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Everything posted by connda

  1. Welcome to Prayut's playground farang! Get that bill-fold open! No nightlife, no entertainment, no alcohol, Covid-infested beaches closed, no fun. But we'll offer you farm tours - How fun right???
  2. <cue sound of someone sitting on a Whoopie Cushion; slide whistle; canned laughter>
  3. That's ok. Now the government will enact legislation that will put mom and pops pensions and the minuscule transfers of the masses under a magnifying glass. The rich and wealthy? Hey - the banks simply launder their money and then accept the small fines as part of doing business as no bank executive ever goes to jail for breaking money laundering laws. Someone shined a light on the cockroaches and they scattered - but they are still there.
  4. For those who wish to believe in Tree Fairies? The more likely reason the trees are coming down is because the tree gods are mad as hell at the way man has treated their creations. And they are mad as hell at all the men who cut the rest of the sacred rubber trees in Thailand and bleed the life out of them.
  5. Those trees along the Lamphun-CM highway can't be too sacred. The locals have poured cement and asphalt around the bases of the trees choking the life out of them. So now most all of those old, magnificent trees are sick with weak root structures and they will continue to fall in the future. Sorry. Is animism a revered religion? When the trees fall they locals will blame everyone but themselves. They are themselves to blame. Bad people go 'boom boom' on rubber tree. Please! Wake up!
  6. Thai nationals are issued gun permits specifically for Home Defense. So yes. A Thai could have defended themselves against an armed home invasion (with a legal gun) and would probably be sleeping in their own bed the following night. A foreigner defends themselves against an armed home invasion - with their empty hands (not a gun) - and they end up in jail.
  7. If defending yourself against deadly force is a crime - yeah. No foreigner in their right minds should ever come here. Because your choice in that situation is do nothing and die or suffer grievous bodily harm - or - defend yourself and go to jail. No Castle Doctrine in Thailand? Well -- then it is now Open Season for armed, home invasion of any and all foreigners residing in Thailand. Let that sink in.
  8. Watch this closely. If he goes to jail after being threatened with a gun in his own home? Very scary.
  9. Web sites: Alex Jones Infowars and Prison-Planet Youtube: Rhema Christian Ministries Live The Lawrence Welk Show That will keep ya busy.
  10. I rest my case. Hated for the Chinese as well as ad-hominem attacks toward those who don't share their own hatred toward the Chinese and their vaccines. Vaccine which are approved by the World Health Organization and are key component of the Thai vaccine effort. Thank you for proving my point.
  11. She can't take it to a US court. So don't worry about it. However - do your part to help the kid live a decent life. Be a Dad, be part of the child's life, give the mother adequate funds to raise the child in a good, middle-class (Thai) environment but paying those funds gives you access to your child. Unless you don't want access to your child. Do the right thing and you'll have nothing to worry about. Don't be a jerk.
  12. You can get them at any major pharmacy that maintains a pharmacist on staff during working hours (as opposed to mom and pop pharmacies, which may have them). Legally they can now be bought online. Maybe someone has a link.
  13. Like outdated laws restricting the sale of alcohol?
  14. They should have left it up to farangs. A Flip-Flop A Day Keeps The Tourists Away!
  15. In this xenophobia atmosphere of visceral hatred of all things Chinese by such a large number of Western expats (I find this beyond sad and I don't share the anti-Chinese sentiment), for me Sinovac and Sinophram are the only vaccines I want while I wait for the rollout of Novavax.
  16. It's called immune escape and is caused by leaky vaccines, ie, vaccines that are not 'sterilizing vaccines' who provide the recipient with full immunity. All the current crop of Covid vaccines are "leaky", none are sterilizing vaccines (I wish they were), and as such they facilitate immune escape. That sucks. And around and around we will go. Close your eyes, plug your ears - but that won't make it go away. Immune escape https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.371.6527.329 https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1002198 Leaky vaccines https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4516275/
  17. Kratom has been taken off the table and the prisoners releases. If the same was done for marijuana (remember Anutin? 6 plants per family "Hah! bs) then they'd empty out half their prisons.
  18. If I had a time machine I would have stayed in Thailand through 2008 and then vacated to a county which actually want's retirees.
  19. Dolphin Roundabout New Development So they are going to build a circular pool and stock it with dolphins? Flipper should be happy as a clam! "Ek ek ek ek ek! Chit chit chit chit chit." <flips in the air>
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