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Everything posted by connda

  1. Why are there so many haters on this site? ???? Would that make you a "Hater's" hater? Why are there so many "haters" here that keep complaining about those who criticize Thailand's "democratic" model and various flaws while praising their own systems warts and all? Now, I don't consider people who criticize the status-quo to be "Haters." The word, "Hater", itself is a hate-filled pejorative meant to demean the object of it's own criticism. Example: I don't like your criticism therefore I consider you to be a "Hater." and the fact that I've called you a "Hater", defacto, makes you a Hater. Personally, I don't see things that way. Where you see a "Hater", I see another human with a viewpoint which is possibly (probably) different than mine. But nowadays with these current generations, if you criticize a person or a topic of discussion, or a counter-narrative - than those who disagree just scream: "Hater!!!" at the top of their lungs. And now that that opinion has been labelled as "Hatred" and it's authors as "Haters!" their viewpoints have been summarily dismissed and rejected. When it gets really silly is when we just decide that we hate all "Haters" including ourselves. That's sad but I see it. A lot. Now I don't hate myself, but I've lived long enough to watch generations after my own generation embrace self-hatred and self-loathing. I find that self-hatred and self-loathing to be a curious thing. Sort of self-flagellating in an unhealthy sort of way. My guess is that before 2030 some idiots who hate mes, you, them, they, ours, yours, zi, zer, snap-crackle-and-pop, and anyone different then themselves will set off a nuclear holocaust that ends the existence of everyone who doesn't have a pre-assigned living quarters in a very deep bunker. And I also consider that hilarious as it's the stuff that was the fodder for thematic fiction written by guys like Kurt Vonnegut. And it's about to become reality imho because too many people find a reason to "hate." "My hatred is a virtuous hatred," these folk will say. "My hatred supports the current - thing; the current narrative; the current authorized hatred!. My hatred supports the Party's hatred. Therefore my hatred is actually - Love." Lordy, lordy - there be the shades of Orwellian fiction, 'eh? But? Vonnegut was always more my 'type' of fiction. Pitch-black humor with no punches held back. "Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time." Amen that!
  2. As usual, everything about "Education" in Thailand ends up as hot air. Thailand wants indoctrination centers where kids will magically learn STEM. But learning STEM requires effort on the part of the students and skill on part of the teachers. At the end of the day, all they end up with is the same indoctrination centers that they have now with a lot of lip-service paid to actual learning.
  3. The strict Muslims want alcohol to be criminalized as well. And pork too. Religions should have sway over their adherents. If you're Muslim? Don't drink alcohol, don't use cannabis, and don't eat pork. And I fully support that. But as a non-Muslim, I don't need or want my freedoms and liberties dictated by those who follow a religion that I don't follow.
  4. Say's whom? Really. Whoever is playing this card has ulterior motives. Most Americans want to be left alone to pursue the American Dream. Then perhaps their are a 1/3 out there who want to destroy America and everything America stands for.
  5. Reefer Madness 2.0 is upon us. I agree. Now that we have have addressed THC, now let address the abject abuse that alcohol addition cause. Then you can use the same restrictions on both.
  6. What was the price after a positive <deleted>-test?
  7. As the supply increases exponentially, the prices will drop in turn.
  8. Hey Mike. I started that a few weeks ago in the beginning of June. I contacted CharlieH because I too thought that at one time there was a "What are your reading" link. CharlieH said there was not but I could start one and if there was enough interests he'd pin it. It seems quite a few members are interested in books and reading so CharlieH pinned it in under Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life. Please contribute your thoughts and what you're currently reading for us 'book-worm' types. I often prefer reading to watching shows on TV or movies.
  9. I think she is right. You've been here too long and you're now milking the system. I'm sorry, but I live here in Thailand and I support a Thai wife and extended family and I've play by all the rules for the last 15 years. You want to remain in Thailand due to "Covid." I have to agree - you've outspent your welcome here and there is nothing keeping you from leaving. Want to stick around. Go home and come back on a tourist visa. Or marry a Thai and have the finances that allows you to remain in the Kingdom. Or find another place to hang out. Vietnam, Cambodia, PI, Mexico. "Oh I can't leave because of Covid!" Sure you can - go to Mexico. They'll welcome you with open arms. As a reason to stay in Thailand? Covid is worn out.
