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Everything posted by connda

  1. Yeah. The governments (worldwide) are using this so-called "emergency: to leverage agendas that otherwise would never be allowed to fly. Here in Thailand the government has been hell-bent to implement a Neo-prohibition as well as enforcing a new morality on the unwashed masses. At the end of the day it's about showing the serfs who is in control. However, in the process they'll destroy their economy, especially the economies that supported the more economically vulnerable. The high-and-mighty only care for themselves. They want high-end revenue streams only - which - only benefit the wealthy and the governmental tools of the Thai ubermenchen. The lower and middle class are being tossed under the bus with willful impunity. So yeah - Go-Gos and the like are a thing of the past as well as the foreign tourism population that frequented Go-Gos and the bar-girl scene. Go-Go, the bar-scene, as well as your average farang tourist will be discouraged. Destroy the bar-scene and many foreigners will go elsewhere. You can find the same scenes in places like the PI or Mexico. Whether the Karaoke and shower-massage scene survives will be dependent on the Thai male population. Too many well-to-do Thai men frequent the Karaoke and Ap-Op-Nuat scenes so that may actually make a come-back (no pun intended). But that scene culturally caters to Thais and not farang. I don't think the high-and-mighty moralists in Bangkok are doing to destroy Thai cultural icons. It really depends on the social status of those who complain the loudest about these government imposed restrictions.
  2. Translated: Wealth for the rich; Austerity for the commoners.
  3. Whose fault is that doc? The people who aren't allowed to exercise? I don't think so.
  4. Phuket immigration very strict on retirement extension requirements They are not being 'strict.' The IO is ignoring the Police Order as it is written. The actual question is: "Why?" The answer is probably obvious.
  5. Me too. I should live forever! <laughs>
  6. "Think thus of all this fleeting world -- A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, A flash of lightening in a summer cloud, A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream." -- From The Diamond Sutra
  7. Have you ever considered that the 'deathless' state of Nibbana (or full Enlightment) is in fact extinction? Some think that extinction is scary. Perhaps it's the height of compassionate existence? Just wondering out loud.
  8. But - imho - it's worst to be completely unprepared - that's avoidance. Obsessing about it is unhealthy. Preparing for the inevitable is simply acceptance.
  9. Not in Thailand though - at least not in a hospital. Now if you have a friend of a friend with connections in the Golden Triangle - well maybe.
  10. "Sleep. Those little slices of Death. How I loath them." Edgar Allen Poe But I'm not EAP. There is nothing like a good night sleep an awaking with a refreshing, renewed mind and body. I thing what Poe missed is that there is renewal within that 'death.'
  11. A nihilistic view, or perhaps the definition of Nirvana? Nothing left - totally empty.
  12. ‘Bangkok’s Hamptons’: why Thailand’s elite are buying beach properties in Hua Hin Because the polar ice caps are melting and they'll make a killing in insurance claims when their properties are flooded? Probably not. If the ice caps were melting for real? You couldn't obtain any insurance on those properties no less obtain a title.
  13. Am I afraid to die? That's sort of a "yes" and "no" question. From a purely physical sense, the body and mind are wired for survival. That's just the nature of it. When the body and mind face an extinction level threat - it goes into high-gear. Think of situations where you almost died. How did your body and mind react? Then comes the rational and metaphysical sense for those who have cultured it. Especially as a Buddhist practitioner who has done a whole lot of mediation in my life-time. Now note - I didn't say a "follower of Buddhist religion." I said I'm a practitioner. There's a difference. So I don't necessarily buy the Buddhist cosmology hook, line, and sinker. Buddhism is not my 'religion.' Christianity is my religion. That should confuse a lot of people <laughs>. If you dive deeply into your inner being, then you understand a lot of the sign-posts that someone like the man Siddhārtha Gautama hung out for us to see and practice. Just like the man, Jesus of Nazareth. My feeling is that if you have done a significant amount of deep introspection, you arrive at a gnosis - an understanding - and therein - fear of death dissolves. But at the moment of death - those inner instinct may take over. There are people who can see through that fear and beyond. I'm not there yet. Few are. But I have enough experience to understand the gross nature of the 'fear of death' and how/why it arise. Not being a Buddhist arahant (people who can actually see through the fabric of what appears to be 'reality' but is not). From that perspective? I don't fear death. In the throes of death? Well I hope I can apply insight as I release this mortal form. But rationally - I don't fear death. It's part and parcel of birth and life.
  14. When it actually works - or - when the Immigration RTP get a few terminals to be able to tap into that data. This country must have a few hundred government databases none of which share data.
  15. Lazada can find me. Shopee can find me. The Thai post office can find me. Easy-peezy! So riddle me this. Why are immigration's databases so outdated that you can't - right now - find any foreigner declared address in one click? Also - why is your online 90 day reporting 50 years outdated and non-functional so often. Is it running on WIndows 3.1 on Paradox? Lazada can do it Shopee can do it The Thai post office can do it. Why is it such a major problem for the immigration branch of the RTP? Speaking as an ex-computer-science type of guy here in the 21th century, I find your dilemma as one that is self-imposed. It's your own fault. But? Blame the evil non-Thais that you vilify and need to track for the crime of breathing the same air as precious Thai people. And btw - you're database of current addresses isn't going to do squat if someone commits a crime and runs. What moronic criminal returns home to wait for the cops? I'm mean, granted, the RTP have a serious job in front of them. How about that Thai feller with the Farrari that killed one of your brethren and yet is as free as a bird? If you can't find a Thai billionaire how do you expect to find a "nobody farang?"
  16. Yet what he'll accomplish is that he'll alienate the 99.9% of expats living here in peace while making foreigners entering Thailand for the purpose non-criminal activity think twice about coming at all because Thailand now has an even more fearfully xenophobic and racist environment aimed directly at non-Thais than ever before. Boy Howdy I can't wait to see the new and improved harassment measures fit for criminal parolees. Mandatory GPS trackers anyone? New hand-drawn maps to my residence of 14 years to add to the stacks of hand-drawn maps they already have (ain't it time to embrace technology Pak dear buddy? You know, like a printed Google map with GPS coordinates and an "X" where I live. That way if I commit a crime like all of us evil expats plan to do, then the cops can go right to where I won't be if I'm on the run!!!) Another day in paradise.
  17. Most Thai gals don't need a bra in the first place. There's nothing there to support! Personally I'm a fan of gals who are members of the IBTC (ity-bity t**** committee).
  18. Personally - I like the tease. "We're gonna get a 'free shot' by golly. Dohhhhh, short, shorts!!!"
  19. Good question. I watch this boiling front of red and yellow radar images for two hours on the Thai weather radars as it crossed northern Thailand. It just broke up as it hit Chiang Mai and Lamphun. Looked like a lion for the two hours I monitored it. When it hit? "Meow." Turned into a pussy cat. Look - throwing the evil people having sex under the rubber tree into jail appeased the gods. I wonder what the lucky lotto numbers are?
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