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Everything posted by connda

  1. Only 25,000? None of them will pay the fine and every farang on AN brag that they don't pay traffic fines. The enforcement division is a Paper Tiger.
  2. Here's the problem with Thailand. At the end of the day when they create a "Driver Education Course" nobody will learn skill-sets needed for defensive driving - they'll learn not to have extra-martial sex before obtaining a licenses and to make sure to honk the horn three times as you pass a Buddhist status. And love Thailand and all it's leaders like they are fathers and mothers and respect your parents and older people. "Good job. You learn quick-quick. Now we give you license. Happy happy."
  3. Opinion: Better road safety in Thailand begins and ends with better education Most cops I see on the road don't have a clue as to basic driving skills. Basic skills like merging, looking before pulling out, using acceleration and deceleration lanes, yielding right of way, and the list goes on. Bottom line. Thais don't have the driving skills that Westerners have. Plus they are aggressive beyond belief. Nobody has any sense of courtesy. "Get Out Of My Way - I Number One - Must Get To Where I Go Quick-Quick" Oh - and there is no enforcement of traffic laws they might actually have on the books. Tickets are issued after someone been killed, not proactively. So the carnage will continue forever. And Hi-So pretty much have a license to kill. Education? That implies that there is a Thai in Thailand who has driving skills to teach others. I don't think those people exist.
  4. Good choice as at 330 THB 'tourists' are being ripped off.
  5. Dr Prasit Expects Pandemic to End I'm sure Dr. Yong will set him straight. If the pandemic ends, so does the 'vaccine' revenue and testing revenue as well as the total power government bureaucrats have to order the citizens to jump and how high to jump. The pandemic can't be allowed to end any time soon.
  6. Blame the consumer like usual. But - it's not the consumer's fault. Consumers are not responsible for what a manufacturer wraps they products in. They just buy the products. The products are wrapped in whatever they are wrapped in. If you bought from a retailer, the retailer would have unwrapped the product before putting on display. Blame the source - it's those companies who use plastic for product wrapping. They are other choices. Blaming consumers is a fool's game.
  7. Then how healthy will the lawyer remain in the future? How does he benefit?
  8. I just let the wife do the talking as I work the cramps out of my hand from signing and printing my full name on a stack of forms.
  9. Plausible deniability. "Anutin say we can grow 6 plants." Which he did.
  10. If they open CBD shops, GPO could cut their prices and quadruple their revenue on volume. Using hospitals as gatekeeper simply constrains their revenues and profits. Come-on man! Greed is good! <laughs> Open up the flood gates!
  11. So someone is creating artificial scarcity to push prices sky-high. I wonder who gets paid off to allow that to happen?
  12. Close it all down. In 2023 Pattaya can market itself as a Thai cultural ghost-town. Don't bother fixing the streets as broken streets and sidewalks are third-world norms. Just build more malls and ferry the Private Jet class from the airport to the malls in limos with blacked out windows escorted by Highway Patrol VIP escorts. If it's not a business run by a billionaire - board it up. The billionaires will save Thai tourism - promise!
  13. "Thai style" beaches in Phuket? You mean garbage littered, black sewage discharges, and tarball?
  14. "Justice for both sides." So if I machete murder my neighbors then Thailand will seek just for me - the murderer? I'll send this on to folks back home considering a trip here. "Yeah, so if you get murdered in Thailand, then Thailand will 'seek justice' for the person(s) to take your life."
  15. Actually, that's exactly what they are going to do. I'm not taking this from these English language article, but from what my wife is saying based on Thai News. Thais will get the promise Anutin made - "Thais will be able to grow cannabis like any other Thai herb." I expect that to happen. Remember: Anutin For PM. Happiness To The People!. "After the announcement, possession of cannabis will no longer be an arrestable offense, according to Public Health Ministry’s deputy permanent secretary Thongchai Keeratihatthayakon. Neither will growing marijuana bushes get you into legal trouble – as long as they were not being cultivated for industrial purposes."
  16. Mine keeps me informed of the current laws and has told me, "Gun-Cha coming soon. Wait little bit!"
  17. My take is that after it is formally legalized, even though "all parts of cannabis are legal except for those containing more than 0.2 percent" it will be next to impossible to enforce if most households are growing it for personal use. My guess is that as "possession of cannabis will no longer be an arrestable offense" the authorities aren't going to waste time trying to enforce the unenforceable. It's decriminalized. People will be able to grow it for personal use. We'll see. Sound encouraging imho.
  18. Like every single year like clockwork as nothing is done to solve the problem. Adding the annual government hot air to the mix doesn't help.
  19. Save a little for those new ganja seedlings we should be able to grow soon. Oh, and funds for munchies!
  20. We're now two years into this mess and the "experts" still don't grasp that 'flattening the curve' is actually 'prolonging the pain.' Look at the infection curve in countries that have been infected an recovered. Regardless of what health experts tell the public to do, that curve will look almost identical. So embrace it, accept it, and then lets just get over it.
  21. I had a standard mesh surgery done at Maharaj Hospital CM for 18,000 THB including two nights in a private room.
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