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Everything posted by connda

  1. The inactivated virus vaccines are the only vaccines I'd allow my children to have.
  2. The average Thai has poor spacial relation aptitude. You can see it on the road all the time. You'll be driving down the road to a ☠️U-Turn Of Death ☠️ and a car will have it's hood poked out onto the third lane, and when you're far away and they could easily cut in front of you they wait, and then when you get close to the U-Turn Of Death they pull out in front of you as the slow speed. Same with passing. I drive at a moderate speed on two lane highways so people who are in big big hurry and need go fast fast quick quick will inevitably hang back when there is a clear lane to pass on, and then when you are within 100 meters of a blind corner or the top of a hill - they pass - often with a car coming the other direction who simply gets forced off the road. It's just insane. They have no concept of time and space.
  3. The U-Turns Of Death. ☠️ Up here in Lamphun/CM on Highway 11 they have built multiple fly-over bridges with well engineered, safe U-turn lanes under the bridges. And yet, travel a kilometer down the road and you have The U-Turns Of Death. They should be closed and u-turn traffic diverted the extra 1 or 2 kilometer to the U-turn lanes under the bridges - but - Noooo!!! "Thai driver in big big hurry and need go fast fast quick quick." The Speed Trumps Safety insanity is built into the culture and propagated by the MOT. Everyone is in a hurry to die and the Thai Ministry of Transportation helps them right along to their next rebirth as a BMW or Mercedes-Benz or Ferrari or perhaps a Ducati.
  4. Heck, when I approach a rail-road crossing with the barrier up and the lights dark, I still stop and look both directions before stopping. It drives my 'back-seat-driving' wife crazy but I've seen instance where warning lights and barriers have been non-operational as the train comes plowing through! As a driver you are the captain of your own ship. Driving defensively keep you breathing.
  5. I've raised the question before. Now a Foreign Man married to a Thai woman need to have 40K/month or 400K in the bank and no path to citizenship and your Thai wife can not contribute to your required finances. A Foreign Woman married to a Thai man needs no financial requirement although the Thai man is suppose to make 20K/month and the foreign wife can contribute to that 20K requirement and she has a direct path to citizenship after 3 years of marriage (1 year if she has a Thai child). So yeah - How would immigration handle a Foreign Woman married to a Thai Women, or a Foreign Man married to a Thai Man. Hummm. ???? Boy that would rock the boat 'eh?
  6. When did they legalize same sex civil unions. I have gay family members who would like that. That would be a reason for them to come to Thailand. I read further and I guess not. However, personally I have no problems with it. Given the acceptance of transsexuals in Thai society recognizing gay marriages would be the next step forward.
  7. The Saudis generally want skilled labor, like engineers. At a tech school level - underwater welding. They can train the locals to become oil rig roustabouts.
  8. Legalized human trafficking? Make one wonder. I've heard stories from Filipinos. However if they are allowed to keep their passport and are given a good wage? Well - I hope so. It could be a win-win situation if the compensation is good. It could also be a very sad story. Then you need to wonder how many Buddhist boys will return as Takfiri Wahhabists. That will be great for Thailand. Wonder if they have thought that one through? ????
  9. It wouldn't be myself as pot is illegal in Thailand and I've no interest in visiting the inside of a Thai prison. Have I used it? Yep. Will I use it in Thailand. Nope. Therefore I spent a lot of time in Thailand around drunk expats. And having come from a country where pot is legal - I know the difference. Those who haven't been around marijuana and used it simply have no accurate way to compare and contrast alcohol and marijuana - so - everything is Reefer Madness. Then we get "Stories-From-The-Barstools" about crazed homicidal pot smokers which makes those who have been in the marijuana culture giddy and laugh because that narrative really is so off-base that it's funny.
  10. After mum and dad tells him that, he downs a handful of meth with a Kaow Laow chaser and goes back home and murders his parents. But true. Thai guys are coddled by mummy and daddy (if daddy is even around - and mummy in a lot of case is grand-mum). However many of them turn out to be OK. My Thai son for instance. Extremely shy kid but never did drugs. We pulled him out of the village and put him in a private school in Chiang Mai. He then got a job selling electronics. Being in sales completely changed that shy kid into are really responsible person. Owns his own car and house and is really a wonderful young guy. I'm proud of him. Most of his friends from the village are in prison. That could have been him!
  11. Those who have never tried cannabis are coming out in force nowadays to peach the gospel of Reefer Madness and homicidal stoners. They completely miss the understanding of the effect of THC as compared to alcohol or yaba. Drunks and tweekers kill people. Stoners listen to music, strum the guitar, and eat munchies while watching Netflix. The only time I've seen a violent stoner was when the stoner was mixing pot and alcohol. Tweekers as they degenerate become paranoid and violent. Drunks can snap anytime.
  12. Like the Thai movie Glong Khao Noi Kaa Mae. Very moving sad movie actually. In that movie the "Ungrateful Son" kills his mum because she attended temple and was late with this food, and he felt she didn't give him enough sticky-rice. He was then chained and allowed to build a shrine for his dead mother. After the shrine is complete? His head is lopped off Thai style. Fitting as the punishment fit the crime. Now? The kid will wai and say he's so sorry, and will be out of jail before the guys who sold him the yaba. The karaoke song outlines the plot.
  13. It makes one wonder how the airlines don't go bankrupt? Of course, if they go bankrupt then their friends in government will make them whole with taxpayer money. Personally I'm a free enterprise type of guy. Let them go bankrupt and allow the market to fill the vacuum with more efficient carriers. They can't even be covering their fuel costs no less their payroll.
  14. New requirements: PCR before arrival, PCR on arrival, then juggle a chain-saw, a bowling ball, and a badminton shuttle-cock while driving a motorcycle with 5 Burmese immigrants on the back while singing the entire refrain of Chaat-Thai, followed by a PCR test on day 5. ???????? Easy Breezy!
  15. Well, the tourist destinations which do offer entry with one PCR test prior to arrival and no further drama will take the tourism market share off of Thailand's greedy hands. Some people will come - smart tourist (actual tourists) will go where there is no hassle. And when tourists get use to their new tourism destinations? They won't be coming back.
  16. I already have a Covid policy which the insurer will not renew. That about says it all.
  17. More likely meth as tweekers can go into raging paranoid psychosis. Weed. If weed was involved meth probably was too. More likely a campaign to demonize cannabis prior to taking completely off the Cat 5 narcotics list. Need to instill the Reefer Madness fear into the common-folk.
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