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Everything posted by connda

  1. Testing is 'worldwide.' Forced incarceration into a Covid Prison is not. Most testing positive worldwide are required to isolate but are not forced by police to isolate in a high-priced Covid hospital or quarantine facilities. That seems to be relatively unique to Thailand as it's a money maker for certain connected industries. For whatever reason, this fact seems to go right over people's heads until they pop positive on a PCR and are escorted to their prison for 10 days and handed an inflated bill on the way out the door. "We didn't know!!!" Well, people should have done their due diligence before booking the vacation.
  2. But that's exactly what the totality of Thailand would do if it was one of their citizens in the US or UK under similar circumstances. Westerns are routinely held to a different standard, especially by Thais.
  3. Get through all of the paperwork and Covid testing just to meet the Thai version of Freddy Kruger at Nightmare on Soi Sri Lanka Street. Way way way too many foreigners end up murdered, dead or severely injured here. If Mr. John had been a Thai in the US the talking heads would be screaming bloody (racist) murder on the World News. But here in Thailand? It's a shoulder shrug and a "Oh hum." How amazingly sad. RIP and I hope the other fellow recovers.
  4. And virtually all of those who come will be uttering, "We didn't know we'd be put in a Covid Prison if we tested positive," as they are enjoying their stay locked up in an expensive hospital. Especially those forcefully separated from their kids. I don't see how anyone in the right minds comes here with The Sword Of PCR-Testing dangling over their heads by a horse-hair. No less bringing their children too. <head shake>
  5. It's not the Test And Go part of the procedures that keeps my friends in the US from making their annual visits to Thailand. It's the Test and Incarcerate In An Expensive Covid Prison which has put the brakes on their travels. They'll show up again when No Test - Just Go returns, i.e., Old Normal - if it shows up. As long as they are jamming swabs through tourists noses and throwing them in Covid prison if they don't like the results, nobody I know is gonna come under those conditions. I wouldn't either.
  6. Already masked? Then you're perfectly outfitted for February in Chiang Mai and the North. N95 masks? Even better. Don't understand farang? You will when you get here.
  7. Just like the "Good Old Days" of Thai Stick. My interest is pretty limited. It's effective for insomnia and I've had problems with insomnia for years. Benzo's are effective too but long-term dangerous. Pot? A couple of tokes before bed and Bob's your uncle. It may make my new hobby of guitar playing more interesting too. Like someone else said, "Drunk Thais end up in brawls with machetes; stoned Thais end up forming a band."
  8. However - when people begin to grow their six plants per household, and I assume most will, then it will be next to impossible to enforce a .3% THC limit. Is some government official going to walk around house to house testing THC levels in plants? No. This essentially decriminalizes possession and use. Like Kratom, we'll grow some plants for personal use once it's legalized.
  9. They'd be difficult to distinguish from the 20% of Thai drivers who drive slow and erratically anyway. Either that or 20% of Thai drivers drive stoned right now. Pulls out from the left, places two tires on the shoulder and two tires on the lane and drives 20 kph for 2 kilometers before pulling out and pushing passing cars out of the lane. So 20% goes to 30%. Same same.
  10. You forgot "politicians", "predatory bankers" and "predatory corporate executives." ???? I hear what you're saying. When I apply it to myself though? Well, I'm not a psychopath or sociopath as I'm on the side of the common man always rooting them on with compassion and hopes for them to succeed and live happy fulfilling meaningful lives. Guess I must be a nihilist? That's probably true in a way, but not for the same reasons as professed by Western Nihilistic philosophy. What would look like Nihilism on the surface on my part is actually a world-view honed by Eastern philosophy and universal morality. Western Nihilism = Life has no meaning Eastern Nihilism = There is no real self It's a bit different. Easy to explain at the 100,000 foot level, difficult to comprehend.
  11. In my world you wouldn't feel shame at failing to score. You would feel motivated to analyze what you had done incorrectly, what you could have done to make your performance better, make a game plan to improve, and then take the steps necessary to implement your improved playing strategy. Even the best of the best never 'win' 100% of the time. But the best of the best do learn from their mistakes and improve their game which makes them the best of the best! Shame will never make you a better player. Shame is an anchor which will drag you into the depths of despair. Winners don't drown in despair - they improve their game.
  12. I disagree with that. Guilt (and shame) is in fact a form of psychopathy which sociopaths and psychopath use to control and manipulate their prey and victims. There in nothing more malleable then a person wallowing in guilt and shame. They can be made to do all sorts of thing right up to murder and genocide in the name of the moral narrative that they have been fed and have accepted into their lives. Nihilists could give a rip.
  13. Have you ever been shamed? Shamed by friends, family, society etc? No - shaming is a part of certain cultures and sub-cultures (even rather newly developed sub-cultures) that I personally was not raised in. "Shaming" is performed by people who believe they hold the moral high-ground which is in fact highly subjective. So to be 'shamed' I'd have to acquiesce to someone else's illusion of moral superiority. Now Thais? They play the shame-game because they know they can literally get away with murder with a wai and an apology. I was raised to take responsibility for my actions. That doesn't mean publicly sniveling.
  14. Learn to live with SARS-Covid-2 and return to Old Normal pre-2014. That would be a start.
  15. Netflix. The company that lost 22% of their stock value yesterday. That Netflix. Hummm. I wonder why? ???? Called ‘Midnight Asia: Eat · Dance · Dream’, the new documentary series exclusively on Netflix is about a night-time journey through six iconic Asian cities – Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, Taipei, Mumbai, and Manila – and the food, art, night entertainment venues, and subcultures that help make each of them some of the world’s most fascinating metropolises. So they will be using pre-2020 archive footage to reminisce about the "good old days" as opposed to filming the current caricatures of what these New Normal cities actually are now? So it's a History documentary? ????
  16. G-R-E-E-D. Feed the rich and starve the commoners. You notice that over the last two years the wealthy have gotten more obscenely wealthy and now they devise new ways to extract blood out of rocks.
  17. Papaya? You can't give papaya away where we live. We probably have a dozen producing trees ourselves.
  18. Each to their own. I respect your opinion. But personally, I'd rather be around people only smoking pot that people who are only drinking. The difference in aggressive energy is massive. Alcohol and crimes of violence tend to share common ground, as do marijuana and a good pizza. ???? I don't smoke cannabis in Thailand because of the illegality. The crime ain't worth the time in a Thai prison or putting my Thai family in jeopardy by getting kicked out over something as ludicrous as enjoying some cannabis. Instead it's been an occasional drink. If they decriminalize it? Then I'll have an occasional spiff. I'll leave the drinking to others. It works wonders for insomnia and no hangover. As you stated, everyone is welcome to their opinion.
  19. They shut the pubs and clubs and decriminalize pot. Jealous alcohol proponents thinks it's all unfair no doubt.
  20. Civil aviation in the US seem to believe otherwise. Well - wait for the first crashes. I guess it's not a problem until it is.
  21. Amazing Thailand - The government destroyed the tourism industry, but they worry about "illicit travel businesses and guides" <slide whistle/cymbal crash> Maybe decoded that actually means - 'we need to make sure only connected businesses get the limited revenue generated by a handful of tourists who didn't get the memo that Thailand is essentially closed. I hope nobody planned to getting a beer at a pub or anything illegal like that! Heavens "No!"
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