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Everything posted by connda

  1. I've just checked. Swansons from iHerb is less than $7 USD and the same product on Lazada is close to 1000 THB. Somebody is trying to make money by ripping off customers.
  2. Yeah, Cipro is effective but it buggers up your tendons. Used it to get rid of a case of h.pylori but then suffered knee problems for close to a year. They're back to normal and no more h.pylori issues but that's a last ditch treatment imho.
  3. What brand do you use and where do you buy it?
  4. The latter I'm sure. They should be forced to contact policy holders by courier or EMS. But I bet the regulators allow them to game the public and policy holders.
  5. Only on the conditions that the company as well as the parent company closes their businesses. Insurance companies are predatory until their own bets go bad. Then it's whining and crying and demanding the government intercedes. Regulators should not allow insurance companies to game the system.
  6. Psychopathic. Shoots four people and then goes out for drinks. Amazing Thailand.
  7. I was considering growing some tea trees/bushes but I could never find any cuttings. At $60/kilo growing your own would seem to be a good thing to try.
  8. That's another thing I've not considered. Staples like quinoa. I have to drive to Chiang Mai to buy the ghee that I like. The price plus shipping is cheaper than what I buy in Chiang Mai. I haven't priced quinoa for awhile. It looks like I might be less expensive than I could buy at a Chiang Mai health food store. The quinoa I've seen in CM are in small packages and really expensive which is why I don't buy it. Lazada prices are reasonable for sure! Thanks! Learning all sorts of new stuff today!
  9. Great suggestion!!! Thanks. Use Advanced Search an place lazada.co.th in the "Site or Domain" field. Why didn't I think of that before? Duh.
  10. I'm the same. I tend to prefer Lazada over Shopee, but Shopee occasionally has things I can't get at LAZ. As far as COD? That's the only way I order now. I used to make bank transfers but stopped after I made an order that took over three weeks to deliver. The seller simply would not ship the item and they were unresponsive to 'chat' messages. I didn't want to cancel as I probably would have had problems getting my money back. I got the package a month after ordering. So now? I buy everything COD. If I need to cancel it's not a problem as no money is involved. If the seller ships after I cancel, I keep a paper trail printout of the cancellation and just refuse the package (I've had to do that before). It's all just easier to do via COD.
  11. SHA+ is essentially a barrier to starting a business for low-class Thai entrepreneurs. These 'leaders' will use ecomonics to separate the low and middle class from participating in the New Normal Thailand entertainment scene. Anyway - I'm trying imagine what rules they implement and how they manage a SHA+ Shower Massage. Just engaging in the mental exercise is rather entertaining. <laughs> "Uhhh, could you ask Number 23 to take off her mask for a moment? Ekk no! - Girl-mustache!!! How about Number 42? Ahh much better!"
  12. SHA+ (Safety and Health Administration) Nightlife New Normal is the equivalent to putting makeup and lipstick on a pig carcass. It's dead - bury it an move on. Like to Mexico. I really don't care much. Life out in the rice fields and villages is pretty much the same as it's always been except for wearing masks, and even that is beginning to wear thin. And for those bi-monthly trips into Chiang Mai? Traffic and parking are now manageable when I need to do shopping at the pharmacy or at Kasem market or if we are visiting friends. I sort of like New Normal Old-Town Chiang Mai. Very mellow nowadays. I used to have fun at the bar scene 10 years ago. Village life now appeals to me more.
  13. One of our junior officers was known for his cunning performance at a "Peso Show" in the Florida Club on Magsaysay. He was well respected by the rank and file. Normal guy. Approachable and a hell of a good officer. Yeah buddy, Olongapo, Barrio Barretta, and Subic City back in the day. Fun and memorable times!!!
  14. I remember reading about that when the new UCMJ rules came out. I was just shaking my head. It's about mandating morality. Take a bar girl out and have some fun and its The Brig, half your pay, and reduction in rank. F***ing absurd. It's taking 'uniformity' to extremes. They only want obedient clones who have been emasculated and neutered. I can only imagine the level of morale nowadays. Like I said - I'd never recommend the military to anyone unless it's a means to an end such as preparing for a civilian maritime job or a job as a mercenary. Get in, get your experience, and then get out.
  15. Back in the 1980s during shore leave? Maximum Fun and Enjoyment. Even the Zeros loved their shore leave. And back then the junior officers often would hang out with us enlisted pukes. Now you are correct. The current Navy is more like it's Soviet counterparts that we tracked 35+ years ago. The Officers are all politically correct and risk adverse. Good military officers and mavericks are culled, eliminated, and discharged. Unlike the Soviet Navy, the US and allied ships don't need 'political officers' onboard as the current crop of politically-correct officers have been selected from an ongoing cull based on their adherence to new-normal, woke political agendas as apposed to their leadership and military abilities. I am very glad I served during the Reagan era when we actually had support from the very top (White House) to the bottom of the authority hierarchy. And those at the top understood that a well functioning Navy allowed it's members to occasionally have fun and blow off the steam that is built up after weeks if not months at sea or deployment. If you have ever been deployed an actively underway and sailing for two or more months - you know exactly what I mean. And double for combat soldiers in 'hot zones.' Military members need R&R and Shore-Leave. Not anymore it seems. My grandfather (Army), father (Army Air Corp), myself (Navy), and my daughter (Army) all served in the military. I wouldn't recommend military service to my grandkids or any other youth of today. It's a dead-end unless you are a political animal.
