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Everything posted by connda

  1. Yeah. Wife got Covid and me shortly after. High viral load in the house - where can a guy go? Sort like chicken pox as a kid when your sister comes down with it - you're gonna get it. Wife wanted to go to the hospital where she was loaded up with med and sent home. I came down with it two days later. Positive antigen test. I stayed home - didn't see any reason to go to the hospital as I wasn't any more sick then with a typical 'flu.' It was over in 60 hours - two and a half days. In the past, I've had much worse bouts of influenza. So much fear and loathing over a nothing-burger. As you age and your immune system decreases, yeah, you may die of IAB or IAC influenza or SARS_Cov_nnn "flus" if secondary infections, like bacterial pneumonia, set in. For the vast number of humans on this planet with healthy immune systems, it ain't a big deal after so much fear-mongering.
  2. "Get your masks of compliance on plebs. Fear fear fear fear fear." In the meanwhile, I'd like to see Covid compared with the current influenza going around. Or - are we calling the flu Covid or Covid the flu. In reality, and SARS-based infection is now essentially 'the flu" as far as symptoms go.
  3. As I have no other income sources from the US then Social Security and an approve pension, then Article 20 applies to me. Any effort by Thailand to derive tax income from my SS and pension plans would be in direct violation of the existing tax treaty. Thanks for the PDF. I'll save that in my tax folder for future reference in 2024. ARTICLE 20 Pensions and Social Security Payments 1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 21 (Government Service), pensions and other similar remuneration paid to a resident of a Contracting State in consideration of past employment shall be taxable only in that State. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, social security benefits and other similar public pensions paid by a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State or a citizen of the United States shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned State.
  4. Exactly. How does he plan to attract foreign investors by hammering all foreigners with a tax on income in their home country? This moron doesn't understand the benefit of foreign funds flowing into his country. The fool is about to throw ice-water on both foreign investment as well as foreign funds flowing into Thailand. And again - we're about to find out if the Tax Treaties between Thailand and G20 countries are going to be honored or not.
  5. If double-taxed, I'd immediately be in a letter-writing campaign with my Congressional and Senate representative to review the US-Thai Tax Treaty and to call for sanctions on Thailand and Thais living in the US as Quid Pro Quo if Thailand stops honoring the existing Tax Treaty. Oh, and I'd also stop bringing money into the country other then the minimums needed to live here until the US and Thailand iron out the reasons as to why Thailand chooses not to honor the Tax Treaty.
  6. This may a more apt title: Thailand’s DoPA cracks down on ‘political enemies’ in nationwide crime hunt Lawfare exercise
  7. Lawfare at it's third-world finest. The use of the legal and judicial systems to go after political enemies. Hope BJ is squeaky-clean, not that it matters. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” -Lavrentiy Beria, Chief of Secret Police under Joseph Stalin
  8. Thai Police dismantles 4 Hubs of Escort Websites Serving Foreigners If they had been serving Thais, they'd still be open, right? ????
  9. They do. The last time I was there there were import and local spuds. The imports looked better and were cheaper. 38 to 43 THB / kg if my memory serves.
  10. Everyone who buys anything is taxed. It's called VAT.
  11. Thai health minister backs cannabis ban, citing surge in teen usage The teens aren't smoking ganja. Too expensive. They take cheap methamphetamine. 10 THB a pill from what I hear. "We have to ban it for the children!" Ok - teens drink too. Let's ban alcohol for the same reasons. And cigarettes! This type of authoritarianism is definitely Orwellian in nature. Huxley's vision of a dystopic future at least allowed for the plods to ingest "soma" for recreational enjoyment.
  12. The CDC? The same people who said (with a straight face) "If you take the Covid shots, you will not get Covid." That CDC. Yeah - trust the experts. <not>
  13. If cannabis was physically addictive, I would have gone through withdrawals back when I was smoking every day. Then I got into meditation. The meditation teacher said, "Stop the marijuana for a week." Ok - no problem. And it was no problem. No withdrawal; no cravings; no 'reefer madness,' nada! What we have so often here are members of the Neo-Frumpkin's-Temperence-Union telling all of us who have a lot of experience using weed in the past that "marijuana is addictive!!!" Let me be blunt. You don't have any idea what you are talking about. Please blow smoke up some other smuck's derriere.
