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Everything posted by connda

  1. “My Home is My Castle” - but killing intruders can lead to jail True in the US, at least in the areas of the country I lived in. Here in Thailand - Your Home Is Your Death-Trap Well - at least if you are a victim of an armed home invasion. If an armed Thai breaches the perimeter of your property and forces their way into your home - and you are a farang? Either: 1. The armed assailant kills you; or 2. The state jails or kills you should you fight back and best your attacker. And the RTP will assure the public that "Justice Will Be Found." And in even more absurd cases the state will rule that you in fact robbed the arm home invaded after defending yourself with weaponless hands based only on allegations of other Thai family members of the armed home invader. Why? There's rules for Thais and rules for the evil, "rich" national security risks which all farang are all assumed to be. I mean, we report to the Thai police just like Thai prison parolees. With Thais though - the parole eventually end. With farang expats? - it never ends. We are assumed to be a danger and if we are attacked in our own homes and we fight back??? "Well see - farangs are a security risk and a danger to Thai!" Bottom line??? State Sanctioned Open Season on Farang Expats In Their Own Homes (If you choose to protect your life, limb, family, and property - then - Do not pass Go, Do not collect $200 - Go straight to jail) I find what transpired this week to be one of the most disturbing events that I've encounter since I moved here. The ramifications for all foreign expat, especially farang expats who are all assumed to be "rich", are immense in that we may legally be disallowed from defending our own lives in our own homes.
  2. Because this is not about public health, it's about control. Those who want unlimited power over the populace will ride the crest of the Covid wave as long as possible. Prohibitions are a common tactics of the power elite. It shows the commoners who is in charge. It makes the commoners compliant. "Do as we say and will give a little freedom back to you if you're good little plebs. Obey!"
  3. Which is not a problem is you have the P.3 and P.4 for a legal firearm. My wife ran this scenario past the village headsman as well as the local police as I was away from home for extended periods of time last year. They told her deadly force was allowed if our locked property line or home were breached by an intruder. This is the exact reason the Thai government issues firearm permits - home defense, and most farang would be seriously surprised to know how many Thais own legal firearms especially out here in rural Thailand. Are Thais allow to carry them around? No. But for home defense. Yep. So many constantly comment on America gun culture and yet most can't even see the tip of the gun culture iceberg here in Thailand.
  4. There was a girl from Amnat Chaeoen, a snake entering her home was a concern. She took a sauce-pan, And with heavy-hand, Sent said snake to an untimely urn.
  5. Ask my wife about this today and it seems Thais are as baffled on this as we are. Perhaps this time around we just let the cops figure it all out.
  6. Opss! If the reenactment is correct? Once the Swiss guy tossed the gun over the fence it was a fist fight. Kill someone in a fist fight espcially outside of your home. I've seen Thai and Thai "self-defense" shooting that happened in the yard and the defender ended up in jail. Thai law - go figure. Kill a guy without a weapon in the vicinity? Well, that's manslaughter. Maybe murder although that implies intent. But - I don't know the Thai judicial system. Who knows now? What a cluster-foxtrot. I feel for the guy. My wife is adamant about me not going outside to investigate at night. Just let the dogs do the dirty work as we have a lot of territorial dogs and significant barbed-wire fence. One way or another you'd get torn up coming over. If someone breaks into the house? Well - I could then be in the Swiss guys position. I would never want to be in that position. But - if I need to protect my home and property I'd try my best to be inside the house. Legally is seems to make a difference. Time will tell on this one. I feel for the Swiss guy. This sucks.
  7. If I walk into a bank or gold shop with a gun and get shot dead, am I the perpetrator or victim?
  8. There is a reason I don't normally wade into this. The facts will ultimately appear in independent, long-term studies. The vaccines haven't been used on the general public for even a year and most are still in phase III live-trials. Long-term studies (5+ years) will tell the actual story. Until then? It will be a game manipulating observational statistics and censorship when observations don't fit the 'correct' narrative. I'm gonna butt out. Eventually reality, one way or the other, will surface in science and medical journals around 2026. In the meantime? You take care of yourself the best you can - somebody will be wrong, somebody will be right.
