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Everything posted by connda

  1. I'm not anti-mRNA therapy, but it needs massive research, study, and long-term trials before being approved for human or animal use. Nor am I anti-mRNA vaccinations, but the same as with gene therapy and they need to be proven "safe and effective" as opposed to using that phrase as a propaganda slogan as is still being done.
  2. I few, like myself, think it's tragic, but at the same time you have to acknowledge that the stupidity of it makes you want to laugh out of a sense of the total absurdity. Like shaking your head and laughing, but not because it's funny but because it's so ludicrous.
  3. Well, if she posts to Youtube she'll get a few millions hits. If she monetizes, it may help with getting a couple of prosthetics.
  4. The only time I take a selfie is for Immigration photos for a marriage extension, and I only do it if nobody else is around who can help. Selfies - the quintessential statement of narcissism. Also a wonderful way to win a Darwin Award.
  5. Gillette will keep making "New And Improved" razors with expensive price tags to cater to those with tons of disposable income the toss in the trash. They'll never improve on this.
  6. Historic Drop in Illegal Border Crossings Following Trump’s Crackdown Good.
  7. It's more crowded in this topic than on opening day of salmon fishing off of the Columbia bar.
  8. @Red Phoenix Sweet Jesus Buddha Red, I went to Makro today and I'd estimate that 75% of the clones were masked up - freaking 5 years after Covid hit the world stage. Talk about a bunch of psychologically damaged people. Honestly - in the 18 years that I've lived here I've had a common cold twice and the only "flu" that I've had was the mild case of Covid, milder that most influenza cases I've had in the West. In comparison, in the US I'd get colds and upper respiratory infections at least once a year and often twice (sometimes more), and I'm talking some real doozies. I don't understand the irrational fear driving compulsive masking other than the Covid propaganda did a number on most Thais (and farangs for that matter too). From the standpoint of upper respiratory infections, this is about one of the most respiratory infection free places on the planet. I guess people will also blame it on "bad air" but the AQI in Lamphun is not bad all all, and out where I live SE of the city and over the mountains, it's very pleasant and clear today. Not your average mid-February Northern Thailand AQI in the least. So, "no," it's not the air quality. Just freaked out people who are still freaked out. I just don't understand and never will. Now that RFK Jr is confirmed at head of the NHS, I hope he gets to the bottom of the Covid fiasco and we begin to get some answers regarding how it was set up and executed - you know, turning "conspiracy theory" into "conspiracy fact." Given a long enough time line the truth is going to come out and the facts will be ugly.
  9. Perfect timing!
  10. Same as saying benzine here in Thailand whereas you'd just say gasoline in the US.
  11. Are you criticizing Trump's tariffs or Thailand's tariffs?
  12. Per Grok: "This week, the Thai Parliament is scheduled to debate two constitutional amendment bills. These bills aim to amend Section 256 of the Constitution to ease restrictions and pave the way for a new charter drafting process. Specifically, the amendments would introduce a new Chapter 15/1, which would establish a Constitution Drafting Assembly to write a new constitution. However, there are concerns about the passage of these bills, with indications from recent parliamentary sessions suggesting possible obstacles, including issues with quorum and opposition from certain parties like the Bhumjaithai Party." Note to wannabe journalists: It's generally a good idea to clue the reading public in on the topics of Constitutional amendments if you're going to report on them. That's kinda the point of journalism. Yeah?
  13. What was the Constitutional amendments? "Only those whose surnames begin with 'Shin-' can be Thailand's rulers," and "All 'Shin' get a Get Out Of Jail Free card?" Asking for a friend.
  14. I've had two deliveries within the week where delivery drivers have dropped packages on the top of our fence instead of delivering them in person. Today the guy called while I was on the road. I pulled over and called him back - 5 times. Ring - hang up. Ring - hang up. Ring - hang up. Ring - hang up. Ring - hang up. Got home and found the package, a new case for my guitar, sitting on top of the fence. Not good. Anyway, I've handed off the delivery driver's phone number to the (pissed off) wife who will proceed to read The Riot Act to said delivery guy. These people come through the village every day so it's not like they can't bring it the next day. I even checked the delivery company before I left on errands and the package was received this morning but that was no notice that it was out for delivery and the stated delivery date is tomorrow. Anyway, anyone else having this issue? Have you had anything stolen that wasn't properly delivered in person?
  15. Thailand said it was going to ditch the 50%-plus tariff on wine. Has that happened yet?
  16. Jack seems to have never discovered Google Maps. Good lord, even 18 years ago there was Google Earth. I always checked out where the location of places I was traveling to and the transport to get there before leaving. Methinks that Jack is a Dull Boy.
  17. I'll have to try that!
  18. Make sure to keep up on your Covid boosters. They are "Effective" and they will keep you "Safe." Now repeat the benediction after me: "Safe and Effective, Safe and Effective, Safe and Effective" <kneel, genuflect, grasp your chest and keel over>
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