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Everything posted by connda

  1. You missed my point. Thailand isn't exactly the epicenter of human compassion especially when it comes to pain relief and palliative care. I wish I could help! But like a lot of my fellow farangs here in Thailand, I know there is no such thing as hospice care. Unfortunately if you're dying of a dread disease, as far as I know ending your own life is one of the few options. Personally I'd like to know. I don't particularly want to have to check myself out in order to escape pain that is easily treated in Western countries for the dying. In fact, many of us older expats planning to simply die in Thailand probably want to know too.
  2. That should make a few million cannabis criminals as well as a few thousand 'cannabis traffickers' with just a wave of a hand by a judge. Better build concentration camps and the prisons won't hold everyone. Of course, the judgement would never apply to "Special People."
  3. I want to talk with a highly knowledgeable Android-based Smart Phone salesman who can speak fluent English, ie, I need them to understand the phone, the underlying Android OS, the phone's specifications, and it's ability to be rooted. I've worked with enough Thai sales staff who can talk in broken English and don't display much understanding of the phones they sell past the common User Interfaces. Finding a sale staff who is technically proficient and fluent is as rare as hen's teeth, but they are out there if you can find them. I'm just trying to find one. So can someone make a recommendation for a shop and a specific sale's staff member who fits those qualifications in Chiang Mai or Lamphun where I live, however here in Lamphun the 'broken English' variety are pretty much all I can find. Because my eye-sight and fine-motor skills are lacking, and because I don't want another phone that I can't force to upgrade if need be, I want to have an understandable conversation with the Smart Phone sales staff who can knowledgeable answer my questions. And although my my eye-sight and fine-motor skills are lacking, I don't want any expensive, bulky, large-screen Adroid phone. I don't use a Smart Phone enough to warrant the extra expense. If you know Android Smart Phone sales staff like this, please let me know. I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks!
  4. I've had exactly that same thing happen. I know others who have had that happen to. I swear that USPS is deliberately sitting on 7162 the receive that are tracked, toss them in a bin, and don't deliver them until after the SSA 7162 cut off date. It really does look deliberate as malicious as that sounds.
  5. They really want to kill the goose laying golden eggs. And like alcohol, I say they only want their close friends and connected buddies to enjoy the economic benefit. They'll just drive the commoners back underground and throw a ****-ton of people back into prison considering that a few million people in Thailand will be holding contraband cannabis in amounts that I consider to be 'personal use' but they'll state is amounts for trafficking. Some absurd amount like a few grams. In the meanwhile the methamphetamine trade is simply going gangbusters. Pills retail at 10 THB down from 200 THB not that long ago. Everyone in the village knows who is dealing, therefore the cops do too. ???? Meth really is a scourge to society. Long-term meth-heads/tweakers eventually go bonkers and can become unpredictably dangerous. Local kids with no future (i.e., unwilling to work hard like their parents before them who still work in the field) turn to robbery, theft, and other unsavory ways of making money to supply their habit because meth IS addictive. So Thailand will make cannabis illegal for the plebs to grow, sell, and use. Thais who have just found a way to make a better income will now become criminals overnight. Weak enforcement gets even weaker as cops who should be concentrating on reining in hard drugs that really do screw up society end up chasing down recreational cannabis users who smoke a spiff on occasion like many will drink a beer on occasion. I wonder how many of the doctors and 'concerned puuyai' who are demanding recriminalization of cannabis routinely get skunk drunk on their Chivas Regal and JW Black and then driver around in their luxury cars like lunatics?
  6. Does anyone even care about the World Cup this year? Nope.
  7. I've had the same thing occur when tracking it via registered mail. It sat in Wilkes-Barr USPS facility for two months and then was delivered after the due date.
  8. I've sent the form via registered mail before. It took about 10 days to get to the US (NY). Then a few weeks to get to Wilkes-Barr USPS. Then it sat at Wilkes-Barr USPS until after the due date on the form. Then it was delivered. There is something very wrong with USPS as the form gets stuck in THEIR system for upwards of two months.
  9. That didn't take long. I'll be honest. Especially after the revelations that it seems as though Ukraine is the quintessential place to launder US taxpayer money provided to Ukraine trough outfits like FTX and then converted back to fiat and donated back to US congress-critters? And trust me, I'm a political atheist and I'm pointing fingers at all parties, not just one individual or one party. The entire DC swamp, all of it, needs to be drained. Organizations such as the FBI and DOJ need to be completely apolitical and aligned with no parties. And the corruption needs to be addressed and resolved from top to bottom - Democrat or Republican - President to ex-President; top officials to staffers. Everyone. If the US is to be what it claims to be.....the exceptional nation? And I assume "exceptional" means above corruption. Right now "exceptional" seems to mean exceptionally corrupt. Then it needs to stop acting like a third-world tin-pot bastion of corruption. Congressmen and senators, presidents and ex-preidents should not be able to become multi-millionaires on their government salaries. The only way that happens is via corruption. So - clean it up.
  10. We live in such a wonderful reality, don't we. Earth! What an amazing place.
  11. I was just a gigolo And everywhere I go People know the part I'm playing Paid for every dance Selling each romance Oh, what they're saying There will come a day When youth will pass away What will they say about me When the end comes I know They'll say "just a gigolo" As life goes on without me.....
  12. Have you recently become more concerned about Inflation, Stagflation, and the Price of Eggs? Nope.
  13. connda

