compliment.

    With all the undercurrent of racism in the us election, all the outright hatred of thr president, much of it intertwined with him being black. With all the hierarchy, eliteism, classism and subtle bigotry in Europe. With all the outright racism in Straya and general.xenophobia in Kiwiville. The outright hostility to anyrhing non Arab or Muslim.in the ME...the whole thread makes me smile.

    Thais are very poorly educated people that allow millions of farang tramp thru their country annually. Ive got 99 problems but being called farang aint one.

  2. If farang dorsnt mean foreigner, suppose you enlighten us.

    They do indeed say farang.

    It means white person, honky, Caucasian, "of European ancestry" or whatever other euphemism is currently acceptable to designate that com

    monly-accepted but unscientific racial classification.

    If you bothered to read the thread from the beginning (or the previous dozens in the past few months on exactly the same topic) you'll see all your questions answered.

    Just don't pay attention to the ones by the OP and you'll be OK (although some of what s/he says is occasionally correct too).

    So what. Even if that is the way some use it. You know the score, its common practice. We all have targets on our backs here. So what, really.

    What is so ROTFGLMFHO is that what part of this society outside of our families do we have equality? Even the lowliest street vendor gets a rise in his otherwise dreary day my saying farang. Who cares.

    You live her for donkeys years

    Cant vote

    Cant own land

    Cant work

    Cant own a business




    And you people worry because someone calls you farang. Too funny.

    Like I said — if your family calls you farang, I suggest a new family. Mine doesnt. Maybe its a general lack of tespect for you or maybe you married into one really low class family.

  3. Big John - sorry if yiur kid gets that label. Its pretty nasty. Despite you knowing its origins I do not think anyine in Issan thinks she is the daughter of the Andanan - Nicobar version of Jack Sparrow.

    It is basically the near equivilent of the "N" word and nothing remotely close to "farang".

    Having yiour kid called kaek is not the same as labeling sll of us farang and you know that very well.

  4. Why does these idiots threafs prattle onlike this?

    In the end it all means foreigner. So bloody what, you are a foreigner here and always will be - even with your new PR stats whoopie!!

    Thai/Lao say farang

    Khmer say barang

    Malay/Indo say orang asling

    Germans says ouslander

    Americans simply day foreigner

    Now, if your family is calling you "farang", you have a personal problem.

    To everyone else get over your petty self abdorbed selves.


    So much wrong here I don't have time to say what I want.

    What about those with Thai citizenship?

    Would you say that Thai Chinese are foreigners and always will be?

    'farang' doesn't mean foreigner.

    Loatians dont say 'farang'

    Why do you think it's ok for your family to call you farang - this is proposterous unless you call your family the rice farmers in Nakhon Nowhere that you visit on your yearly visit from Pattaya.

    To funny. So you got yourself Thai citizenship and dont want to be labeled farang because you paid some money and did some paperwork. Well, Thais dont see it that way pal. You will always be farang.:

    Thai foreigners? Thai Chinese are Thai!! They were born in Thailand. What an assinine statement. I did not state that a very white luk kreung is farang and neither do Thais.

    If farang doesnt mean foreigner, suppose you enlighten us. Suppose you tell.us what that shop.owner in Sisaket is really saying when she smileswarmly and calls you farang.

    They do indeed say farang.

    I dont think its ok for YOUR family to call you farang, but you were the idiot yhat chose them and you are the idiot that continues to let it happen.

    What your MIL chooses to label you as I cannot help nor care. My MIL calls me by my first names and every family member and that was made clear almost at outset, on the first visit.

    Up to you. Not my problem.

    If other Thais in the street call me farang, I have been here far too long to care so nust pass another beer over here and we can cry over your naturalized status not being accepted by the Thais. Maybe you can tatoo in on your forehead but until then, cry me a river.

  5. Why does these idiots these prattle onlike this?

    In the end it all means foreigner. So bloody what, you are a foreigner here and always will be - even with your new PR stats whoopie!!

    Thai/Lao say farang

    Khmer say barang

    Malay/Indo say orang asling

    Germans says ouslander

    Americans simply say foreigner

    They all mean foreigner and the word in and of itself is not offensive.

    Kha-min = Khmer people. That is offensive. The Thai say it and don't even realize.

    Now, if your family is calling you "farang", you have a personal problem.

    To everyone else get over your petty self abdorbed selves.


    • Like 1
  6. Its humourous how some on here are upset with the name 'falang' and yet refer to the people they are with as thai's...thai wife, thai gf etc.etc

    Thai is a nationality, yes? What nationality is f-rang?

    Yes but why do such people feel the need to label their partner in this manner? Why not just say, "my wife" or my gf" etcetera? It shows that they are always thinking of the difference between their own race / nationality and that of the Thai person they are with.

    However, if family members are referring to posters as "the farang", I would have to agree that this is totally unacceptable and I find it very surprising.

    Because it brings often brings clarity and context to state your wife is local and not another farang. Thats really a duh sort of epiphany no?

  7. So if you are thinking about jumping in - where does this lead, looking to the future? Sounds like another reason not to hassle it.

    And the comment sbout firing a teacher and getting the balance to pick up the work, grstis no doubt is simply evil. I had a school (ECC) in Korea do that to me/us as well.

  8. Im sure the op is technically proficient at teaching conversationa English but his licence does in no way = a liberal arts degree. My line of thinking more like a vocational AA degree.

