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Everything posted by connda

  1. Well, no need to worry about her asking you for money to help her mom's sick buffalo. However, she may need a couple hundred thousand to get the family's rice field tillers and planters healthy again. We're all entertained by you guys who have less than 50 posts who come up with this creative writing about Thai women. I tend to think you're probably a old-time TV/AN member who created a new account just to have a laugh at making silly posts like this. If not? When her rice fields are flooded you can take genital herpes girl out fishing for rice trout. They really are tasty. Give it a try! In the meanwhile she is no doubt filleting the trouser-trout she just landed and is getting ready to cook it. Ain't that right Op? 🐟🎣
  2. You can get Broccoli seeds from iHerb. Place three Tablespoons in a mason jar and let soak in water for 8 to 12 hours. Cover the top with guaze and pour out water, rinse and pour out again. Place at an angle for until drained. Repeat the rinsing and draining for three days. Tada - broccoli sprouts. Best to do during the cool season. They contain high levels of glucoraphanin, the glucosinolate precursor to the isothiocyanate sulforaphane which has documented anti-cancer properties. I'd link scientific studies but unfortunately it's against the forum rules.
  3. This is probably a stretch. I'm trying to find Filé powder (ground North American sassafras leaves) for making gumbo. Shopee and Lazada don't have it. Unless someone knows where to find it in Chiang Mai, I'd need to order it online if it is available in Thailand. I don't have high expectations of finding any, but checking anyway.
  4. I don't dislike people for their political views per-say. But I have a huge problem with people who want the State to beat down anyone in the general population who doesn't hold there own views. The irony with many on the Left is they espouse "tolerance" and yet display no tolerance for anyone other than those with their own view. Then getting the State involved to be their strong-arm enforcers: Make those people shut up. Throw those people in jail for their thoughts. Imprison or kill their leaders and supporters. If they protest, beat them on the streets and let us help. Make them wear masks, make them take shots, throw them in concentration camps. If "they" go to the capital to protest it's an "insurrection." If we do the same thing it's a fiery but peaceful protest. And so on............. You can't make this up as we've seen it play out over the last few years and it's getting worse every year. Most traditionalists and conservatives want to live their lives and be left alone, and yet still want to exercise their Constitutional rights; many on the Left, perhaps a majority, want the State to make traditionalists and conservatives to do what the Left wants them to do, even if it means inflicting lawfare, violence, and actually throwing them into concentration camps or prison - exactly what the Left says that traditionalists and conservatives want to do to them. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Traditionalists and conservatives basically say, "Do whatever you want to do, just leave us, our families, and our children out of it and don't tread on our Constitutional rights and rights under Natural Law. But the Left just can't do that, so therein lies the problem.
  5. Like many I'm looking back fondly on the days of Prayut.
  6. Like I said, I don't have to try to figure out the difference between $40 for free shipping and the cap on duties which is pretty much non-existent now. Now I'll just buy whatever I want in a single purchase. More expensive but less headaches. However, God help iHerb if they ever do away with free shipping as it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me personally. Then? Then they will be too expensive. The only plus that keeps me a customer now is the variety of their items and $40 cap for "free shipping."
  7. I just ran a test purchase. For a $20 and change purchase the VAT was 7.73%, so so much for "7% VAT" as they are adding something else into the mix. And like I said, the maximum purchase price to avoid duties used to be a flat $46.00. Now its based on exchange rate. So at today's exchange rate the max order to avoid duties would be 1500/35.85 = 41.84. So you have a $1.84 "window" between the $40 cap to avoid their outrageous shipping rates and avoiding another 5% to 7% in "duties and handling." The good old days are over. On the flip side, the 35.85 exchange rate beats the hell out of exchange rates hovering just below 30 back 5 years ago. So we've gain close to 20% on the value of the USD over the last 5 years, although I'm wondering what just happened at the exchange rate had bounce up close to 37, but the trend is your friend and the trend is upwards. That offsets some of the pain for local purchases as it offsets local inflation. However it makes it difficult to keep your order under 1500 THB. Well, what the hell - at the end of the day I'd rather have that 20% and raising premium on the exchange rate as most of my purchases are in the local economy.
  8. That's good to know. Thanks for the update. However, this entire thing sucks rocks as it's again inflationary but this time compliment of the government. The VAT is 7% but the surcharges collected by iHerb range between 12% to 15%. You used to be able to avoid duties by keeping your order under $46, so I expected to keep my order between $40 and $46 and just have to pay the 7% VAT. This new tax is making iHerb purchases unaffordable. The inflation driving up the cost of supplements has been bad enough. The only positive I see now is that I don't have to worry about the $46 cap on my purchases. I can now see how much they are going to take right at checkout, and it looks like we are paying duties now regardless of the total price of the invoice. Tell ya'll what - this is going to impact my future purchases which will now only be items which are difficult to find in Thailand, and they will lose business from buyers in Thailand as a result imho. And I'll really be looking at the prices of items I need which I can get locally as compared to what the unit prices will be from items shipped from iHerb after "Taxes, Duties, and Handling." Well - it was convenient while it lasted. Sad.