  14. Virtually any argument that is used to support the call to make cannabis illegal, can also be used to support a call to make alcohol illegal and cigarettes illegal. And almost all use the argument that cannabis is "addictive." It is not physically addictive. Heroin is physically addictive, cocaine is physically addictive, alcohol when abused can be physically addictive, nicotine is highly addictive physically. Cannabis in not physically addictive. I can take virtually every "Cannabis Use Disorder" and pair it to "Alcohol Use Disorder." Do you hear anyone calling for a legal ban on booze? Nope. Neither do I. My guess is that those who are banging away to get cannabis made illegal again are probably doing so with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Hypocritical beyond words.
  15. New Tax implementation on income from abroad, where would you relocate? I'm not going anywhere - and - the US and Thailand have a tax treaty. They are not going to tax income from US expats. They may make you go though the hassle of filling out more bureaucratic paperwork. If that's enough to make you leave, then how do you handle the 90 day, TM30, and annual extension paperwork without throwing your hands in the air and booking a flight to Mexico or Ecuador?
  16. Although I don't use it, Lazada does have an Android app.
  17. Same here. I never get an OTP via email. However, I shut off the VPN and I can log in. So for me it has always been a VPN issue. It's going to cost them business in the long run. They could set a persistant cookie that identifies you as having logged-in in the past, but they doen't seem to use the technology that is available to them. Log in, close the browser, open the browser, and you have to log-in again. However - Shopee does set a persistent cookie. Log-in, close the browser, open the browser, you're still logged-in. As I said, Shopee is now getting my business.
  18. If you are using a VPN - turn it off. The only time I have issues with Lazada logins is when my VPN is on. Another option? Ditch Lazada and go to Shopee. I never have login issues with Shopee and because of that I'm finding that more and more of my online shopping is done on Shopee.
  19. bob states he has issues with drinking. bob attempts to quit. About 4 days later, bob goes into the nihilistic meltdown These are signs of alcohol use disorder. I'm not going to call bob an alcoholic. Only bob, once he is brutally honest with himself, can make that determination. But? Judging by his previous post over time: In the past year, have you: * Had times when you ended up drinking more, or longer, than you intended? * More than once wanted to cut down or stop drinking, or tried to, but couldn’t? * Spent a lot of time drinking, being sick from drinking, or getting over other aftereffects? * Wanted a drink so badly you couldn’t think of anything else? * Found that drinking—or being sick from drinking—often interfered with taking care of your home or family? Or caused job troubles? Or school problems? * Continued to drink even though it was causing trouble with your family or friends? * Given up or cut back on activities you found important, interesting, or pleasurable so you could drink? * More than once gotten into situations while or after drinking that increased your chances of getting hurt (such as driving, swimming, using machinery, walking in a dangerous area, or unsafe sexual behavior)? * Continued to drink even though it was making you feel depressed or anxious or adding to another health problem? Or after having had an alcohol-related memory blackout? *Had to drink much more than you once did to get the effect you want? Or found that your usual number of drinks had much less effect than before? *Found that when the effects of alcohol were wearing off, you had withdrawal symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, shakiness, restlessness, nausea, sweating, a racing heart, dysphoria (feeling uneasy or unhappy), malaise (general sense of being unwell), feeling low, or a seizure? Or sensed things that were not there? -- Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism So, I assume when bob is about a six pack in, he likes to lecture AN members about how much wealthier, financially secure, and self-actualized he is then the average AN plod, which I assume means that wealth = happiness. And yet here is bob, after and unsuccessful attempt at not drinking, floundering about in a nihilistic breakdown where life has no meaning ("dysphoria (feeling uneasy or unhappy), malaise (general sense of being unwell), feeling low") <----- Seems you're right here bob. And as many of us have pointed out in the past, money can't buy happiness. Nor is happiness found in a bottle. Happiness is found only after you are brutally honest with yourself about your situation in life - and then you gain acceptance. You start to find happiness in family, friends, in hobbies, in connecting with your "high-power" or higher-self. You find happiness in giving and sharing, and in being generous and selfless. In being kind. I hope bob faces his drinking issues. I'd prefer not to hear at a later date that after dwelling on the utter meaningless of life, bob decides to 'check out' of Thailand, and not on a commercial flight. bob - get into a program and stop drinking. Then after a few months, reassess the meaning of life. In sobriety. Best of luck mate. This is my last comment on this matter.
  20. The BKK governor should check into the hospital to have his declining memory checked. Every year this time there are storms which bring "tree collapses, power outages, and flooding." They are nothing new under the sun (or rain-pregnant clouds). But the new narrative to to attempt to make the average yokels fear - everything. Weather included. "Unexpected!" Only if you are living in an ivory tower in some celestial paradise. Just more daft tosh.
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