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Everything posted by connda

  1. Star Visa out by Big C on the ring road seems like a winner to me. I know the area. Thanks!
  2. Me too - I hope tobacco and then alcohol get the axe as well, in that order.
  3. Thai government urged to regulate booming influencer industry Thai government urged to regulate censor and shut down free-speech within the booming influencer industry. There! Fixed it!
  4. The hospital later apologised, with Dr Adinun Kittiratanapaibool explaining that staff acted with good intentions to protect patient welfare hospital's and airline's reputations. There! Fixed it!
  5. Corporations hate liability and will go to extreme measures to avoid paying out anything to the victims.
  6. I feel very bad for these people. However, how many people unbuckle their seat-belt just because the "Seatbelt" sign is not lit? I've flown commercial and as a private pilot - when I'm sitting in a plane, my seat-belt is fastened unless I have to get up and use the restroom. My guess is that most of the injured were seat-belt free. Just like wearing a seat-belt in a car: 99.999999999% of the time you don't need it - you need it when the 0.000000001% of the time event occurs. 🙏 Prayers for the injured and dead.
  7. I need to get a picture for a US Passport renewal. The US State Department are nitpickers about the correct photo size and composition and will reject applications with incorrect photos. I'm looking for a photo shop -- that has adequate parking -- where I can get a US passport photo that will pass the State Department's requirements. Considering it takes 6 to 8 weeks now to mail-in and renew a US passport, I don't want the application rejected due to a bad passport picture. Key takeaways: 1. Photo shop that can take US passport pictures that meet the State Department's requirements 2. Gotta be able to find car parking near the store (I'm getting to old to walk)
  8. Easy. Tell the world that Thailand doesn't want tourist or their money. Stop issuing visas - Bob's your uncle! "Ai farang. We don't need no stinky tourists." Signed, Uncle Anutin
  9. "Democracy" goes to the highest bidder. Pretty much globally. So I see Thaksin "I'm On My Deathbed" Shinawatra has suddenly made a miraculous recovery and is now in the forefront to reestablishing himself into the Thai political power structure. Hallelujah - Praise Buddha - A Miracle!!!
  10. It's called "Modern Journalism." It's now the new norm.
  11. Good. It's called diplomacy. It keeps the "Crazies In The Basement" from starting World Wars with nuclear outcomes.
  12. There is nothing safe about tuk tuks, but anyone with a functioning set of eyes and half a brain should be able to determine that before stepping foot inside.
  13. From Statista Consumer Insights https://www.statista.com/chart/30142/respondents-who-identify-as-lgbt--in-selected-countries/
  14. Shhhh. No one is suppose to know! "Fascism recognises the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade-unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which diverent interests are coordinated and harmonised in the unity of the State... The Fascist State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organised in their respective associations, circulate within the State." ― Benito Mussolini I believe Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile envisioned the State itself as being the primary controller of all aspects of society, but in the last 20 years corporations have become founts of ungodly sums of revenues and profits and now can essentially buy governmental and political power, hence organizations like the WEF. And a Fascist State works well for their interests as well. Working hand-in-hand with the government, corporations can leverage the government to pave the way for laws which will increase corporate revenues and therefore power for corporations, and in turn they shower government entities and politicians with wealth which entrenches the politicians into their governments for lifetimes and allow those individual politicians to also accrue massive power. So Public-Private Partnerships are a marriage made in Hell which benefits both the corporate and governmental stakeholders at the expense of the average man and woman on the streets who are looked upon by both governments and corporations as little more then livestock to be used, exploited, and then culled. And the livestock commoners must be surveilled, watched, and controlled. A cashless society where governments and corporations monitor every satang spent by every individual pretty much borders on the ideals of the "Utopian F-word" that Mussolini and Gentile envisioned for the rest of us - commoners who must be controlled by the iron-hand of the State for the benefit of corporations and the State. But nobody studies history, philosophy, economics, or sociology anymore, so most people don't have a clue. Most people are just pulled by their nose-ring down the kill-chute as they are told that sacrificing for the State is their patriotic duty. Austerity is good for the planet! And as far as the average person goes nowadays, if it's not some super-star flashing their bacon and their bling on TikTok, most people don't care. "The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes." ― Aldous Huxley
  15. No. The government wants to keep track of how much you spend and on what so they can get tax you to death and throw you in jail if you buy the wrong stuff or don't give them enough of your money. Corporations what to know how much you spend and on what so they can target you as a human commodity, sell your data, and market you to death. Now if you use cash? All of that wonderful data is lost to them. So the corporations work with the government (Public-Private Partnerships) and will eventually have the government make cash illegal so that they CAN collect all of that information. However? Then a very rich and robust black market will develop to fill in the vacuum. Watch! In the meantime - use cash whenever you can as it make going cashless more of a PITA for both corporate and government entities.