  9. The Anti-China expats will be pissing themselves now. In the meanwhile capitists who envisions themselves exploiting the EV markets with expensive EV are screaming bloody murder that Chinese "over-supply" is driving down the cost of EVs. I find this hysterical. The US subsidized EVs to make the overpriced batteries on wheels more affordable. Thailand and China subsidize EV to make them affordable to the masses and the "not-so-free-market" West has a hissy fit. Imho - good from them. If the Greenies want to put their money where their mouths are, then EV prices need to plummet to the point where they push ICE vehicles out of the market - which is the point of Net Zero. The only difference is the West wants to impoverish their own citizens in the process. Here in the nascent rising BRICS nations? Their government want to pull their populations spending power up so that they have consumers in the market to which they can sell at affordable prices. Thai subsidies for Chinese EV makers wreak havoc on auto sector https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Automobiles/Electric-vehicles/Thai-subsidies-for-Chinese-EV-makers-wreak-havoc-on-auto-sector
  10. A fact which I've been stating over and over and over again. 97% of politicians are power-hungry people who make a living out of lying while seeking their own self-interests by accruing political power as well as the wealth that political power brings with it. As representatives they should be working in the interests of the people, but few do. Most work for the interests of their wealthy donors including corporations. In that sense, where they develop public-private partnerships with the businesses of the wealthy and of corporations - it's there that we find the seeds of true Fascism growing out of control. If a political party is able to rise and express the interests of the populace, it is hammered by those who control the state. All major political parties as well as their members embrace a nascent Fascistic, totalitarian world-view. The only exceptions are a handful of Independents, and Centrists, and some from relatively new Populist parties who seek to work for the benefit of the masses in politics. And those in power seek to malign them, disparage them, libel and defame them, and ultimately to crush them.
  11. Buttigieg Tells Fox Viewers that MAGA Is a Cult The Progressive Marxist Left are applying this strategy in most Western countries. They wrap themselves up in a rainbow and green flag, call themselves "Democracy," and unleash their true totalitarian natures by spreading hatred, fear, and sowing division. And then they attempt to go into action by banning the speech, the rights of assembly, and the political parties of their adversary who the label as "Dangers to Democracy." Yet the project their totalitarian agenda on those whom they hate. They seek to used the power of the state to silence their political enemies. They seek to use the power of the state to outlaw the gathering of their political enemies. They seek finally to disband the parties of their political enemies and jail their leaders and supporters. They seek to use the state and the media to whip their own supporters into a hate-filled frenzy and then unleash them on social media and on the streets. They seek to project their own hatred and intolerance on their political enemies and their supporters inferring that these people have the qualities that they themselves engender: hate, intolerance, and the embracing of totalitarianism. They then call this: "Democracy." It's not - it is nascent Totalitarianism - and that is a danger to our Representative Republic as well as nations in the European West who were once Democracies. It's happening in Europe right now and the only thing stopping it from infecting the United States is our Constitution.
  12. Will do! I'm definitely curious how this is going to shake out. I'll keep this up-to-date. Delivery time is usually two weeks so, back in a couple...
  13. They should just rename "Political Soapbox" to "Dumpster Fire." All that is here is hate and vitriol aimed directly at everyone who isn't down with the Left's Marxist totalitarian vision for the world that, by extension, will end up making Orwell's 1984 look like a walk in the park. And then you freaks project what your own desires are onto those whom you revile and hate - which is anyone who holds conservative or traditional values. Ya'll are seriously disturbed in a twisted, mentally unstable sort of manner. Why are you people even here? You should go back to the train-wreak that the West is becoming because you fit in better there than you will here when the change that is coming arrives. Every time I read some of the hate-filled nonsense spewed in this particular forum, I feel like taking a shower. Enjoy the freak-show and your hate-fest. I'm done with this.
  14. I spread generosity where it is deserved or needed. I don't follow other's leads nor do I really care. I do what feels right.
  15. Prime candidate for the Pattaya Flying Club. You live in Pattaya bob?
  16. I see the resemblance. Same laugh!
  17. Selected: The Way Of The New Liberal Democracy. Elections are so passe.
  18. "Oh Elizabeth, this is the Big One. I feel in coming. I'll need to go back to my penthouse suite at the hospital or it will be the end of me!"
  19. So the victim was a "somebody." Had the victim been a "nobody" then there would be no cause for "deep sorrow" as only families from the Subdistrict Administrative Organisation (SAO) have the capacity for "deep sorrow." I'm a reading that right. God I hate Thai's addiction to status. It makes a mockery of the lives of everyone else.
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