  10. What an interesting article on, oh so many levels.
  11. Keep saying that over and over. Anutin For PM!
  12. Your girlfriend is a real dog. <laughs> Just joking. I've got 7 of them with 4 bitches. I ???? my pups.
  13. A lot of people eat that way. But I agree. I don't think it's a healthy way to eat. Processed fast food is not healthy unless you indulge in moderation. There is some junk food I like (caramel-corn) but I moderate my junk intake with is offset with homegrown fruits and veggies and on occasion and nice slab of pork tenderloin or fish.
  14. I live well under 50k THB a month. More like 40K THB. We own our own home and are debt free other than monthly credit card debt which I pay off the same month I incur the debt - basically buying things from the US with a credit card. Now, just because I live on less than 50K THB a month doesn't mean that all my money is tied up in living expenses. My core expenses with utilities and food probably don't amount to 20K THB a month. All the extra disposable income gets banked or invested. People who love writing about stuff like this are doing little but trying to compare d*** sizes and claiming yours is bigger than mine. It juvenile. Even with inflation setting in, people like myself can live an extremely rich and full life on very little. I don't need to drive a status symbol, or own a house the size of an apartment building (I've rented from people whose living spaces were a large as the the four story apartment building with 30 apartments that their mansion was attached to, I don't need Gucci, I don't buy useless status c**p like bling for myself (I've bought bling for my significant other). Bottom like. You can still live for well under 50K, or 40K, or 30K. Comfortably. I don't need a 20 million THB estate in a gated community or a stable of luxury cars. Or a mia noi. For those who can't cut it on 50K. Too bad. You should reassess you priorities imho.
  15. Motorists beware! Points system in operation next year - lose all your points and licence suspended 3 months How many points are taken away for driving without a license? How many Thais drive with a license in the first place?
  16. Thaksin warns of ‘Bangkok model’ in next elections, questions planned foreign land buying law being considered by Prayut How much land in foreign countries does Thaksin own outside of Thailand. I sense hypocracy rising to the surface.
  17. I know how to solve it all. First, tax the commoners into poverty with 'carbon' taxes. Second, destroy the supply chains for food and start starving the commoners. Third, start a world war. If enough carbon and methane producing humans can't be culled - they go to nukes. Once out of the nuclear bunkers, the world will be "Wilded" with radioactive resistant plants and animals. Hope that radioactive resistant humans are not waiting at the doors of the bunkers when these change agents exit their bunkers.
  18. Yep! I've been there. "Hummm. Check the gas canister. Nope? Hummm, <Open refrigerator door> Gag. "Ah-ha. Wifey's durian."
  19. Odorless durian for those who hate that smell! That's analogous to having sex without an orgasm. What's the point? I can't stand the smell, but I can tell you whether or not my wife will like it by its smell. So in the name of marital harmony, I put up with the smell on occasion. I guarantee my wife would turn her nose up to odorless durian or any other odorless fruits.
  20. None of that is a necessity. It's up to the family. My wife doesn't want that all the pomp and circumstance. Neither do it. Pop me in a casket, get the US paperwork cleared, then shake and bake.
  21. It's in my will was well as my living will. If that doesn't cut it? Really - why would I care. I'm dead. But - I expect my family to follow Thai tradition and will end up in the village's easy-bake oven.
  22. The Ministry of Public Health has announced it will convene a meeting with Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt to discuss plans for reducing public activities in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Translated: We are going to destroy tourism and the economy because we've done in for the last two years and it worked so well that we think we'll just keep it this way forever.
  23. Best of luck. In America, you can find porn in the typical left-wing progressive middle-school libraries of American schools. That's the sign of a sick society that thrives on debauchery. So, here in Thailand? Don't let it happen.
  24. BDSM? Taken over the top. I can't fathom what people get out of that although I can understand the type of person who would engage in that activity. Elite, privileged. Psychopaths. Plenty of those around. An act of love between two people (or even more than two people) is an amazing thing. There is beauty to it. BDSM? It's evil. It's an abomination. And people end up dead. Like those unable to control the environment. Those who benefit? Psychopaths. Satanists. People bereft of humanity.
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