  9. Sad that the 'vaccines' are not 'sterilizing vaccines' that promote full-immunity. What the world really needed are Covid vaccines that give the recipient full immunity - like the polio vaccine. Or the mumps vaccines. Or the measles vaccines - all of which I've had. Haven't had a chicken pox vaccine as I'm old enough to have had chicken pox. I would give that vaccine to my own children. It concerns me deeply that the Covid vaccines do not provide that type of full immunity. And as such they are "leaky" and leaky vaccines cause "immune escape" leading to mutation. Yeah, I'm concerned. A lot as I have double-jabbed (in the US) family members fighting Covid break-through infections as I write this. And they are very sick. "But you need to keep taking vaccines!", we are being told. Well then, it never ends - how convenient for those making vaccine profits. This current generation of Covid vaccines, imho, will never work - not vaccines that do not provide full immunity. Hopefully Big Pharma and government regulators will allow proven anti-virals to address this issue. This ends with anti-viral and anti-viral prophylaxis treatment as far as I"m concerned. This generation of Covid vaccines are a merry-go-round that you will never, ever get off.
  10. The story will never get spun as "wife calls Thai boyfriend to family home with gun in order to murder farang husband." These headlines could have easily read, "Swiss pensioner murdered in home invasion as wife slept." My Spidey-Sense tells me that's how the headline may have been supposed to read. But I'm thinking it's closer to the truth. ????
  11. I've been thinking about how the Thai press and RTP will spin this: "Jealous farang husband lures wife's lover into home and entices him to bring a loaded firearm before brutally murdering the defenseless armed intruder in a fit of rage!!!" Does that sound about right???
  12. Although legally licensed firearms as more common than you'd think in Thailand, a conceal carry permit is not. Most firearms are for home defense. Carrying a firearm in public is a serious offense.
  13. Yeah, we have them all around the house. Only good for after the fact, but they do leave a visual record of events.
  14. So the story gets twisted Thai style. The wife has a boy-friend who jumps the fence and threatens the Swiss farang with a deadly weapon - a revolver. The Swiss farang defends himself, disarms the attacker, and ties him up for the police. Attacker dies. Swiss farang is now a terrible person deserving of jail and whatever hell the Thai legal system can throw at him while cheered on by the attacker's family and the Thai public. He's obviously a guilty bad-man because his wife and the attacker were screwing behind his back and ripping off his wealth. So the entire affair is the Swiss farang's fault and he should be thrown into a prison for the rest of his life - or pay the family his life savings. Anyway you cut it, the Swiss farang is guilty as hell and the authorities will find something to pin on him in the name of "justice." Does that sound about right? Yeah? Why do I think he was the only victim?
  15. With small and medium businesses struggling not to go bankrupt, demanding vaccinations will be the mantra of the news media and government - but the reality? TIT - the reality will be something else. "Hey love, can I have another Heineken coffee?" <bartender, errr waitress pour amber liquid from a green bottle into a coffee cup>
  16. Ok. It was a BDSM threesome that went "South?" Let the cops clean it up. If it was a armed home invasion (which is my guess) then I hope this man is released ASAP.
  17. Ahhhh. Yes. Of course. So why not just post with your original profile? You need a new profile to tell us all you've been here for 15 years, an old timer by golly! Let me just be blunt - What's your original profile? Why the charades? If I was leaving - I'd post with THIS profile! The one establish in 2009 although I came here in 2007. Why the slight of hand and hocus-pocus? Really? Honestly. I don't believe you. And BTW, I don't disagree with your OP - just don't play like you're some 'old timer.' Why?
  18. We will miss you and your 9 previous posts. I'm sorry to see you leave after all of your informative input to these forums. You'll be missed my friend. Best of luck.
  19. Yep. Any anything with an SHA+ rating. Everyone else. Too bad, so sad. Peasants.
  20. I come to Thailand, I pay off all my wife's bills with Farmer Bank, I put her son through school, I purchase property, provide her with a home, I provide her with a solid middle-class Thai life - and according to the OP and his elitist friends - I"m a f***ing a*****e. Op and others who believe they are God's gift to the world? Talk about elitist prigs. Who the hell are you to judge me and others like me who take care of our Thai families. Here's something you should complain about. How about some Farang woman who marries some Thai guy making 20K THB a month. Ok, after three years (or 1 year if she had a Thai child) she can apply for citizenship. So when Thai hubby dies - who takes care of her? Why not rail about the injustices of that?
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