    Rainy season

  14. I'm not voting for anyone over 55 years old in the next presidential elections. I want to see a new generation take the helm regardless if they are Democrats, Republicans, or Independents.
  15. EGAT in Lampang is coal fired. By the time you add in all of the lithum, colbalt, nickel, other necessary mined metals, the plastic and the fact that the EV use an infrastructure run on coal and natural gas? There is nothing "green" about them. And then there is complete silence about what to do with those huge mega-batteries need to run an EV once they die. Let's not even mention the child labor used to extract needed metals and battery components. And let's not mention - Electric vehicles are completely out of the price range of average Thais. By the time 2050 rolls around, the world will look like 1950 Thailand: A few wealthy people have EVs, well-to-do will have bicycles, and everyone else will walk as EV songthaws will be totally unaffordable. If you're lucky you'll live close to a rail line. Cashless and 'zero-carbon' will usher in Neo-Feudalism. The Gore's and Gate's and Bezo's will still have their fleets of private av-fuel-burning jets and diesel-burning mega-yachts as well as beach-front properties as the sea level isn't rising, but the fear of a global deluge did get the useful idiots to demand their own enslavement. The rest of us. We'll enjoy the WEF wet-dream of owning nothing and living in communes without any privacy. As far as being happy? Ask the East Germans and Eastern Europeans and Chinese peasants how life was back in the totalitarian days of Marxist-Communist Utopia. I don't think I'll have to worry about it. I don't expect that too many of the commoners will live much beyond their "productive" years no less living to 100. And none of us commoners will own an EV. And even if you did? Will you be allowed to charge it comrade? How's your social credit score?
  16. Over the last month wife and I have gotten stuck in line behind people attempting to pay via a QR code. In one case it took upwards of 5 minutes to get the stupid payment processed. Our last trip to Makro the customer tied the line up for over 10 minutes. They have to fiddle with their phones, logon to the phone, login to the app, get the correct screen up, cross their fingers and toes and hope it accepts the payment: link problem, insufficient funds, bank issue - more waiting. Battery died. Opps! Today's the day when you're bank application no longer works on whatever version of Andriod you're running. Ah-oh. Convenient? <laughs> Our cash payment - 30 seconds or less. The government wants every mom and pop store to go the QR code payment route Right. Out here in the sticks where the power grid goes down every time there is a lightening flash and a little rain. Cashless will be another bad idea that crashes into the reality that "green" energy will never drive modern societies and third-world infrastructure is....well, third-world. Electric grids go up and down all of the time. Not until 'fusion' energy comes online or until they redefine 'green' as nuclear and small scale thorium reactors and monies are invested where they can obtain the maximum amount of efficient energy for the least expense, and all electric grids are modernized. Sorry. Solar and wind will never cut it. Nor will the current grids. "Cashless" has the cart in front of the horse.
  17. OMG. We're gonna die for sure this time (or not). Well lets see. Every person I know who got the Covid shots also got Covid. Like every one of my family members and acquaintances. Those of who didn't? Didn't. I'm not worried. Not even a little bit. More fear porn. Of course they do. Unless they don't. If they don't, well, grant those claiming they do 'amnesty.'
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