  16. I live out here in the Thai rice-field boondocks and most of the Mom&Pop stores have a QR Code taped near where they take money, but honestly, virtually no one uses anything but cash. 🤔 Let see, I need some onions and some pakchee and this snack. How much? 😁 20 baht. 🤔 Now let's see, should I take my phone out, log in, open my banking app, log in, screw around with the app until I've got the QR code scanner, and - dang, weak signal. Screw it. Here's 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20...baht (dumps change on the counter). 😁 Kop Kun Kaa!
  17. Signed, Klaus Schwab P.S. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy. And enjoy your vacation. You commoner swill need to stop traveling in order to save the planet for global warming. What? My private jet. Mind your own business commoners. Shut up and eat the bugs!
  18. But but but but....mobile payment is soooooo convenient!
  19. I carry cash all the time. I hate getting stuck behind someone at the store who has to fiddle with their phone for 5 minutes to get their payment app to work - and it happen more often then not. Me? Get to the cash register, hand over cash, and the transaction is finished in 15 seconds. 🤪 "But mobile payment is convenient!" Bunk - no it's not. Cash Is King!
  20. They should close all Thai schools. Why risks the health of The Children. Isn't it better to just allow kids to be uneducated than to risk any child falling ill and dying from the evil Covid plague which has returned to Thailand seeking victims? Close the school now for the sake of The Children!!!
  21. I know that before I come out from under my bed and venture outside, I put on my 3M P100 mask. Then I spray the inside of my car with disinfectant and shut off the air condition while I drive alone. Covid is a sneaky little bugger and will travel miles in the outdoor air to find a susceptible lung to infect, and then will infiltrate your car's A/C system and - Sha-Zaam! The next thing your know you're on a ventilator and a day later you're pushing up daisies. It happens all the time to the unvaxxed and Covid conspiracy theorists who refuse to wear masks. It serves them right - "Unbelievers will be punished," sayth SARS-Cov-2!!! It's best to stay home under your bed with your mask on - much, much safer. Breathing fresh, outdoor air will kill you for sure!!! So put those masks on. Don't worry about the finger-sized holes around the sides of your cloth mask. The mask itself is like garlic to Dracula: Sars-Cov-2 sees the mask and will shoot away in abject fear. So mask up. Masks are like religious icon and The Evil Covid Viruses will avoid them with the fear of Buddha, God, and Allah. So mask up and keep it on 24 hours a day or Covid will get ya.
  22. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Time to mask up and hide under the bed. It's Nightmare On Covid Avenue and Freddy Kruger Uncle Sars-Cov-2 will get 'cha for sure if you let your guard down for a second!!! Be afraid plebs!!! The Doctor has warned you!!!
  23. One notable characteristic shared by the majority of power-mad authoritarian p**cks in the West like Khan: Hypocrisy.
  24. I could have sworn he was weak, frail, and on his death bed. Now! A Miraculous Recovery! Energy galore! Negotiating with Myanmar Rebels! Coordinating Political Strategies. Healthy As an Ox! It's a MIRACLE! Hallelujah!!! Praise be to Buddha! 🙏
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