    As for the mechanics of teaching, these could be learned in a course or self taught - public speaking, peer teaching, demonstrations, product roll outs...

    Could a lifetime of reading quality non fiction and classics remedy the distance, yes.

    Its not just a piece of paper, its an accomplishment.

  9. I have a friend working in China. Hes had enough andlooking at moving on. Another couple had enough of N India (need to leave 1x a year really bugs them) .

    Ive flirted with going back, but could never resettle around my parents without a spouse. Need to stay near my folks cause they only have a few yrs left. Not right to go back, dig in to a job that doesnt allow much holifays to visit.

    Now Im married and my wife loves the US. She has a great job, average money. Iam torn to pull her up for some shitty job in states.

    Then there are the expenses, what can we save?

    What sort of job can I find near my folks, not much.

    Then there is the fact I just dont fit in, never reallly did, even in eccentric California. I really dislike the way the nation has turned all phony conservative. 2000 election was a real.eye opener for me. Really displeased with the country.

    We may go back and enjoy it for awhile, but without healthcare, I will be back. Healthcare such an impossible joke in US.

    Im fed up with a lot of things here. Still, lots to be thankful for.

    I would not be suprised if we lived out of backpacks for five years after my parents pass.

    Maybe a relo to the South Pacific.

    Id say go - you can always come bsck.

  10. Common sense should tell you that "tourist" areas are going to be more expensive than NON tourist areas...duh !

    Use a guidebook as suggested.

    When I left Pattaya, I was suprised at the rent increases and that was nearly five yrs ago. Pattaya had huge number of flats, most of which were built for farang, long stays. Pattays is a pretty poor value in long stay accomadation now compared to bkk. Chaing Mai also overbuilt but nobody likes the place so accomadation remains constantly empty. All.the tourists go, but nobody stays. Maybe its the annual.fires or pollution??

    I really dont understand the question though...you want a cheap flat or hotel room in Thailand regardless of location? Just cheap? Well that is simply crazy. Find a shack in Issan.

    Im allergic to guidebooks. Whatever they say, do opposite.

  11. It is an interesting question in that I know US will let Thais rent and drive cars, si why not?

    Having said that, Im happy they dont. I have not had a car in a decade but figure to have logged over 300k miles.

    Thais w exception of those who drive professionally are a danger. How many banged up little cars do you see daily in bkk? Loads.

    In the US if the lic if not renewed and dead - you start again.I think this true for all 50states.

  12. Been years since I have made a Lao visa in BKK. To spare me the inquisition...I am just the guy who would go and haggle a visa on any border I know the score. Wife and self are xing at Chaing Kong. If it is as dicey as Savan, it will be good to have visa in hand. Finally, comong off bus from BKK and want to make Luang Nam Tha by nightfall if at all possible. Sooooooo

    I don't need wasted time and hassles. Ok...

    As I recall, the embassy accepts usd and thb. I dont know the spread and if like the borders, usd is best. Comments? Im American, presume vosts to be 32-35usd.

    ★★ Is there a date of expiry or does this visa start blowing up on date of issuance? So 30 days from stamped date?


  13. I don't know why there is an assumption that so many people want to live in Thailand. The only region where this might hold true is for Scandanavia and those people tend to be older and see Thailand as a place to go to avoid the winter. If I look at the stats, and Canada seems to have a good statistical base, more Canadians live in the USA than anywhere else. More revealing is the demographics; The majority of Canada's young and educated emigrants go to the USA, UK and Australia. Although the USA attracts a large number of "snowbirds" approx. 75% of Canadians migrating to the UK and Australia are young and prime working-age adults (18 to 49 years).- Source Govt. of Canada

    I think the numbers are reversed for Thailand, with the majority being older single males and they certainly are not overly educated at least not the ones I have met. (That's not a slight or saying they aren't nice people,, just an observation.) Australians in Thailand are a different demographic than Canadians and it is a reflection of the low cost associated with relocating and traveling back and forth to Australia. A person of moderate means can easily commute back and forth to Australia retaining access to social benefits and all the advantages of Australia. Jet Star and Air Asia make that possible. Thailand is to Australians what Florida is to Canadians.

    I'd venture that the wealthy foreigners do not see Thailand as an alternative home, but as another place to go for extended periods of time.There really isn't much on offer in Thailand to make it a desirable place for the weathy. Americans and Canadians prefer the Carribean or Hawaii. Wealthy Europeans have places in Spain or Sardinia. Thailand is a destination for people of modest financial means and with the way costs are going up, it would seem that Vietnam and Cambodia are knocking at the gate. The Chinese setting up second homes , from what I have seen are married middle aged people that want an alternative to China. The number of expat professionals that I have met is quite small and they are in Thailand for work, not because they love the place.

    Could not agree more. People that have real money and and spouse they love do not choose Thailand by a long shot. Its more for washed up.divorcees and guys who slogged it out i shitty jobs coming to live their neckbeard fantasies before they die.

    Being able to get on TV and belittle everyone because they have a small pile of cash they have traded for their lives somehow gives them comfort but truth is, they use the money to isolate themselves. They find it all odf and foreign but realize that even with their pile of money no woman wants to be around them. Better to pay for the pleasure here., home issuch a lonely place.

    You wrote, " Its more for washed up.divorcees and guys who slogged it out i shitty jobs coming to live their neckbeard fantasies before they die." I know a thousand guys who live in Thailand full or part time. Not one fits your description. One wonders how you got so bitter at your elders. smile.png

    Primarily Pattaya.

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