  16. In the New Woke Navy the current sailors would get Non-Judical Punishment (NJP) if they did anything that we did during shore leave 35 years ago.
  17. Masks, social distancing, no alcohol, no bars, no night-life, no girls, no fun. Arrange lots of ASQ taxis to take sailors on Temple Tours and then on to the Malls.
  18. As long as this provision remains, at least at a personal level it will be "Smoking gun-cha to get high is illegal" <wink wink> If villagers can grow 6 plants for "personal use" then enforcement will become unenforceable. They'd need an entire police force dedicated to walking from house to house testing THC levels in plants. It will be defacto decriminalized. They'll still bust people attempting to sell it in bulk.
  19. That's a show killer and always will be. It is NOT quarantine free. And if a tourist has a positive PCR - Covid Jail for 10 days and an expensive bill as they walk out the door. Why bother. Go to Mexico or Portugal.
  20. You're more optimistic than I. I expect them to treat Songkran like New Years. Official 'celebrations' will be in roped off enclaves where only those who are fully vaccinated (whatever that means by April), masked, doused in alcohol gel, and properly distanced may participate - and oh yeah - No Throwing Water. Squirt guns and "Play Water" will still be illegal as will bars and night-time entertainment. In my humble opinion by the time Songkran 2022 rolls around Thailand will still be under the boot of medical and bureaucratic officialdom and their insistence that the commoners 'do the right thing' and 'obey the rules.' Personally I don't see this returning to any semblance of normal until 2025, and actually probably not even then. In March 2020 an article in the MIT Review promised the plebs that there would be no going back to Normal. I have no doubt that IS the agenda. By the way, if you read the original article, "We're not going back to normal," dated March 17th it foreshadowed exactly what happened before it happened. Exactly. E.g., It stated ahead of time that small businesses and the like would be destroyed. And that's what happened. So the folks at top have already told you that you will never see "Normal" again. You can bet on it. You will never see normal again: "This isn’t a temporary disruption. It’s the start of a completely different way of life." "Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are." -We’re not going back to normal, Gideon Lichfield, MIT Review Hello Medical Apartheid. https://web.archive.org/web/20200318161226/https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615370/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing-18-months/
  21. Pedestrian bridge: the safe place to cross. These bridges are placed across roads that are too dangerous to cross at street level.
  22. I believe you are correct about other surrounding countries opening sooner and taking the market share of tourism away from Thailand. I disagree that Thailand will "open up" as the people at the top driving this agenda are elite power junkies. It wasn't that long ago that Thailand was a feudal state with the people at the top lauding over the peasants. That form of governance is still cherished imho and making the little people dance to the elite's tune is built into the fabric of this country. The elite envision Thailand future as a country of masked, obedient plebs who bow down and obey rules. Unfortunately that's never going to be conducive to foreign tourism. Here's one sure sign that Thailand is about to open up. When you see the talking heads, game show actors, and talk show host finally take off their mask - then Thailand will begin opening back up. As long as those people are masked and muzzled - things ain't gonna change.
  23. Not to mention the 100+K bill you're going to be handed after being incarcerated in Covid Jail quarantine if your PCR ever returns positive plus the 10+ days of lost time. The only people I personally can see coming to Thailand are those like you and I: Those of us with family or those of us who have homes and assets in Thailand. Why a 'tourist' would subject themselves to the expense and well as the uncertainty of being forcefully locked up? There are way too many other vacation locations to travel to that do not have these types of draconian regulations and unnecessary expenses. I can not fathom what draws anyone here given the regulations, expense, uncertainty, and the fact that most of what people used to come here for has been destroyed by government edict. This place is a shell of its former self. I drive through Chiang Mai and all the vibrant little shops, markets, as well as Walking Street are - Gone! <poof>. Most of our personal friends who had businesses in Chiang Mai have gone out of business, and the stretches of boarded up shops in the Thapae/Loi Kroi/Changklan/Old-Town area is simply a testament to government over-reaction and lunacy. "Little business not essential!" As long as people are forced to wear face masks, take multiple Covid tests, adhere to draconian mandates regarding movement and business operations (like shutting down certain selected segments of society and businesses), and cringe fearfully every time Dr. Yong and friends take the podium - this will never end and tourism will never return except for the trickle of vacationers who can't grasp that Thailand is nothing like its former self. <period>
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